The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 162 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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I spent some time on the phone today with a doctor from the CDC. He told me to get N95 masks and wear them everywhere. I already wear them at the clinic. You can draw your own conclusions about what to do.

I will follow his advice.
@Drlee But... but... a Hollywood celebrity with no medical knowledge knows someone who told him not wear a mask! Whoever should I listen to when it comes to medical information? Should I listen to a doctor, or an idiot? I am stumped!


Godstud wrote:@Drlee But... but... a Hollywood celebrity with no medical knowledge knows someone who told him not wear a mask! Whoever should I listen to when it comes to medical information? Should I listen to a doctor, or an idiot? I am stumped!



I know. I am left conflicted.

What should I do? Maybe do what the zillionaire football player did and get fake covid cards. He should be banned from the game forever and his contract cancelled. He is after all perfectly fine with killing his teammates.

By the way Omicron is in several states now. Within a couple of weeks it will be all over the place.

To any of our POFO friends who have not been vaccinated. Do yourself a favor. If you can't bring yourself to openly having the vaccine, get it in private and tell all your friends that you have not had it. It is one thing to die of Covid-19. It is a really bad disease even in the young. It is quite another to die of abject stupidity.
Godstud wrote:@QatzelOk :lol: Oh no! I mis-spelled a name! Pfizer. Phizer... I like how I spell it better. Yes, me mis-spelling Pfizer completely supports your argument that the vaccines are experimental. :roll:

Find me more Youtube videos of idiots with no medical or scientific knowledge telling us all about what they think. Do you usually consult with Hollywood celebrities about medical issues? :lol: Is this you going back on everything you ever said about media telling us what to think and that you weren't going to get brain-washed?


If you click on that video, you won't see Joe Rogan. You will see "brought to you by Pfizer" after several news shows that are commonly seen by unsuspecting people (the emoticon set) like yourself.
Lol the video is about Russell Brand talking about how noted moron Joe Rogan is angry because CNN said he went to his doctor to get horse paste. Pfizer hates horse paste, so they unleashed their dog (CNN) on him. Now podcasters are angry that they're not being taken seriously for using a horse dewormer that has no efficacy against COVID to treat themselves.

Rogan is a comfortable moron I really don't care about his struggle.
Rogan is a comfortable moron I really don't care about his struggle.

:lol: :up:

Drlee wrote:I spent some time on the phone today with a doctor from the CDC. He told me to get N95 masks and wear them everywhere.

He has good reason to specify N95 masks, the masks so many are mandated to wear are pretty much useless.

And for why so many are less than enthused about mask mandates and "follow the science," there was Biden caught maskless--again--shopping in a store with a big sign mandating masks, S.F. Mayor Breed caught maskless--again--at another night club, Pelosi caught maskless--again--at a crowded indoor event at DC, whose tickets all stated that masks were required, and Jerry Nadler, who's happy to go on masking power trips in the judiciary committee in front of C-SPAN cameras, not so much when hanging with Democratic friends:


And for the Wuhan virus's Three Blind Mice (Fauci, Birx, and Redfield), here's a book review of Scott Atlas's eyewitness account of his time on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. From the review:

Fauci got the most media attention of the troika, but Atlas thinks that Birx did the most damage. As Pence’s chief subordinate on the Task Force, she shaped its agenda, participated in the regular “Covid huddle” with White House officials, and traveled the country, successfully pressuring state and local leaders to issue mask mandates and close businesses and schools. In one of Atlas’s first meetings with her, he asked her what she considered the strongest scientific evidence for the efficacy of masks against Covid. She cited a report published by the Centers for Disease Control about a hair salon in Missouri, where two stylists infected with Covid had worn masks that supposedly prevented the virus from infecting their customers.

“I knew the study well,” Atlas writes, “having already dissected it in detail with a few epidemiologists before I set foot in Washington. My colleagues had all laughed at it. It was poorly done, and the conclusions were not valid. It was an embarrassment that it had been published prominently on the CDC website.” Among the many limitations of this small study, critics had noted that, while none of the customers contacted by the researchers reported Covid symptoms, most of them were never tested for the virus, and many of the stylists’ customers were never contacted at all.

Atlas tells how he tried, “in as diplomatic a way as I could muster,” to discuss these limitations with Birx, but she bristled. He soon realized that she wasn’t even familiar with the basic aspects of the study she was using to justify mask mandates across the U.S. Nor did she or the rest of the troika show interest in the many far more rigorous studies with contrary findings. Though Redfield would later concede, after leaving the CDC, that there was a “paucity of data” to justify mask mandates, during the Task Force meetings the troika refused to debate any scientific research challenging their mask mandates and lockdowns, according to Atlas. “Unlike scientists with whom I had worked for decades,” he writes, “I never saw them voice any critical assessment, methodological or otherwise, of the pitfalls of any published studies.” Atlas says that they never brought scientific papers to the meetings and declined to respond to his presentations about the research.

“For what I anticipated would be a data-filled discussion about opening schools and the risk to children,” Atlas says, “I brought approximately fifteen different studies and a summary sheet of the research. For what I hoped would be a discussion about testing guidance, I brought and distributed articles and other documents about the role and pitfalls of PCR testing and concerns about cycle thresholds. Even though I handed out a number of these published studies to everyone at the table, no one ever mentioned them in the Situation Room. My guess was that no one in the Fauci-Redfield-Birx troika ever opened them.”


Atlas’s book is obviously a one-sided account and at times lapses into self-righteousness. But his portrayal of the troika—a better term might be the three blind mice—rings true, both because of the details he provides and because it jibes with what he and they were saying (and not saying) publicly throughout the pandemic. It may seem incredible that the troika would violate a fundamental principle of public health by ignoring the devasting [sic] collateral damage of their policies, yet they never even pretended to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. “Perhaps the most remarkable insight in the Fauci email trove,” Atlas notes, referring to the thousands of emails from Fauci that were made public, is “the total lack of mention of harms from the lockdown throughout the pandemic.”
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lol the video is about Russell Brand talking about how noted moron Joe Rogan is angry because CNN said he went to his doctor to get horse paste. Pfizer hates horse paste, so they unleashed their dog (CNN) on him. Now podcasters are angry that they're not being taken seriously for using a horse dewormer that has no efficacy against COVID to treat themselves.

Rogan is a comfortable moron I really don't care about his struggle.

I cued the video to the exact second where you see a series of news shows that we all know, and they are all "brought to you by" Pfizer.

Russel Brand reveals just how much Big Pharma gives the media in the form of advertising revenue. Money gives money to media, so media has to make nice-nice to money.

Let me use math to make it clearer to some of you who don't get language and syntax.

if advertising money = Pfizer

then editorial headline = "A nice company made a nice vaccine for everyone!"
They did make a nice vaccine for everyone. I was very happy to get my Pfizer vaccination, they make a quality product.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make. Are you saying the vaccine does not exist and they just shot me up with saline? That would be false advertising, which I agree with you is wrong.
SpecialOlympian wrote:They did make a nice vaccine for everyone. I was very happy to get my Pfizer vaccination, they make a quality product.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make. Are you saying the vaccine does not exist and they just shot me up with saline? That would be false advertising, which I agree with you is wrong.

I read a nice comment on CBC news that suggested that CBC should hire more conspiracy theorists to predict what the elite will force everyone to do next.

In the commentor's opinion, this is what MEDIA was supposed to do, but hasn't in a long time. Tell us what the rich have in store for everyone else.

Of course, they have money to hire lots of social media contributors to drop their vaccine hasbara into all the important corners of the web.
QatzelOk wrote:I read a nice comment on CBC news that suggested that CBC should hire more conspiracy theorists to predict what the elite will force everyone to do next.

I wonder if you realise that you yourself have fallen foul of corruption of information that you claim others have fallen foul of from following media norms?

I like you Qatz and you bring something different to this forum, so this isn't meant to be a challenge to your convictions. But the rise of polarisation and extreme thought isn't linked to the News but Social Media. That is to say the crazy lunatic on his soapbox can now broadcast his inner feelings to other lunatics who then can attach his feelings onto their Facebook feed for others to enjoy. So the solution isn't to hire more crazies and expand their outlets but to regulate the media as it is now and most definitely regulate social media far better. Besides, there was a time when good journalism was all about exposing government corruption. Now in the US at least it seems news is all about ratings. Which I guess is why 90% of US news is merely opinion pieces of extremism.
B0ycey wrote:...the rise of polarisation and extreme thought isn't linked to the News but Social Media.

You're right. The News Media is like, "everyone stay calm and get your injection."

They miss any story that might provoke a revolution of any kind.

Your text suggests that polarization and "extreme thought" (extreme thinking?) are bad.

But, seeing as how we are at the end of a type of civilization, and that "extreme thinking" is required to ensure that at least some of our species survives... perhaps you should rethink your opinions on the role of social media, and of "talking to people" in general.

Is preventing social change (and forcing everyone to take experimental drugs that cost a lot of money) really the most important thing for media to be doing right now?
QatzelOk wrote:You're right. The News Media is like, "everyone stay calm and get your injection."

They miss any story that might provoke a revolution of any kind.

Your text suggests that polarization and "extreme thought" (extreme thinking?) are bad.

But, seeing as how we are at the end of a type of civilization, and that "extreme thinking" is required to ensure that at least some of our species survives... perhaps you should rethink your opinions on the role of social media, and of "talking to people" in general.

Is preventing social change (and forcing everyone to take experimental drugs that cost a lot of money) really the most important thing for media to be doing right now?

By and large, I have no issue with people choosing not to be vaccinated. I also don't care for lockdowns or covid passports. Everyone in my nation above 12 has had the opportunity to be vaccinated, if they choose not to still they assume the risk and we as a society move forward. So it isn't like I am against everything you write and I do agree Big Pharma have a stake in this and have no interest in stop beating the drum. But.........

Vaccines are safer than Covid and reactions to the vaccine are a million to one.

So what role does social media play with fake news and false narratives? As it turns out, quite alot. You think you are ammune to fake news because you don't trust the government? Nothing can be further from the truth. You don't trust state sources so you trust the sources that counters those narratives. Have you thought that perhaps both sources are untrustworthy? Which is why I have always based my opinions on stats, not words.

So yes, social media is dangerous. And yes I think polarisation is bad. I understand that social media should be used as a source of information and that it can be useful to educate. But not everyone is agendaless. And conspiracy theorists most definitely have an agenda. So I don't see why we should make their job easier by spreading BS news on CBS. What we should do instead is improve media legislation and prevent fake news to begin with.
B0ycey wrote:By and large, I have no issue with people choosing not to be vaccinated. I also don't care for lockdowns or covid passports. Everyone in my nation above 12 has had the opportunity to be vaccinated, if they choose not to still they assume the risk and we as a society move forward. So it isn't like I am against everything you write and I do agree Big Pharma have a stake in this and have no interest in stop beating the drum. But.........

Vaccines are safer than Covid and reactions to the vaccine are a million to one.

So what role does social media play with fake news and false narratives? As it turns out, quite alot. You think you are ammune to fake news because you don't trust the government? Nothing can be further from the truth. You don't trust state sources so you trust the sources that counters those narratives. Have you thought that perhaps both sources are untrustworthy? Which is why I have always based my opinions on stats, not words.

So yes, social media is dangerous. And yes I think polarisation is bad. I understand that social media should be used as a source of information and that it can be useful to educate. But not everyone is agendaless. And conspiracy theorists most definitely have an agenda. So I don't see why we should make their job easier by spreading BS news on CBS. What we should do instead is improve media legislation and prevent fake news to begin with.

You just regurgitated a bunch of commercial media narrative, and then say you feel uncomfortable with *other information* that is only available on non-commercial non-mass non-corporate media.

Cult members (who are denied outside-world information) often feel uncomfortable talking to non-cult members. Talking to non-cult members can also be called "social media."

Myself, social media bothers me for a different reason: it's too stupid, and reveals just how functionally illiterate and submissive most people seem to be.

On the other hand, it's the only place to get sincerity and a variety of opinions and narratives. And these things are essential in avoiding being brainwashed by large state actors, like giant corporations who are used to brainwashing everyone for profit.
QatzelOk wrote:You just regurgitated a bunch of commercial media narrative, and then say you feel uncomfortable with *other information* that is only available on non-commercial non-mass non-corporate media.

Cult members (who are denied outside-world information) often feel uncomfortable talking to non-cult members. Talking to non-cult members can also be called "social media."

Myself, social media bothers me for a different reason: it's too stupid, and reveals just how functionally illiterate and submissive most people seem to be.

On the other hand, it's the only place to get sincerity and a variety of opinions and narratives. And these things are essential in avoiding being brainwashed by large state actors, like giant corporations who are used to brainwashing everyone for profit.

It is true that Social media is a useful tool for a variety of opinions. If only those opinions were motiveless. :hmm:

As I said, you aren't ammune to propaganda by ignoring state TV. I haven't said we should only listen to state TV in any case. What I have said is for an informed opinion, you will need to do some research yourself. Look at the stats, not the words. We are not having a pandemic of people dying from vaccination, but you might find a freak case where someone has and then jump on that as if it validates your opinion on anti vaccination somehow. Does that mean we shouldn't promote vaccination so you feel more comfortable? Well given it seems that vaccination is the only way we can move forward as a functioning society, I will let you make your own mind on that.

If only people swallowed this type of fear porn for road deaths, how clearer the air would be if they chose not to drive to spare that fate. :hmm:
@B0ycey Road deaths? :roll: Don't start parroting that QatzelOk stupidity. People use cars all the time and road deaths aren't actually that high in the USA, given that over a hundred million people a day use them. Not everyone gets Covid-19 every day.

@38,000 Americans die in vehicle related accidents every year. Scary, right?

A study conducted by the Consumer Affairs Agency based in part on these statistics estimates that around 19,000 people lose their lives every year in accidents while bathing.

OMG!!! Should the USA ban bathing? Can you honestly talk about road deaths with any sort of conviction, now?

Vaccinations, as you said, @B0ycey, are the only way forward, and they are an inexpensive one compared to lockdowns.
Godstud wrote:@B0ycey Road deaths? :roll: Don't start parroting that QatzelOk stupidity.

Don't worry. It was merely a similarity rather than an advocation. If we reacted on deaths rather than stats, we would have to wrap ourselves in bubble wrap.
B0ycey wrote:It is true that Social media is a useful tool for a variety of opinions. If only those opinions were motiveless. :hmm:

As I said, you aren't ammune to propaganda by ignoring state TV.

You're right. Social media requires a lot of advanced education (about media) to navigate - just like real life does.

And I totally agree that a lot of social media is propaganda. And moreover, a lot more of it is second hand commercial propaganda.

Just look at the emoticon-filled suburban-dummy propaganda above.

suburbia wrote:@38,000 Americans die in vehicle related accidents every year. Scary, right?

Of course it's not scary, you suburbanite, you. You need your car, so death on the road is gentle and caring.

The narrative in that post is a perfect example of how the suburbanite's exposure to **dummy media** (in his SUV, in the bungalow) creates dumb social media posting and dumb opinions. In suburbia or in a car, you are vulnerable to commercial propaganda, so the penetration can get pretty deep.

And create information like this:
8) :roll: :D I listen to commercial media a lot
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