Joe Biden is letting babies go hungry in America - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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BlutoSays wrote:Trump is much more middle of the road than you could ever give him credit for.

jimjam is much more conservative than your myopic brain can ever give him credit for. I simply prefer listening to intelligent representatives of conservative thinking such as William F. Buckley rather than today's "conservatives" such as Fatso and yourself who delight in worshiping money and wallowing in empty political nonsense.

BlutoSays wrote:What's fun though is that you can hardly post anything without mentioning Trump. This I enjoy. Immensely.

And I enjoy (immensely :lol: ) the endless talk show simple minded shit that you and Donald posit endlessly. You are both quite entertaining. Windbags like you and I are a dime a dozen and i don't take much very seriously now that i approach my end game. I come here for fun and entertainment.

I am 77 years old and consider myself very lucky to have lived in America during the good years before the Republican party devolved into a hate mongering front outfit representing lying con artists of all shapes and sizes led by the greatest fecally incontinent con artist of all time. I have eleven grandchildren and i fear greatly for the future that awaits them .............. my generation is leaving them a disgusting mess. I will most likely miss the worst as i will soon be wrapped in the arms of the angel of death.

Well Pluto you may not have me around for the Summer. It's too damn hot here in south Florida AND my air conditioner just blew up. in two weeks i retreat to my personal Nirvana by the ocean in Maine for the Summer and am considering leaving my computer in Florida.

BTW ............. how old are you :lol: ?
BlutoSays wrote:Trump is much more middle of the road than you could ever give him credit for. Fact is, you have moved way the fook out in to left field.

This is plausible. I thought supporting Trump and the recent political development on my side of the world had made me far right, but when I retook the alignment test around the end of Trump's presidency I was still regarded as in the middle.
jimjam wrote:
jimjam is much more conservative than your myopic brain can ever give him credit for. I simply prefer listening to intelligent representatives of conservative thinking such as William F. Buckley rather than today's "conservatives" such as Fatso and yourself who delight in worshiping money and wallowing in empty political nonsense.

Well Pluto you may not have me around for the Summer. It's too damn hot here in south Florida AND my air conditioner just blew up. in two weeks i retreat to my personal Nirvana by the ocean in Maine for the Summer and am considering leaving my computer in Florida.

Republicans are radicals now, which is the opposite of conservative. If there is anything less conservative than trying to go from a democracy to an authoritarian government, I don't want to know what it is..

The weather is getting better up here, 60s and 70s. The farm markets have cranked back up, we're going to ride our bikes over to the Cumberland farm market this morning. Sometimes they have a farm that sells beef from Scottish Highland cattle. It's just a wee bit gamey, and I like it.
Steve_American wrote:
So, Lurkers, please note that Bluto blames Biden for a problem that Trump should have fixed. The problem is, fundamentally, the problem of regulatory capture. It is endemic in our system because the corps have too much power because the USSC made their personhood include getting involved in politics and said money is how they exercise their free speech rights. Thus legalizing bribery. Note that it is easy for politicians to move campaign contributions to their own pockets by getting kick backs or forming a company that does (for example) TV ads and then hiring that comp. to do the politician's own ads.

This is not Biden's fault. It is Chief Justice Robert's fault.

Republicans cut funding for regulation, and fought against reform. Clinton tried to bring our food standards up to the 1970s, Republicans kept that from happening.

Having said that, the Biden administration was too slow to respond. But dealing with 3 major crises while dealing with a party that is mostly concerned with sabotage doesn't help.

The manufacturing is too concentrated in a few companies. That's another one of the underlying problems.

Which means there is plenty of blame to go around, but let's not forget that it wouldn't have happened at all if Republicans didn't keep throwing monkey wrenches into the works.
Steve_American wrote:OK, I read the chain of tweets. OK, the corp made a series of assertions that proved it was not to blame for the deaths.
1] In a court of law the other side gets its say and to question the other side's witnesses. Both of these ways to help us know what the truth is are lacking from those tweets. Meaning we have not reached any level of proof yet.
2] In any case, Biden is not the cause of any errors made by the FDA in this case. If the FDA closed a plant that was not dirty or contaminated, that is on the FDA, not Biden. I'm positive the FDA didn't ask Biden for permission to close the plant. It just did it, because that is what it is supposed to do in a case like this.
3] The evidence I've seen asserts that the plant had been contaminated for several years, most of which were under Trump. I've also seen reports that the FDA has had budget cuts so the FDA is under staffed so it can't do its job; this is the fault of Congress and goes back to at least Obama and the Repub controlled Congress he had to work with.

Why did I have to paste the series of tweets to you? Was your stream of news not going to tell you these FACTS? (FACTS because they can be presented in court as evidence under discovery).

The FDA need not take four months to do a paperwork goat rope. Diagnose it and get it fixed. Remember, sixty years ago we went to the moon. Long before many of today's advancements and technology. Why does everything take so long to unscrew? It's not by accident.

I'm tired of your assertions. They're completely off base. You can't even hide your agenda, since you're dripping with so much love for collectivism. You could never admit the FDA or any government organization is partially at fault; it would warp your view and probably give a stroke. This government is bigger than ever, and gets less and less done. There's little value in it. It's a jobs program for those who can't do anything else. That's not by accident either.

Government is not agile. It's screws up everything it touches. Why? Because it's too damn big with too many levels of managers. There's no incentive to unscrew themselves. The pay checks just role in for the silly servants.

When companies become in-agile, competition plows them under. Not the same for Uncle Sham.

Why Good Companies Go Bad

BlutoSays wrote:(FACTS because they can be presented in court as evidence under discovery).

I hand it to you Sonny You have an active mind and sometimes deal in half truths which, to your closed mind, seem to give you license to fill in the other half with whatever propaganda is rattling around in your remarkably prejudiced mind at the moment that gets you through the night. I think back to when we first "met", it didn't take long for us to get to a point of disagreement at which time you reached into your bag of "facts" that assured your comfort. You immediately attributed all sorts of "facts" to describe me. Leftie, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Trotskyite. I was impressed by the active and wide range of your imagination.

Have you ever listened to William F. Buckley? He is very intelligent, conservative and.... :eek: ...... polite. I doubt you could hear him out for long before labeling him a Commie.

So, Ronnie Raygun is your hero. I thought he was definitely leadership material and i agreed with some of what he said but certainly not all.

My hero was F.D.R............. he looked out for the little guy and the little guy knew it. Not to mention getting us through WW2 and a depression. Leadership material in spades.

You strike me as having an intelligent brain allbeit seriously lacking in wisdom and eager to latch onto the seductive propaganda of the moment.

How old ARE you :lol: ?

That's all for now. My a/c is still out and it is a hot humid bitch here. Tomorrow, for $6400, I'll get a top line a/c put out by Johnson Controls installed.
jimjam wrote:jimjam is much more conservative than your myopic brain can ever give him credit for. I simply prefer listening to intelligent representatives of conservative thinking such as William F. Buckley rather than today's "conservatives" such as Fatso and yourself who delight in worshiping money and wallowing in empty political nonsense.

And I enjoy (immensely :lol: ) the endless talk show simple minded shit that you and Donald posit endlessly. You are both quite entertaining. Windbags like you and I are a dime a dozen and i don't take much very seriously now that i approach my end game. I come here for fun and entertainment.

I am 77 years old and consider myself very lucky to have lived in America during the good years before the Republican party devolved into a hate mongering front outfit representing lying con artists of all shapes and sizes led by the greatest fecally incontinent con artist of all time. I have eleven grandchildren and i fear greatly for the future that awaits them .............. my generation is leaving them a disgusting mess. I will most likely miss the worst as i will soon be wrapped in the arms of the angel of death.

Well Pluto you may not have me around for the Summer. It's too damn hot here in south Florida AND my air conditioner just blew up. in two weeks i retreat to my personal Nirvana by the ocean in Maine for the Summer and am considering leaving my computer in Florida.

BTW ............. how old are you :lol: ?

I wish I could visit the state of Maine once in my life. I have never been there. But I am curious about it since it is the home state of Stephen King and it is close to Canada...and icy but lovely cold coast of a state. Maine Lobster, and a lot of fishermen who don't fish anymore. I have never known that state. Which cities do I recognize mentioned in Maine jimjam? Bangor, Maine, Portland Maine, and some others. Here is a video.

jimjam wrote:I hand it to you Sonny You have an active mind and sometimes deal in half truths which, to your closed mind, seem to give you license to fill in the other half with whatever propaganda is rattling around in your remarkably prejudiced mind at the moment that gets you through the night. I think back to when we first "met", it didn't take long for us to get to a point of disagreement at which time you reached into your bag of "facts" that assured your comfort. You immediately attributed all sorts of "facts" to describe me. Leftie, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Trotskyite. I was impressed by the active and wide range of your imagination.

Have you ever listened to William F. Buckley? He is very intelligent, conservative and.... :eek: ...... polite. I doubt you could hear him out for long before labeling him a Commie.

So, Ronnie Raygun is your hero. I thought he was definitely leadership material and i agreed with some of what he said but certainly not all.

My hero was F.D.R............. he looked out for the little guy and the little guy knew it. Not to mention getting us through WW2 and a depression. Leadership material in spades.

You strike me as having an intelligent brain allbeit seriously lacking in wisdom and eager to latch onto the seductive propaganda of the moment.

How old ARE you :lol: ?

That's all for now. My a/c is still out and it is a hot humid bitch here. Tomorrow, for $6400, I'll get a top line a/c put out by Johnson Controls installed.

There's no room for politeness anymore with the DNC and its affinity groups tipping over statues, setting buildings on fire and plenty of other violence when they don't get their way.

I've seen William F. Buckley. Great debater. Did he deal with democrats accusing Nick Sandman of racism (later quietly retracted when the damage ran its course)? Did he deal with democrats accusing the border guards of whipping migrants (disproven)? How about democrats impeaching Trump twice only to find out the whole Russia narrative was a DNC hoax to weaken his presidency, like everything else democrats did for four years? No, democrats deserve no peace or civility.

Reagan was a democrat before he became a republican.

But unlike FDR, he didn't lock up 110,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps and take away their property (see Korematsu vs. US, 1944). He didn't appoint Hugo L. Black as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court - read about his colorful past! He didn't outlaw private gold ownership by US citizens. FDR also talked about packing SCOTUS. And I'm sure you know about the shipload of jews that Hitler sent to the US only to be refused entry by FDR in 1939, which were later exterminated by Germany? But at least FDR had a backbone on war footing, unlike today's democrats which will let just about any country walk all over us as long as they give money to the DNC.

If you like FDR, I recommend "The Forgotten Man", by Amity Shlaes.

You should have asked me - I would have steered you toward an American Standard HVAC system - built like a Trane (same company), but not quite the price.

Apologies jimjam - I suffer from one ailment: I have a memory like an elephant. :D
Tainari88 wrote: wish I could visit the state of Maine once in my life. I have never been there.

Wow! It would be so nice to have you and your husband as our guests in Maine. We are only there in Summer. You are welcome. There, that was the easy part. Now we have to figure the logistics :hmm: I'll talk more tomorrow. Now i must go to bed early. here are 2 pics: :hmm: Casco Bay ..... my back yard (you can see a tiny lobster boat in the upper left) and the burning of the mortgage. My grandparents came from Hungary where it was a custom to burn your mortgage ..... asap. ps my grandfather was a Greek Catholic priest.......

Last edited by jimjam on 23 May 2022 03:39, edited 1 time in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@BlutoSays

What is a regulation, as opposed to a law?

How are regulations devised?

Which regulations are responsible for the current crisis?

Regulations are devised by unelected bureaucrats at the whim of party apparatchiks (with grifting, gifting and back slapping)!

Consult the 80,000 plus pages in the federal register created to hinder and make us uncompetitive in a global economy.

Yikes! It might be even more: ... egister-2/
BlutoSays wrote:Regulations are devised by unelected bureaucrats at the whim of party apparatchiks (with grifting, gifting and back slapping)!

Consult the 80,000 plus pages in the federal register created to hinder and make us uncompetitive in a global economy.

Yikes! It might be even more: ... egister-2/

None of that was created to hinder or to make the US uncompetitive.

Yes bluto things are not perfect. But what's your solution?

Money should be taken out of politics and law making. Are you proposing serious reforms?

In order to get tings done you need some sort of organization, a bureaucratic organization which does not come without it's attendant problems. But the alternative is what doing nothing?
@jimjam I watched this classic debate of James Baldwin versus William Buckley Jr. I of course felt James Baldwin won that debate greatly. His speech is timeless. Buckley's sounds like an arrogant man with dated attitudes that have not withstood the test of time. That Buckley questions Baldwin's 'English language' proficiency is highly racist. I never liked Buckley. But at least he understood thoroughly a lot of Leftist philosophy. We now have a bunch of men and women who argue against ideas they never studied before. Or know either. It is not only boring? But it is really disappointing for the purpose of debate. That is to learn from conflict. Make conflict a source of learning. You can't do that when people never study any of the concepts they disagree with. ;) :lol:

I have fun talking with you Jimjam. You never disappoint. I am going to Colorado. I might make it to the East Coast. But I am not sure. Maine is someplace I never have had a reason to visit. But if you are there? I might wind up doing a video call. :)

They still are shooting Black people for being Black and time has passed....but the intolerance for the poor and the minorities...has not gone away.
Tainari88 wrote: I am going to Colorado. I might make it to the East Coast. But I am not sure. Maine is someplace I never have had a reason to visit. But if you are there? I might wind up doing a video call.

Now you have a reason.

Try to come in person ........ we can cruise around Casco Bay with Captain Bill :)

You are one of the most intelligent people i have "met".
BlutoSays wrote:Regulations are devised by unelected bureaucrats at the whim of party apparatchiks (with grifting, gifting and back slapping)!

So, the regulations involved in preventing bacteria in baby food are not essential and only serve to enrich capitalists?
Tainari88 wrote: I might wind up doing a video call.

This is likely the most practical option. You could join myself and Captain Bill on a cruise around Casco Bay via video. You are still welcome in person but that is a big chore for you. Let me know.
BlutoSays wrote:the DNC and its affinity groups tipping over statues,

O.M.G.! Tipping over statues :eek: And I thought Obese Donald turning his mob of treasonous zombies crashing through the U.S. Capital building in an attempt to over throw the constitution was bad.
jimjam wrote:This is likely the most practical option. You could join myself and Captain Bill on a cruise around Casco Bay via video. You are still welcome in person but that is a big chore for you. Let me know.

My husband adores the water. So do I. Maine is how far from Denver. Let me check? Wow. 32 hours of driving. Those are three days of driving. Probably getting on a plane is cheaper.

How many states would I be driving through? 10 states. That is a lot of states. But it will be in the summertime. The summer is kind of fun. I did not really enjoy Indiana. I hate to say it but Iowa and Indiana are boring states to drive through.

New York the rural part is super pretty in the summer.
A comic book illustrator is making waves for portraying 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden as a soulless zombie that survives by sucking the life force from children. :hmm:

Oh ....... and did you hear that the 2020 election was stolen by Biden .... :lol:

What I found interesting about Donald's stolen election farce is that all along it was Fatso himself who was attempting to steal the election :eek: . Rule of thumb in interpreting blather emanating from our fecally incontinent former prez is that whatever he sez ...... the opposite is the case.

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