Gunman kills 19 children in Texas school shooting - Politics | PoFo

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An 18-year-old gunman opened fire on Wednesday (AEST) at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, about 130km west of San Antonio, killing 19 students and two adults.
US authorities identified the shooter as local Salvador Ramos, who was believed shot dead by law enforcement officers. ... 18538360ab

The Perp:

One of the victims:

I for one welcome the impending civil war when Bidet tries to take away the ability for parents to gift rifles to kids, and 16 year olds to buy guns at local 7-Eleven with no background checks. 50 Senators oppose ending this practice, after all guns are as american as apple pie. Have one sitting on a window sill at every home just in case, warmed up ready to go.

So sad what a shit hole. Whatever happened to a little regulation? 3 million registered gun owners here in kangaroo cunt land, me included, we ain't shooting up shit. In fact the only mass shooting in this country occurred courtesy of a literal shut in retard with an IQ of 65, who got his gun from dad, and it was economically motivated.

No, flat out bans don't work.

Just keep tabs on who buys what so brainlets and kids have a harder time equipping themselves for mass slaughter. Criminals will always get a hold of unregistered firearms, but they tend to shoot other criminals not schoolkids.

Brazil levels of failed state.
So, he killed his grandmother first :hmm: . They then put a BOLO on him and he ends up at his old elementary school and shoots up a bunch of kids. Many weapons found in the car…so it does appear like he was planning a rampage..not to mention his creepy social media posts.

Anyone else have something to add to this tragedy?
ness31 wrote:So, he killed his grandmother first :hmm: . They then put a BOLO on him and he ends up at his old elementary school and shoots up a bunch of kids. Many weapons found in the car…so it does appear like he was planning a rampage..not to mention his creepy social media posts.

Anyone else have something to add to this tragedy?

He got his gun arsenal from daddy for his 18th birthday. Motive unclear, probably just a spaz.
FACT: Nothing will be done about this until it starts affecting corporate profits.

The constitution names the right to own a gun, but it does not enumerate the right to sell one.

Legislation that bans the sales of guns to civilians is the only feasible way to get around the second amendment. A general boycott and/or general strike against all corporations and the arms industry specifically is the only way to save our children.
Igor Antunov wrote:No, flat out bans don't work.
Except that all the studies and evidence demonstrates that they DO work, in conjunction with good gun laws.

A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works ... l-evidence

Of course, if you're Igor, or a spokesman for the NRA, then you dismiss this without thought.

USA: The only country in the world where schoolkids are taught how to evade gunmen. :knife: :*(
ness31 wrote:
I think what Americans fear is that slow, never ending regulation where you can’t own a weapon at all. It’s not an irrational fear

You are correct, it's insane, which is a few steps past irrational.

Just so you know, long time ago, I was a NRA member. They disgusted me, and they are a lot worse now.
late wrote:You are correct, it's insane, which is a few steps past irrational.

Just so you know, long time ago, I was a NRA member. They disgusted me, and they are a lot worse now.

And I won’t judge you for your past mistakes lol.

But as an outsider looking in I think, why would a population consent to something if they know what the end result is likely to be? Never ending regulation where guns are outlawed.
ness31 wrote:
And I won’t judge you for your past mistakes lol.

But as an outsider looking in I think, why would a population consent to something if they know what the end result is likely to be? Never ending regulation where guns are outlawed.

You've never lived in a civilised country, have you.

It's nice.
late wrote:You've never lived in a civilised country, have you.

It's nice.

After all the deep and meaningful conversations we’ve had about tea, I can’t believe you would think that of me ;)
ness31 wrote:I think what Americans fear is that slow, never ending regulation where you can’t own a weapon at all. It’s not an irrational fear.
It IS irrational. What do you need a gun for?

Self defense? Oh yeah, you can call the police.

Easy access in case you want to commit suicide?

Handy around so children can shoot you or themselves?

The 2nd Amendment was made at a time when the country had just gone thru a revolution and wanted to prevent a takeover from outside, again. The days are long gone when a "well trained militia" is necessary, in a country with arguably the most powerful military in the world.

There are obvious reasons why countries with more limited access to guns also have far less shootings.

late wrote:You are correct, it's insane, which is a few steps past irrational.
Better to have a gun and put children at risk, than to NOT have one, and not.

ness31 wrote:But as an outsider looking in I think, why would a population consent to something if they know what the end result is likely to be? Never ending regulation where guns are outlawed.
Completely logical in a modern state where you don't need a gun.

late wrote:You've never lived in a civilised country, have you.
QFT. Americans don't realize this until them live somewhere else, or travel. 50% of Americans don't have passports.
"The F.B.I. released alarming data showing a rapidly escalating pattern of public shootings in the United States on Monday, one day before the massacre in Uvalde, Texas

The 2021 total represented a 52 percent increase from the tally of such shootings in 2020, and a 97 percent increase from 2017

The Gun Violence Archive recorded 693 mass shootings last year, with 28 involving four or more fatalities." ... -data.html

Death Cult.
late wrote:"The F.B.I. released alarming data showing a rapidly escalating pattern of public shootings in the United States on Monday, one day before the massacre in Uvalde, Texas

The 2021 total represented a 52 percent increase from the tally of such shootings in 2020, and a 97 percent increase from 2017

The Gun Violence Archive recorded 693 mass shootings last year, with 28 involving four or more fatalities." ... -data.html

Death Cult.

I bet you could rustle up some data on climate change, re-arrange it a little, and label anyone who doesn’t agree with it as being in a death cult :D
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