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Tainari88 wrote:But @wat0n schools in the USA are the epitome of great education, safety, and parent involvement. It is all about well-educated kids regardless of how rich your hood is or how much taxes your parents pay to the school district. The USA believes in equality and justice for all.

Ave Maria Chico...if you don't get how horrible that system is because it is based on what zip code you reside in? You won't get it ever.

How is the school system to blame for what gangs do?

If anything they are proactively reacting to that reality.
wat0n wrote:How is the school system to blame for what gangs do?

If anything they are proactively reacting to that reality.

No tienes esperanza chico. No entiendes. You are a hopeless man. You don't get what the connection is between zip codes and destiny in education. It is supposed to be the means for people being able to get out of their bad situations. Not a reproduction of a proven to fail class-conscious society.
Tainari88 wrote:No tienes esperanza chico. No entiendes. You are a hopeless man. You don't get what the connection is between zip codes and destiny in education. It is supposed to be the means for people being able to get out of their bad situations. Not a reproduction of a proven to fail class-conscious society.

Oh that I understand. Yet it happens everywhere, even in places like Sweden or Denmark.

The real question is if the system is taking steps to correct or at least diminish the problem.
wat0n wrote:Oh that I understand. Yet it happens everywhere, even in places like Sweden or Denmark.

The real question is if the system is taking steps to correct or at least diminish the problem.

The USA system is far far behind Sweden and Denmark. The best system for education that has the best scores for achievement in academics is Finland. They have almost entirely only publicly funded public schools. The USA should reproduce that successful education system. They don't. Why? They believe in inequality. They don't believe in fairness or in equal access to quality education regardless if the parent is a janitor or an engineer.

They believe in privileged bullshit. If the USA had half the investment in public education and the training that many of the public systems in Sweden, Norway, and Finland do? We would be far far better off in the US system than we are. But they don't. They don't have the public will or the political will, they believe in a horrible curriculum proven to fail and they believe in not paying teachers well. Period.
wat0n wrote:And the US has it a lot less than many other countries, especially compared to Latin America.

Latin America is way way behind in education especially dealing with rural communities. Mexico until recently did not have any high schools in the majority of its smaller rural townships.

The huge investment the USA had in public education and publicly funded universities is one of the principal reasons the USA pulled ahead in technology, science and financial expansions all over the world. But? Now the name of the game is about EQUALITY. That is the key to a great education. Equality.

Listen to what the Finnish system is up to with their kids? Do the Finnish citizens believe in ignorant BULLSHIT? Like to be a good Finn? You need to speak Finn only and believe in a lot of lack of diversity and everyone please do the lowest common denominator work? NO. But the USA is into a lot of really ignorant practices. The good school districts with excellent funding and well-paid teachers and great RESOURCES pull ahead of the districts with low-income workers and people who have a hard time finding a grocery store with fresh produce in them. Why?

INEQUALITY. If you believe in right-wing conservative separate class systems @wat0n (especially in publicly funded education? You believe in FAILURE and COLLAPSED SOCIETY. Because that is what it boils down to. Corruption, crime, widespread poverty and disorganization, instability, and unrest. Just by failing to give a just and equal education to all. Just that failure leads to problems that are ENORMOUS. And costly. Ignorance is very very expensive for society. But if you got selfish, greedy, and ungenerous class snobs who believe in not giving the poor an education? A good one at that? You got FAILURE.
I got a kick out of Beta O'Rourke giving those white "good ole boys" hell in Texas. Piss on them "good ole boys" in Texas. They are the reason why this massacre happened. We have seen time and time again where kids are just gunned down in cold blood and these asswipes just want to make excuses and let it happen over and over and over again instead of doing their jobs and passing tough gun regulations that would stop these massacres from happening in the first place. I mean, you know, these guys just don't give a fuck about human life at all, you know? Give 'em hell O'Rourke and piss on them.
Last edited by Politics_Observer on 25 May 2022 21:26, edited 1 time in total.

Some of these clowns end up killing themselves or being killed during the shootings. The "good guy with a gun" didn't work either because the shooter in New York had body armor and was hit multiple times by gunshots to no effect. When is the federal and state governments going to step up and do their job in ensuring public safety from gun violence?
Last edited by Politics_Observer on 25 May 2022 21:30, edited 1 time in total.
Scamp wrote:We should make a new law.
Anyone who does a school shooting gets hanged the next day.
These school shootings would stop after the first few hangings.

Doubtful. A lot of these clowns that do this, go in with the belief they will not get out alive.
Tainari88 wrote:Latin America is way way behind in education especially dealing with rural communities. Mexico until recently did not have any high schools in the majority of its smaller rural townships.

The huge investment the USA had in public education and publicly funded universities is one of the principal reasons the USA pulled ahead in technology, science and financial expansions all over the world. But? Now the name of the game is about EQUALITY. That is the key to a great education. Equality.

Listen to what the Finnish system is up to with their kids? Do the Finnish citizens believe in ignorant BULLSHIT? Like to be a good Finn? You need to speak Finn only and believe in a lot of lack of diversity and everyone please do the lowest common denominator work? NO. But the USA is into a lot of really ignorant practices. The good school districts with excellent funding and well-paid teachers and great RESOURCES pull ahead of the districts with low-income workers and people who have a hard time finding a grocery store with fresh produce in them. Why?

INEQUALITY. If you believe in right-wing conservative separate class systems @wat0n (especially in publicly funded education? You believe in FAILURE and COLLAPSED SOCIETY. Because that is what it boils down to. Corruption, crime, widespread poverty and disorganization, instability, and unrest. Just by failing to give a just and equal education to all. Just that failure leads to problems that are ENORMOUS. And costly. Ignorance is very very expensive for society. But if you got selfish, greedy, and ungenerous class snobs who believe in not giving the poor an education? A good one at that? You got FAILURE.

What makes you believe countries with a good educational system have people who are less prone to believing in bullshit? For example, Western Europeans are more skeptical than Americans about something as important as vaccination despite often having better educational systems. Ironically it's the people from poor countries who tend to be most in favor of vaccination.

It's about time you stop this anti-American bullshit. Yes, anti-American since all the world's ills seem to come from the US to you.

Scamp wrote:We should make a new law.
Anyone who does a school shooting gets hanged the next day.
These school shootings would stop after the first few hangings.

Many want to suicide by cop.
wat0n wrote:And again, why are there some districts effectively allowing strangers go inside their schools? This shit doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm sure there is the "never me" sort of attitude in a lot of these districts.
wat0n wrote:This isn't even about guns, by the way, someone could have gone and kidnapped or stabbed a kid and the problem would remain.
It is, since people aren't going into schools with knives and killing people.

As for limiting people who enter schools...

Schools have hundreds of students and teachers and staff cannot possibly know who is a relative of a student, and who is not. They do limit this, within reason, of course. Are you proposing armed guards in front a school? That'd be an American response to a preventable problem.

Don't deal with the problem. Deal with the symptoms!

Godstud wrote:It is, since people aren't going into schools with knives and killing people.

As for limiting people who enter schools...

Schools have hundreds of students and teachers and staff cannot possibly know who is a relative of a student, and who is not. They do limit this, within reason, of course. Are you proposing armed guards in front a school? That'd be an American response to a preventable problem.

Don't deal with the problem. Deal with the symptoms!


Just have a fence and a gate, and require strangers to buzz in. That's it. This is clearly something a guard can do, like with any building.

Can you enter a random school in Thailand without being asked who the hell you are?
wat0n wrote:Can you enter a random school in Thailand without being asked who the hell you are?
Yes, you can. Their schools are far more open air and modular, with you walking outside to go to different classes. I am sure if you wandered around someone might come and ask if you needed help, with anything.

They also don't have school shootings.
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