Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - Page 254 - Politics | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:Just yesterday, saw a clip from CNN (i think). Some sort of general talking about the eastern front. Said the rail lines to Kramatorsk are in danger, and if the russians destroy/take those, it's "Game over". Literally used the word "game over"

Other commentators seem to concur with Igor, in that Russia will slowly but surely eat Ukraine.

There are some other commentators that are cautiously optimistic.

BY no means is anyone claiming "Ukraine will definitively win and drive Russia completely out." Which is the made up belief Igor and company have about the western media. THey probably aren't paying attention to it, and just making shit up.

People put too much emphasis on tactical successes of both sides. Russia can eat away as long as it pays a heavy price for each bite.
Rugoz wrote:People put too much emphasis on tactical successes of both sides. Russia can eat away as long as it pays a heavy price for each bite.

The sole fact that they are starting to use T-62s shows that Ukraine overall strategy is working. The retired general flying a plane also indicates that. Russia is slowly loosing resources and running out of basic means to wage war so they substitute them with sub-par solutions going from T-90s, T-80s and T-72 modified to T-72 not modified to T-62s and so on.

Russia produced around 250 tanks annually without western sanctions on the industry this includes refurbished models. Not sure how many of those 250 are produced from 0. Last time i read on the subject, it was around 50.

What is 250 to 50 tanks for this war? Like a month of fighting. If you believe Ukranian numbers then they already destroyed 5-6 years worth of tank production for Russia. Now that number is true if you consider the old numbers before the war of production and the new numbers will be much lower. The rate of casualties went down slightly but Ukraine is killing a lot of tanks overall so roughly 1 month of fighting in Ukraine = 1 year worth of Russian production right now for just tanks.

But even under the most strictest measures of confirmation where there needs to be a picture for destroyed tank then Russia lost AT MINIMUM 3 years worth of production.

Note that 250 tanks per year figure doesn't mean that all 250 went to the army. Large chunk of them were produced for export.
Rancid wrote:Russia has raised the army age limit to 50.

It'll be a kind of Soviet retro war, people born and raised in the USSR will operate Soviet technology from the 60s. Putin really means to re-Zovietize and must be into Cold War nostalgia, I wonder if there'll be a West and East Ukraine and West and East Kyiv as well.

Rancid wrote:Russia has raised the army age limit to 50.

"How long before Russia send a brigade of babushkas into Ukraine?" :lol:

"It is time to stop worrying about sparing Putin’s feelings. That is the mind-set that led to the invasion of Ukraine in the first place.

Russia transgressed before — the invasion of Georgia in 2008, the seizure of Crimea in 2014, the bombing of Syria beginning in 2015, the attack on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the poisoning of dissidents in the West — and the West never really cracked down because of the assumption that we had to do business with Moscow.

Enough mollycoddling. Russia must suffer such a devastating defeat that it will be many decades before another Russian leader thinks of attacking a peaceful neighbor." ... efire-war/
Reading this topic I am pretty sure that "no information" brings more clear understandings of the situation in Ukraine than this shower of biased media products from both sides.
JohnRawls wrote:The sole fact that they are starting to use T-62s shows that Ukraine overall strategy is working.

Those ancient T-62s might be used to supply the LNR/DPR forces. They get all the garbage (yes, those are ww2 rifles).

Rugoz wrote:Those ancient T-62s might be used to supply the LNR/DPR forces. They get all the garbage (yes, those are ww2 rifles).

So? LNR forces are the Russian army mixed with forcefully mobilized people. They would give them t-72s if they had some to spare but they don't.
JohnRawls wrote:So? LNR forces are the Russian army mixed with forcefully mobilized people. They would give them t-72s if they had some to spare but they don't.

No, they're ethnic Russian and ethnic Ukrainian Ukrainian militias fighting Kiev. They're used as support troops often cleaning up or keeping UA positions pinned while Russian artillery and armored spearheads punch through defensive lines. They have limited mobility and armor, have always operated old equipment and have always been geared for defensive operations, having fought the Kievan regular army since 2014 in a defensive war. They don't engage in direct advances across open terrain, they trail behind and only help offensively with sieges.

Here are some in a recently liberated town:

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By Drlee
Igor Antunov wrote:No, they're ethnic Russian and ethnic Ukrainian Ukrainian militias fighting Kiev. They're used as support troops often cleaning up or keeping UA positions pinned while Russian artillery and armored spearheads punch through defensive lines. They have limited mobility and armor, have always operated old equipment and have always been geared for defensive operations, having fought the Kievan regular army since 2014 in a defensive war. They don't engage in direct advances across open terrain, they trail behind and only help offensively with sieges.

Well this is simply not true. Everyone who is surprised, raise your hand.
Drlee wrote:Well this is simply not true. Everyone who is surprised, raise your hand.

Leave it to an American to be utterly ignorant of that regions history. These men and their ancestors have lived in Donbas for longer than the US has existed, resident muppet.
American knowledge of other cultures and history is vast, only it gets canceled by greed and violence of American foreign policies and geostrategic interests.

Basically, the USA is a neanderthal of international relations:*USA eeeeat, USA sleeeeeep, USA crash, USA take, USA poop, USA install bases, USA occupy...."
Igor Antunov wrote:No, they're ethnic Russian and ethnic Ukrainian Ukrainian militias fighting Kiev. They're used as support troops often cleaning up or keeping UA positions pinned while Russian artillery and armored spearheads punch through defensive lines. They have limited mobility and armor, have always operated old equipment and have always been geared for defensive operations, having fought the Kievan regular army since 2014 in a defensive war. They don't engage in direct advances across open terrain, they trail behind and only help offensively with sieges.

Here are some in a recently liberated town:

So who is attacking Avdeevka and constantly suffering huge losses since day 1 of this conflict? It doesn't matter how you want to coat it but the reality of things is that if Russia had T-72s to spare then it would give them that but they don't so they are getting T-62s.
I watched a live report from the Donbas on Sky News International last week. The correspondent was going on about how disgusting it was the Russians were shelling residential areas. By chance, she met a resident and asked him what he thought. He soon put her straight and told her to stop talking rubbish: the Ukrainians were shelling the town.

The look on her face was priceless.

Needless to say, that interview was not shown on a loop.

^ oh look, more vranyo :)

Back to reality

"Russia is considering a new law that would hand 20-year prison sentences to battlefield defectors and others who volunteer to fight for foreign armies – the latest sign of President Vladimir Putin’s growing alarm at the state of his invasion of Ukraine.

The new bill introduced by leaders in the State Duma – the lower chamber of Russia’s legislature – would add penalties to the existing criminal code for those who participate “in an armed conflict, hostilities or other actions with the use of weapons and military equipment on the territory of a foreign state for purposes contrary to the interests of the Russian Federation,” according to translation of the proposed text.

The most grievous violators, including those who contribute to raising a militia that would operate outside Russia or indeed against its military, could face as long as 20 years in prison and fines exceeding 2.5 million rubles, or roughly $40,000.

Several Kremlin watchers familiar with inner workings in Moscow tell U.S. News the introduction of the bill reflects growing concern among Russian elites of the rates of defectors on the battlefield in Ukraine, along with reports that hundreds are volunteering to join specialized units in the Ukrainian army composed of disaffected Russian citizens.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, they say leaders in Moscow believe the law will help control the domestic population.
“Russia has seen significant brain drain over the past three months,” Colin Clarke, senior research fellow at the private intelligence firm The Soufan Center says. “The longer the war drags on, the worse it looks for Putin, and thus, the more he will seek to control the population and the information environment within Russia.”

“This could be a sign that the Kremlin is increasingly concerned that the war is becoming ever more unpopular domestically,” Clarke adds.
British intelligence reported this week that Putin has grown frustrated with the performance of his battlefield commanders and his top military advisers, firing some and distancing himself from others.

But among the most discomforting factors facing the Kremlin is a new, specialized Ukrainian army unit known as the Freedom of Russia Legion composed of Russian defectors. Established weeks after Russia’s invasion on Feb. 24, legion leaders said earlier this month that they receive hundreds of applications to join each day.

“There are a lot of people who want to,” a Russian representative said during a press conference organized by Ukraine’s Interfax news agency on May 4.
“Our legion also includes our Belarusian brothers. Our legion includes active and retired military of the Russian Federation and otherwise,” another soldier said. “People come from different countries to fight the Putin regime.”

The unit has subsequently posted several videos to its Telegram channel that it claims depict forces capturing Russians operating in Ukraine.

The Guardian reports hundreds of thousands of Russians have fled their homeland since Putin ordered the invasion, including intellectuals, journalists and other activists – but noted that few among Russia’s political or business elites have directly and openly criticized the Russian leader and the war.

“I want to go to the place where I can defend my homeland with a weapon, I’m trying every day,” one expatriate in Kyiv told the paper. “I am never going back to Russia.”
Those numbers, however, are expanding."
Germany is the most pathetic country in Europe and do not deserve to be the leader of EU or Europe. They are spineless idiots that didn't learn much from their WW2 experience besides that Holocaust was bad and shouldn't be repeated. Anyways, the situation stands as such right now:

ingliz wrote:I watched a live report from the Donbas on Sky News International last week. The correspondent was going on about how disgusting it was the Russians were shelling residential areas. By chance, she met a resident and asked him what he thought. He soon put her straight and told her to stop talking rubbish: the Ukrainians were shelling the town.

The look on her face was priceless.

Needless to say, that interview was not shown on a loop.

No doubt there are some Russian TV watcher who believe the propaganda garbage.

Overwhelmingly though people in Donbas don't want to be "liberated" by Russia. 65% want the same status in Ukraine as they always had, 35% some degree of automony within Ukraine. Only 4% want to be part of Russia in any way or form.

That's for the government-controlled areas (in 2019). For the separatist-controlled areas it's different, but there's still a majority for remaining a part of Ukraine.
Source: ... vey-124849.
Western media continues to put out the idea that Ukraine will eventually have to cede territory. They have been saying this a lot in the last week. In fact, they are basically predicting it now (which is certainly a possibility of course). They are repeating this so often to the point that Zelensky asked the west to shut the fuck up with that kind of talk. Clearly, western media is more pessimistic than Ukrainians (80%+ don't want to give any land up) and the pro-Ukraine people on this thread.

So.. where is this western media that claims "Ukraine will win" that @Igor Antunov, @Independent_Srpska, and @Rich are saying exists? Where is this so called western media propaganda? My guess, you are all making this assumption without actually paying attention because it fits whatever dumb shit points you want to make.
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