Did the man really "rape" her if she didn't immediately leave him? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Would you find the man guilty of rape in this situation?

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Puffer Fish wrote:If the woman stayed with him, it suggests that whatever happened (if something even happened) wasn't too terrible, and should not be seen as constituting rape.
Fuck off. You're just a rape advocate.
ingliz wrote:@Puffer Fish

A hypothetical:

If your wife dons a strap-on, ties you to the bed, and fucks you in the arse after you have said, repeatedly, "Please, Mummy don't it hurts," has she raped you?


But what if Mercury and Saturn were aligned with the Libra constellation at the time? What then? :eh:

EDIT: Also, I see that the forum's strap-on/pegging discourse has increased by 31%. :up:
My conclusion is that if a man has to be worried about being accused of rape by his girlfriend the man needs to find out why he is such a horrible lover and an asshole. He needs to find out if he needs to go and spend money on some sex therapist talking about, ¨How to please a woman sexually. You got a lot to learn dude. You need to understand that you are not there by yourself. If she is not happy because you are a fool that doesn't know what you are doing? And she has no boiling passion for your dud in bed self because you are a selfish fool, who only wants to rape a woman because it is the coward's way out? Then you need to spend some $$$$ on sex therapy and a psychologist. You got problems.¨

You need to get some tips from the men who actually know how to get a passionate response from the woman. If you can't and sit around trying to justify rape? You probably have a total lack of intelligence with the sexuality aspect of your own life. Get a sex life Puffer Fish!

You need more of this romantic stuff and less talk of rape Puffer Fish! :lol:
Puffer Fish wrote:If the woman stayed with him, it suggests that whatever happened (if something even happened) wasn't too terrible, and should not be seen as constituting rape.

It could also be taken as evidence that it is less likely that something even actually happened.

That's like saying if a tree fell down in the forest but no one heard it fall, then the tree did not actually fall down. This is illogical.

We are all saying that if there is no consent, it is rape.

Some women choose to stay in abusive relationships. Just because a woman stays with a man, does not mean that he never raped her. If she says he never hurt her, then we would tend to believe her unless she proves to be mentally imbalanced, delusional or she tends to be a liar.
MistyTiger wrote:abusive relationships

The sex composition of homicide victims differs markedly depending on the context. Women and girls account for only one-tenth of all homicide victims perpetrated in the public sphere, yet they bear a disproportionate burden of lethal violence perpetrated in the home.

— Killings of women and girls by their intimate partner or other family members, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

A far-fetched hypothetical, no doubt, but @Puffer Fish has a difficult time with the concept of consent.

Now we know he's homophobic, and anything up his arse would be a no-no for him, so putting him in a situation where he has no control over what goes up that orifice may concentrate his thoughts on why sex acts should be consensual.

ingliz wrote:A hypothetical:

If your wife dons a strap-on, ties you to the bed, and fucks you in the arse after you have said, repeatedly, "Please, Mummy don't it hurts," has she raped you?

We've been over this before in other threads. It doesn't exactly apply the same to "non-conventional" forms of sex.

Plus it's still a "he said, she said" situation. Maybe if the man can provide any medical proof of severe injuries.

The man having sex with his wife's behind isn't exactly the normal form of sex that is condoned and accepted. He needs to be more cautious about the issue of consent in that situation.
Puffer Fish wrote:If she's being that irrational, her window of opportunity to claim rape should expire.
They already have Statutes of Limitations on crimes. Rape is a crime(in case you did not know).

Many victims of crimes do not action rationally. Crimes fuck people up and often hurts them mentally was well as physically.

Why do you want to injure the victim of these crimes? Why do you hate women so much? Did you get hurt that bad, or are you just an Incel?

Puffer Fish wrote:That just sounds like Feminism, to me.
Seeing that you're a person who condones rape, and are a misogynist, that comes as no surprise.

Murder is murder. Rape is rape.
Puffer Fish wrote:Very black & white thinking you have there.

Rape is not rape if it's not rape.

You can keep screaming "It's rape!" all day, but it doesn't make it so.

You saying it is dnot dones not make it NOTE rape.

Sex without consent is Rape. That;sit. It;s the definition. You don;t get to redefine everything to your own liking.

Your arguments are illogical and morally repulsive.
Puffer Fish wrote:That just sounds like Feminism, to me.

No it sounds like common sense and basic logic. If you worry about rape with a girlfriend? Are you that egotistical and insensitive? Boorish and lousy in bed that rape is the only scenario you can think about?

I like this clip about what women should do with abusive men.

Well Puffer Fish Mr. interested in raping women. I was 19 years old and a college student. An asshole student (male) asked me to go and help him study for an exam. Some locked room in the library. Well, as soon as he closed the door, he thought, {I am going to rape her. She is just some woman and I can overpower her and get my way} he sure was WRONG. He busted a move for my pants and I took my heavy backpack and whacked him hard and he fell off balance. I took my foot and rammed it into his ribs and solar plexus and he could not breath and I hit him hard in the face and it was fast and hard over and over again. And then I ran out of there. His face a few days later when he got expelled from the university for attempted rape--was a study in bruises and broken ribs. His university career was over. Because he thought the rape was easy shit. She is just a woman who I can dominate. Yeah, right. Maybe with a gun or something. But not with his fists and his perverted and sick mind. Not at all. He got what he deserved. Lucky I did not call my husband at the time or my father. Because those two Puerto Rican men would have made him disappear after beating him to death. I have no doubts about that.

You go ahead and risk getting killed with that perverted sick shit Puffer Fish. See how long you last. Nowadays so many women carry pistols in their bags too. Or knives or at least pepper spray. As you fantasize about how you are going to win eh? You will wind up looking like Harpo after Sofía whips his ass for trying to beat her down. Women are human beings you fool. Not easy prey for some man with the fantasy of overpowering her because he doesn't know how to use his dick the right way. For passion not for domination. You FOOL!

From the Color Purple:

Tainari88 wrote:I was 19 years old and a college student. An asshole student (male) asked me to go and help him study for an exam. Some locked room in the library. Well, as soon as he closed the door, he thought, {I am going to rape her. She is just some woman and I can overpower her and get my way} he sure was WRONG. He busted a move for my pants and I took my heavy backpack and whacked him hard and he fell off balance.

That is obviously attempted rape. Due to you giving him no prior signals that you were interested in sex, and due to him attempting this while you were in a vulnerable position, in a small study room with no way to easily escape.

Maybe you are misunderstanding what I am arguing.

Okay, but now imagine this. Imagine if you were caught on camera going back into that study room with him the next day, after you say the rape attempt had occurred. If that happened, do you think anyone should believe you?

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