Roe V. Wade to be Overturned - Page 55 - Politics | PoFo

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Scamp wrote:@Tainari88 You are displaying lots of pent up anger. Even hinting at violence. I would honestly suggest you try professional Psychotherapy.
Just trying to be helpful. :)

Yes, Scampy keep thinking racist thoughts, writings and people don't get Black people angry at you. Keep thinking you have no responsibility to be civil and respectful to people who are black and other groups. Keep living thinking that you won't be faced with real consequences for being a man who insists on thinking that the Blacks are the ones who made the racism happen all by themselves.

I don't fool myself with bullshit about people like you being just or fair or thinkers that are about justice. But if you want a race war? You will get one.

You got to take responsibility for your politics Scamps. Not someone else. You need to be responsible for the people left out of the US system and with nothing to lose when they are faced with no abilities to vote for their own choices, when they got to cope with loss of rights.

Rancid is thinking it is going downhill. I agree with him. But the reality is you got to live with all the blacks you think are the problem.....and the liberals too. You got to live with the consequences Scampy. Not me. I already made my choices.

But if it becomes a civil war like in 1865? You are going to lose again I am afraid. And this time there won't be a nation you can run to. You will wind up in a bad way. Like all people who think they can be racists and get away from the consequences for that.

The world is about consequences. For everyone. Including you Scampy.

Anyone who is a racist? Wind up having to face up to living in a society that has the people they don't like living in their space. Why? Never learned to get along with the people they find objectionable.

What happened to Germany after WWII? Occupied by the victors, divided and bombed-out and with a huge chunk of German men and women killed off. Having to now accept immigrants because the Germans are not reproducing.

Losing the demographic battle.

Everything has consequences Scamps. :lol:
Rancid wrote:@Scamp are you gay? Serious question.

@Rancid Do you still have all that kiddie porn on your computer?
We can track you, from your IP address on this forum.
Pants-of-dog wrote:In about 20 years, a lot more poor people and people of colour will be around.

It seems doubtful they will vote Republican.

That is the problem Pants. They know that is what is going to happen. The Republicans want to throw the hail Mary pass before they implode from the lack of enthusiasm of a bunch of new minted voters who are not the people they can win over legitimately Pants.

They ran out of options. That is why they want to seize power by force. If they had real numbers they would not be doing the insurrection shit.
WATON - Since you have spent so much time here pontificating on this decision, have you actually READ the majority and dissenting opinions on the Dobbs vs. Jackson case?

Not what the media spin is, the actual case decision by the court? It's available - at least skim it.
Last edited by BlutoSays on 26 Jun 2022 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:Yes, Scampy keep thinking racist thoughts, writings and people don't get Black people angry at you. Keep thinking you have no responsibility to be civil and respectful to people who are black and other groups. Keep living thinking that you won't be faced with real consequences for being a man who insists on thinking that the Blacks are the ones who made the racism happen all by themselves.

I don't fool myself with bullshit about people like you being just or fair or thinkers that are about justice. But if you want a race war? You will get one.

You got to take responsibility for your politics Scamps. Not someone else. You need to be responsible for the people left out of the US system and with nothing to lose when they are faced with no abilities to vote for their own choices, when they got to cope with loss of rights.

Rancid is thinking it is going downhill. I agree with him. But the reality is you got to live with all the blacks you think are the problem.....and the liberals too. You got to live with the consequences Scampy. Not me. I already made my choices.

But if it becomes a civil war like in 1865? You are going to lose again I am afraid. And this time there won't be a nation you can run to. You will wind up in a bad way. Like all people who think they can be racists and get away from the consequences for that.

The world is about consequences. For everyone. Including you Scampy.

Anyone who is a racist? Wind up having to face up to living in a society that has the people they don't like living in their space. Why? Never learned to get along with the people they find objectionable.

What happened to Germany after WWII? Occupied by the victors, divided and bombed-out and with a huge chunk of German men and women killed off. Having to now accept immigrants because the Germans are not reproducing.

Losing the demographic battle.

Everything has consequences Scamps. :lol:

You keep mentioning a Civil War, while you are wetting your pants.
We did that. The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust. And their beloved Tyrant president was dead for his war crimes.
You think they want to try that again?
Scamp wrote:We did that. The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust. And their beloved Tyrant president was dead for his war crimes.
You think they want to try that again?

We can't wait.
BlutoSays wrote:WATON - Since you have spent so much time here pontificating on this decision, have you actually READ the majority and dissenting opinions on the Dobbs vs. Jackson case?

Not what the media spin is, the actual case decision by the court? It's available - at least skim it.

I'm on it, actually.

Is there anything you want to call into my attention?
BlutoSays wrote:Hmmm. WIll you be moving to Canada or Central or South America? I need to know which gateway to send the four-piece Mariachi band to and serenade you on your exit.

Not sure yet. Also depends on job opportunities in tech and ability to get citizenship.

It's not a sure thing I will leave, just considering the option if it's possible and if America continues its embrace of authoritarianism.
Last edited by Rancid on 26 Jun 2022 22:09, edited 1 time in total.
Scamp wrote:@Rancid Do you still have all that kiddie porn on your computer?
We can track you, from your IP address on this forum.

I'd imagine this is an admission that you enjoy kiddie porn. No surprise there.
Scamp wrote:@Tainari88
You keep mentioning a Civil War, while you are wetting your pants.
We did that. The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust. And their beloved Tyrant president was dead for his war crimes.
You think they want to try that again?

Let go of the past Scamps. No way the millions of Black people in the US are going to disappear. Nor the other groups. You are living in an immigrant nation. The liberals got the money and Pelosi is there with her Catholic self wanting Trump to be looked into to. The liberals are in charge and the Republicans are divided into Chaney types and Pence people who kiss Donald's ass only to wind up running from the lynch mob.

It is going to be hard to win the war now. It is not a nation of carpetbaggers versus Southern dixie types. It is about international capital. And they are not interested in your nationalistic America Scampy. They don't care.

Lincoln is not their president. They are smart. Got both parties in their pockets and whoever they can manipulate is the one they go for. Liberals are not an issue.

I don't wet my pants. Lol. I am not an Anglo you foolish man. I am not into your culture. If you are not passionate in politics? You are boring. But the bores in the Republican party can go and try to take over with their crazy antics. Killing cops that are pro-Trump following the conman who has no real loyalties but his own gain and agenda.

The party is desperate. They lost the law suits despite all the placements of the Republican judges etc. So what are they going to do now? Win in 2024? With non popular votes like they did in 2016? it doesn't matter. You are in check mate status. Minority rules get into authoritarian modes of politics. You are in a nation with a lot of guns. Minority rule of racist old men whistling dixie surrounded by big city slicker liberals with tons of money, and power that is internationally based. It is an endgame that says....the dixie whistlers are going to be losing again.
Rancid wrote:I'd imagine this is an admission that you enjoy kiddie porn. No surprise there.

I don't think Scamps is a child porn lover. He is too busy worrying about the past when Lincoln got shot by an actor in a theater. Lol. He is living in the past....

Let go of the past Scamps. The liberals are in the White House. Obama man, who Donald said had to show his birth certificate. That Trump is into big LIES to whip up the dumbells into a frenzy. Donald lost the election. But he has to say his legacy is winning. But he lost.

Who is going to run against Trump in that dumb ass Republican party? Who knows?

I know Ted Cruz is @Rancid ´s main man. :lol: :lol:

Didn't Donald man say Rafael Cruz was the Cuban in the grassy knoll that shot Kennedy? I bet the idiots in the Republican ranks believe him still. I am waiting to see Ted Cruz' Cuban exile dad admit the plot. :lol: :lol:
Saeko wrote:Sure. Maybe then we'll see if you can take Trump's dick out of your mouth for long enough to beg for your life (again).
Why are you and @Rancid always bringing up your cock sucking proclivities on this forum? You two are sick. Why cant you keep that sick stuff over on the gay forums? We don't want to hear about your gay sexual perversions.
Well most of us don't. Any other gays on here here who want to embrace dick sucking like you two, speak up.
Scamp wrote:Why are you and @Rancid always bringing up your cock sucking proclivities on this forum? You two are sick. Why cant you keep that sick stuff over on the gay forums? We don't want to hear about your gay sexual perversions.
Well most of us don't. Any other gays on here here who want to embrace dick sucking like you two, speak up.

There's nothing wrong with sucking dicks. Being who you are, on the other hand, truly disgusting.
Tainari88 wrote:I love where I live now. I really love it. I think people should have the freedom to live where they like to live.

Women who have children and choose to have the child or children? And that can't pay bills, are stuck with two jobs and never supervise the kids they chose to have? The state is full of people telling the women you have to take responsibility but they leave them without a plan to support the kids? Are looking for trouble.

It is easy to fill your mouth as a conservative like the ones making these decisions in the SCOTUS about the sacredness of human life. But they don't want to spend a dime on social and economic programs that strengthen families. Like that tax credit per month of $350 dollars per child per month. No, the parents are drug addicts says Manchin. No, they are not. They said it helps enormously with bills, and rent. They can finally have stability because the inflation and the costs are out of control.

But the politicians want to not help but judge and lecture. The politicians on the Right want to judge, and lecture and not help anyone but their own pockets. They are asking for violence, war, and running for their lives from angry mobs. That are going to be on the Left, filled with Blacks and Latinos, Asians and Immigrant families, poor liberals and middle class Americans who became trailer park and tent dwelling Americans in one generation.

They are asking for a civil war with this shitty inaction and lack of policy initiatives.

Well all of that is true. The modern Fascists, masquerading as conservatives, behave exactly as you say. And they have very cannily taken control of the country for the next 30 years. I do not believe that many people understand that the coup is already over. They control the SCOTUS and will for 30 years or more. They have control of the state governorship of 30 states. They control the legislatures of more than half of the states. This is over.

Will we have widespread social unrest? Nor reason to start now. The reaction to the overturning of Roe V. Wade was tepid to say the least. Some demonstrations and a whole lot of hand wringing. Little more. A heavily armed populace. Nope. The coup is over and the conservatives won,
Scamp wrote:Why are you and @Rancid always bringing up your cock sucking proclivities on this forum? You two are sick. Why cant you keep that sick stuff over on the gay forums? We don't want to hear about your gay sexual perversions.
Well most of us don't. Any other gays on here here who want to embrace dick sucking like you two, speak up.

Hey, can you send me a picture of your dick? Serious question.
wat0n wrote:I'm on it, actually.

Is there anything you want to call into my attention?

Yes. Did you read the syllabus (much shorter than the actual decision - it's the first several pages)? If you don't agree with the outcome of the ruling, you can at least realize they had many good reasons for the decision they came to. It was backed up with plenty of case law.

The dissent is also in there. Both sides aired their views. But acting like this is just a power struggle is BS. Let the states hash it out for their individual populations.

But anytime the DNC doesn't get their way, it's like the end of the fucking world. Really? Is it the end of the world because you didn't get your way for the next 50 years on abortions? Are you barred from visiting another state? Did you really NOT get your way, or was life made just a little more difficult, but not the end of the world?
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