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Mike12 wrote:
What, really? A man of his times with popularity years before and afterward and during his presidency.

Anyway. Whats it look like he did though, 'free entire sections of alabama and mississippi' and remove the indians from the power of the states. seek correction from the 'lights that reformed our governance'. Have a lot of discipline in mind for an asset inventory of 100 slaves. I mean I wouldn't want to see Brazil, Jamaica, Britain or Germany in 1829. I mean they, the government ,throw up prayers about it in a non-effectual non-scoail gesture that is weird for Presbyterians and the Reformation, in the '58 United PCUSA and the '84 PCUSA. So now black people flocked to the freedom cause in '58 or '84, is that a government program or what is it?


Hard to ignore the brutality and genocidal treatment of Indians. Trail of Tears was on his watch.

LBJ knew Black people needed the vote. I don't understand the question, partly because Blacks have been working for freedom for most of the history of the country.
late wrote:Scoail??

Hard to ignore the brutality and genocidal treatment of Indians. Trail of Tears was on his watch.

LBJ knew Black people needed the vote. I don't understand the question, partly because Blacks have been working for freedom for most of the history of the country.

What a fake atrocity. We have George Takei on talking circuits about the Japanese internment. We got white people with a quota for feel-it, and, some foreign place wants you to feel guilty about it. Its so entirely fake. What would it cost an 18 trillion dollar economy that entered an empty wilderness with thousands of naked people hunting coast to coast, and some naked people off of some boats, and settle up, not that we got the spanish disease, or did columbus's genocides or did britain's slave trading ships, we bought from ships. In 1812 war their big navy wants to steal every us sailor they find against France, its another war to say we own our sailors.

We got fake atrocities fills a void of some sort for everybody. They got atrocities in every country on the planet that somebody will talk to you about I bet.
Mike12 wrote:
What a fake atrocity.

We have George Takei on talking circuits about the Japanese internment.

We got white people with a quota for feel-it, and, some foreign place wants you to feel guilty about it.

What would it cost an 18 trillion dollar economy that entered an empty wilderness with thousands of naked people hunting coast to coast, and some naked people off of some boats, and settle up, not that we got the spanish disease, or did columbus's genocides or did britain's slave trading ships, we bought from ships.

In 1812 war their big navy wants to steal every us sailor they find against France, its another war to say we own our sailors.

We got fake atrocities fills a void of some sort for everybody. They got atrocities in every country on the planet that somebody will talk to you about I bet.

That's nuts.

You want to ignore, and deny, our history. A lot of people don't..

That, to be charitable, doesn't add up. Foreign??

Do you know how to write a declarative sentence? 18 trillion to do what??

Yes, Brits used to shanghai our sailors, what that has to do with this discussion is not a damn thing.

Not fake, but you got at least one thing right, there's been a lot of them.

That's crazy town, sport.
late wrote:That's nuts.

You want to ignore, and deny, our history. A lot of people don't..

That, to be charitable, doesn't add up. Foreign??

Do you know how to write a declarative sentence? 18 trillion to do what??

Yes, Brits used to shanghai our sailors, what that has to do with this discussion is not a damn thing.

Not fake, but you got at least one thing right, there's been a lot of them.

That's crazy town, sport.

you are talking about a thousand people walking real far... trail of tears.

and you did agree to the terms of adding in, keeping watching on some thousands of japanese and george takei stardom. and barack o-blackman and hillary v-zone clinton.

and yes, if I was a foreign government, I just pile on every guilt and overturned albino rhino man.

and if this were about a settlement of effort out of the 18 trillion instead of nagging and conditioning every human on the planet for them, somebody would portion it.

fake atrocities all over the place.
Mike12 wrote:
you are talking about a thousand people walking real far... trail of tears.

and you did agree to the terms of adding in, keeping watching on some thousands of japanese and george takei stardom. and barack o-blackman and hillary v-zone clinton.

and yes, if I was a foreign government, I just pile on every guilt and overturned albino rhino man.

and if this were about a settlement of effort out of the 18 trillion instead of nagging and conditioning every human on the planet for them, somebody would portion it.

fake atrocities all over the place.

The Trail of Tears was just an example of the mass murder and genocide of American Indians. Saying it's fake is either a lie or a symptom of something quite wrong with you.

George Takei was a star for about a half a century before his internment came up. They were put in prison camps, their liberty and property taken without good cause or compensation.

"barack o-blackman and hillary v-zone clinton. " Racist and misognist. But I do appreciate succinct..

You keep saying things like "foreign government". It doesn't make sense. I was around when this started. In the late 60s/early 70s, people started questioning American mythology. There was, and is, a ton of BS around our history.

Congress actually did pass a reparations bill, for Blacks, but it was never funded.

You keep talking about real things, your comments implicitly acknowledge their reality, and then you say they are fake. Make up your mind, it will let us know how crazy you are.
late wrote:The Trail of Tears was just an example of the mass murder and genocide of American Indians. Saying it's fake is either a lie or a symptom of something quite wrong with you.

George Takei was a star for about a half a century before his internment came up. They were put in prison camps, their liberty and property taken without good cause or compensation.

"barack o-blackman and hillary v-zone clinton. " Racist and misognist. But I do appreciate succinct..

You keep saying things like "foreign government". It doesn't make sense. I was around when this started. In the late 60s/early 70s, people started questioning American mythology. There was, and is, a ton of BS around our history.

Congress actually did pass a reparations bill, for Blacks, but it was never funded.

You keep talking about real things, your comments implicitly acknowledge their reality, and then you say they are fake. Make up your mind, it will let us know how crazy you are.

In fact it was never even the point of it that he was ever in the internment camp ever? I bet no film director picked up on this tidbit ever. Does anyone even believe this part where Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Korean independence activist had a son who is made an american actor Phillip Ahn, who plays a lot of parts and pro-Korean parts? Its such a joke, I don't know if I believe it. The point of this is acting! Japanese internment camps... Whats George Takei and Phillip Ahn say in american acting school, knock knock joke.

Where did I even remotely connect to cover-ups or lying? Andrew Jackson's indian removal addresses are to the whole congress, in which Davie Crockett is a famous detractor from the Tennessee delegation during Indian Removal. Davie Crockett wasn't a fan. Andrew Jackson might be believed that some thousands of them that are not part of happy 12 millions or adopting their ways to be moved west and theres a remarkable tendency for native americans still today to not be present in the southeast. he was elected to the U.S. Congress where he vehemently opposed many of the policies of President Andrew Jackson, especially the Indian Removal Act. how patriotic of you. happy 4th

Racist is there's a better race to be president or a sex?

Well just the point of it, a reparations bill, as if theres a pending compensation we've been presented and clerical error, jokes only.
Mike12 wrote:
In fact it was never even the point of it that he was ever in the internment camp ever? I bet no film director picked up on this tidbit ever. Does anyone even believe this part where Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Korean independence activist had a son who is made an american actor Phillip Ahn, who plays a lot of parts and pro-Korean parts? Its such a joke, I don't know if I believe it. The point of this is acting! Japanese internment camps... Whats George Takei and Phillip Ahn say in american acting school, knock knock joke.

Where did I even remotely connect to cover-ups or lying? Andrew Jackson's indian removal addresses are to the whole congress, in which Davie Crockett is a famous detractor from the Tennessee delegation during Indian Removal. Davie Crockett wasn't a fan. Andrew Jackson might be believed that some thousands of them that are not part of happy 12 millions or adopting their ways to be moved west and theres a remarkable tendency for native americans still today to not be present in the southeast. he was elected to the U.S. Congress where he vehemently opposed many of the policies of President Andrew Jackson, especially the Indian Removal Act. how patriotic of you. happy 4th

Racist is there's a better race to be president or a sex?

Well just the point of it, a reparations bill, as if theres a pending compensation we've been presented and clerical error, jokes only.

To make a short story short, you're still babbling.
late wrote:To make a short story short, you're still babbling.

babble babble. I missed one. Aren't all these foreign governments a pile of crap. Most of it IS foreign governments. We are bowing down only to foreign governments on some of this junk. Wasn't the olympics committee de-selected Detroit , it was stolen from the native americans 543 years ago some bum followed the vagrancy law. Thats how the olympics committee chose another site in I think 2008 for Beijing I think. The United Nations will come up with a resolution soon about some missing totem pole.
Mike12 wrote:
Aren't all these foreign governments a pile of crap. Most of it IS foreign governments. We are bowing down only to foreign governments on some of this junk.

You keep talking about foreign governments, that's part of your crazy.
late wrote:You keep talking about foreign governments, that's part of your crazy.

Thats not at all the crazy, now Tony Blair is a lapdog to follow the US in the iraq war reports say, which makes George Bush some idiot templar crusader, which makes France's no a freedom-hater, which means no one will eat french fries. but, what do you mean? Technically the 5000 year old Korean people have a government from exactly 1948 with some sort of christian/european/colonial spin that'll just confuse the ashit out of everybody. wait am I a russian or a scotsman. wait am i an englishman ,or .. a russian. wait am i an american or a dutch russian. wait... am i ... an englishman or a russian... wait... wait... ha its a russian bastard there he is.


About to undertake the arduous duties that I have been appointed to perform by the choice of a free people, I avail myself of this customary and solemn occasion to express the gratitude which their confidence inspires and to acknowledge the accountability which my situation enjoins. While the magnitude of their interests convinces me that no thanks can be adequate to the honor they have conferred, it admonishes me that the best return I can make is the zealous dedication of my humble abilities to their service and their good.

As the instrument of the Federal Constitution it will devolve on me for a stated period to execute the laws of the United States, to superintend their foreign and their confederate relations, to manage their revenue, to command their forces, and, by communications to the Legislature, to watch over and to promote their interests generally. And the principles of action by which I shall endeavor to accomplish this circle of duties it is now proper for me briefly to explain.

In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. With foreign nations it will be my study to preserve peace and to cultivate friendship on fair and honorable terms, and in the adjustment of any differences that may exist or arise to exhibit the forbearance becoming a powerful nation rather than the sensibility belonging to a gallant people.

In such measures as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, taking care not to confound the powers they have reserved to themselves with those they have granted to the Confederacy.

The management of the public revenue--that searching operation in all governments--is among the most delicate and important trusts in ours, and it will, of course, demand no inconsiderable share of my official solicitude. Under every aspect in which it can be considered it would appear that advantage must result from the observance of a strict and faithful economy. This I shall aim at the more anxiously both because it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, and because it will counteract that tendency to public and private profligacy which a profuse expenditure of money by the Government is but too apt to engender. Powerful auxiliaries to the attainment of this desirable end are to be found in the regulations provided by the wisdom of Congress for the specific appropriation of public money and the prompt accountability of public officers.

With regard to a proper selection of the subjects of impost with a view to revenue, it would seem to me that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored, and that perhaps the only exception to this rule should consist in the peculiar encouragement of any products of either of them that may be found essential to our national independence.

Internal improvement and the diffusion of knowledge, so far as they can be promoted by the constitutional acts of the Federal Government, are of high importance.

Considering standing armies as dangerous to free governments in time of peace, I shall not seek to enlarge our present establishment, nor disregard that salutary lesson of political experience which teaches that the military should be held subordinate to the civil power. The gradual increase of our Navy, whose flag has displayed in distant climes our skill in navigation and our fame in arms; the preservation of our forts, arsenals, and dockyards, and the introduction of progressive improvements in the discipline and science of both branches of our military service are so plainly prescribed by prudence that I should be excused for omitting their mention sooner than for enlarging on their importance. But the bulwark of our defense is the national militia, which in the present state of our intelligence and population must render us invincible. As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending; and so long as it is worth defending a patriotic militia will cover it with an impenetrable aegis. Partial injuries and occasional mortifications we may be subjected to, but a million of armed freemen, possessed of the means of war, can never be conquered by a foreign foe. To any just system, therefore, calculated to strengthen this natural safeguard of the country I shall cheerfully lend all the aid in my power.

It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people.

The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of reform, which will require particularly the correction of those abuses that have brought the patronage of the Federal Government into conflict with the freedom of elections, and the counteraction of those causes which have disturbed the rightful course of appointment and have placed or continued power in unfaithful or incompetent hands.

In the performance of a task thus generally delineated I shall endeavor to select men whose diligence and talents will insure in their respective stations able and faithful cooperation, depending for the advancement of the public service more on the integrity and zeal of the public officers than on their numbers.

A diffidence, perhaps too just, in my own qualifications will teach me to look with reverence to the examples of public virtue left by my illustrious predecessors, and with veneration to the lights that flow from the mind that founded and the mind that reformed our system. The same diffidence induces me to hope for instruction and aid from the coordinate branches of the Government, and for the indulgence and support of my fellow-citizens generally. And a firm reliance on the goodness of that Power whose providence mercifully protected our national infancy, and has since upheld our liberties in various vicissitudes, encourages me to offer up my ardent supplications that He will continue to make our beloved country the object of His divine care and gracious benediction.

It gives me pleasure to announce to Congress that the benevolent policy of the Government, steadily pursued for nearly thirty years, in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have accepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek the same obvious advantages.

The consequences of a speedy removal will be important to the United States, to individual States, and to the Indians themselves. The pecuniary advantages which it promises to the Government are the least of its recommendations. It puts an end to all possible danger of collision between the authorities of the General and State Governments on account of the Indians. It will place a dense and civilized population in large tracts of country now occupied by a few savage hunters. By opening the whole territory between Tennessee on the north and Louisiana on the south to the settlement of the whites it will incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier and render the adjacent States strong enough to repel future invasions without remote aid. It will relieve the whole State of Mississippi and the western part of Alabama of Indian occupancy, and enable those States to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power. It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites; free them from the power of the States; enable them to pursue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions; will retard the progress of decay, which is lessening their numbers, and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community.

What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization and religion?

The present policy of the Government is but a continuation of the same progressive change by a milder process. The tribes which occupied the countries now constituting the Eastern States were annihilated or have melted away to make room for the whites. The waves of population and civilization are rolling to the westward, and we now propose to acquire the countries occupied by the red men of the South and West by a fair exchange, and, at the expense of the United States, to send them to land where their existence may be prolonged and perhaps made perpetual. Doubtless it will be painful to leave the graves of their fathers; but what do they more than our ancestors did or than our children are now doing? To better their condition in an unknown land our forefathers left all that was dear in earthly objects. Our children by thousands yearly leave the land of their birth to seek new homes in distant regions. Does Humanity weep at these painful separations from everything, animate and inanimate, with which the young heart has become entwined? Far from it. It is rather a source of joy that our country affords scope where our young population may range unconstrained in body or in mind, developing the power and facilities of man in their highest perfection. These remove hundreds and almost thousands of miles at their own expense, purchase the lands they occupy, and support themselves at their new homes from the moment of their arrival. Can it be cruel in this Government when, by events which it can not control, the Indian is made discontented in his ancient home to purchase his lands, to give him a new and extensive territory, to pay the expense of his removal, and support him a year in his new abode? How many thousands of our own people would gladly embrace the opportunity of removing to the West on such conditions! If the offers made to the Indians were extended to them, they would be hailed with gratitude and joy.

And is it supposed that the wandering savage has a stronger attachment to his home than the settled, civilized Christian? Is it more afflicting to him to leave the graves of his fathers than it is to our brothers and children? Rightly considered, the policy of the General Government toward the red man is not only liberal, but generous. He is unwilling to submit to the laws of the States and mingle with their population. To save him from this alternative, or perhaps utter annihilation, the General Government kindly offers him a new home, and proposes to pay the whole expense of his removal and settlement.
Mike12 wrote:
Thats not at all the crazy, now Tony Blair is a lapdog to follow the US in the iraq war reports say, which makes George Bush some idiot templar crusader, which makes France's no a freedom-hater, which means no one will eat french fries. but, what do you mean? Technically the 5000 year old Korean people have a government from exactly 1948 with some sort of christian/european/colonial spin that'll just confuse the ashit out of everybody. wait am I a russian or a scotsman. wait am i an englishman ,or .. a russian. wait am i an american or a dutch russian. wait... am i ... an englishman or a russian... wait... wait... ha its a russian bastard there he is.

Thanks for proving my point.

In the 1960s, the work of historians started filtering out to the general public. This had nothing to do with 'foreign governments', and everything to do with the wide gulf between our real history, and the national mythology.

To make a specific point, Takei is credible, you are not. I am sure you have read some Right wing denier BS, but that's not going to be credible, either. We know there were internment camps, we know both liberty and property were stolen without cause.

That's reality, and that's what matters.
late wrote:Thanks for proving my point.

In the 1960s, the work of historians started filtering out to the general public. This had nothing to do with 'foreign governments', and everything to do with the wide gulf between our real history, and the national mythology.

To make a specific point, Takei is credible, you are not. I am sure you have read some Right wing denier BS, but that's not going to be credible, either. We know there were internment camps, we know both liberty and property were stolen without cause.

That's reality, and that's what matters.

You were admiring 60's historians in both posts. That's pretty specific. I'd have to look into it.
I said both times I'm not part of denying or covering anything. What about Korea Yonsei University above? They appear to be in the preferred European Full Dress on that one. Unlike an Indian. It seems the Christians tend to wear clothes unlike the naked underboatmen and the naked teepee people.

I think that is a very specific department among academia in the historians, I also heard a few questioners of history following the currents of society at that time. I guess?

Get a dozen activists and hippies and wokists and progressives and liberals and community organizers and show me the best holocaust museum in berlin or armenian genocide memorial. fake atrocities. whats their goal, some politic. A politic. The poster out here ... look someone posted another Pink celebrity out here in a thread, was like, the whole thing is burning down, the guns, the only way to save it, I tax you its in government and it all costs less money.
Mike12 wrote:
You were admiring 60's historians in both posts. That's pretty specific. I'd have to look into it.

I said both times I'm not part of denying or covering anything. What about Korea Yonsei University above? They appear to be in the preferred European Full Dress on that one. Unlike an Indian. It seems the Christians tend to wear clothes unlike the naked underboatmen and the naked teepee people.

I think that is a very specific department among academia in the historians, I also heard a few questioners of history following the currents of society at that time. I guess?

Get a dozen activists and hippies and wokists and progressives and liberals and community organizers and show me the best holocaust museum in berlin or armenian genocide memorial. fake atrocities. whats their goal, some politic. A politic. The poster out here ... look someone posted another Pink celebrity out here in a thread, was like, the whole thing is burning down, the guns, the only way to save it, I tax you its in government and it all costs less money.

I like history. I like the newer historians even more, historians have been borrowing from pretty much every discipline they can find, from accounting to zoology..

So what???

Don't know what that means.

Still not fake. My stepdad was a soldier, one of his jobs was photographer. He was part of a group that liberated a concentration camp, and recorded it.
late wrote:I like history. I like the newer historians even more, historians have been borrowing from pretty much every discipline they can find, from accounting to zoology..

So what???

Don't know what that means.

Still not fake. My stepdad was a soldier, one of his jobs was photographer. He was part of a group that liberated a concentration camp, and recorded it.

Now I'm a holocaust denier? I was wondering. At least I got there. Holocaust denier like a couple middle east dictators.

There's 14 million Jews today and they killed 7 million Jews back there. Thats half-dead Jewish community. And on a scale gradient, no one can actually point to a dip in the usual and average growth patterns of the entire american public between 1700 and 1900 or specific demographics. Some thousands of people that were hostile to the country with war weapons and inability to negotiate for the territory or economize, he spelled out they still can't partake in an economy about land for some reason.
late wrote:Andrew Jackson was brutally racist, LBJ wanted to make it possible for the lives of Blacks to be better. In that sense, they are opposites.

No he didn't.

LBJ wanted to win the black vote while black leaders were being shot to death by state actors.

He wanted to avert a civil war that might lead to a new deal for minorities.

And he wanted to keep the two-party oligarchy intact (as did the killers of all those American social leaders).
Torus34 wrote:Well, 'cause it is. But why? That got me thinking.

I came up with a new [for me, at least,] rule of thumb for responses both verbal and physical by h. sapiens. Now, we tend to be a species given to rational thought, at least as far as everyday practicality's concerned. We easily handle the complex series of activities needed to get into our cars, drive through traffic to a store and purchase the groceries for supper. We do this in a logical, rational sequence. We don't, for example, go to a hardware store for a can of tomatoes.

So far, so good, right?

But the further we find ourselves removed from immediate practicality, the more likely we are to stray from fact-based rationality -- from a logical path to a solution. Political palaver about all manner of issues stands as an example. Few of the issues du jour affect us immediately and directly. Discussions abound with 'what if's' and appeals to emotion. Rationality becomes a rara avis midst the name-calling, straw man arguments and non sequiturs.

And so it goes.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

Rancid wrote:Politics is a circus. :)

Checks out.

Biden is basically turning into a plant.

Johnson, well, he's literally a clown.

Germany is very busy destroying its own economy.

The Netherlands just declared war on their farmers. While we have an upcoming worldwide famine.

Etc etc etc

Western politics is a joke right now.

Not sure because I didn't click on the link. Bl[…]

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