Great Reset Happening Soon - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
By JB70
I don´t know if the people behind this video are genuine or not. But what they describe is similar to how World Economic Forum want their "Great Reset". There are some out there telling you that this reset is just a "conspiracy theory" even though everything is on WEF´s website.

A spiritual contact tells me the global economy will collapse this year. Not recession. More like the end of this debt based system i suppose. It must end because debt can not grow forever. Within this system total debt can not ever stop expanding though.

Chaos, bread lines, sky rocketing crime....After some time people are offered a "solution". Military in the streets, social credits, surveillance and a new financial system. In short fascism/communism.

Would the government be able to control riots?
My spiritual contact tells me the vaxx lead to AIDS so those people may not be able to fight anyway. And they depend on the government to much. Why AIDS? Probably because there are studies showing the vaxx hurt natural immunity (Imprinting/OAS)And chronic Covid damage your t cells. So similar to AIDS.

Of course then governments and media will tell the collapse happened because of Putin, a virus etc.

The number one reason for the collapse is the financial weapons of mass destruction. Some believe they gamble with up to 20 times the worlds economy. So everyone will have to pay. But i bet they prefer if ordinary people take care of that.

JB70 wrote:

The number one reason for the collapse is the financial weapons of mass destruction.

Yeah, that happens regularly, it's a feature, not a bug. Like the 2007/2008 crash. It's an inevitable result of the collision between economics and irrational humans.

Anyway, this is more of a perfect storm. Covid, war, that's all it takes.

It's going to be a lot worse outside the country, if you're American. There will be unrest, there is the potential for governments to fall. But this won't bring ours down. Something else might, not this.

Btw, I have had 3 Pfizer shots, when they get a BA5 booster, it will be 4.

No AIDS... I did a 20 mile bike ride yesterday. You should get a good bicycle, and go for long rides. Get some perspective.
@late is correct. This shit happens all the time. It's cyclical.

JB70 wrote:A spiritual contact tells me the global economy will collapse this year.
BWAHAHAHAHAHHA! :lol: :lol: :lol: :moron:

My spiritual contact tells me that your spiritual contact is full of shit.
Last edited by Godstud on 20 Jul 2022 02:48, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:@late is correct. This shit happens all the time. It's cyclical.

Yes but the crash become bigger and bigger as leverage grow.

Looks like central banks have no choice but to inflate to sustain the debt bubble.
Yes, yes, the end of the world is nigh. :roll:

Do you also hang out on street corners with that sign?

1984...WW3... Y2K... 2012... (new thing JB70 believes)...
Godstud wrote:Yes, yes, the end of the world is nigh. :roll:

Do you also hang out on street corners with that sign?

1984...WW3... Y2K... 2012... (new thing JB70 believes)...

If you believe in God you have probably read the Bible.
Mark of the beast 666. How can you get to that point without a huge economic collapse? Impossible.

That the system must collapse completely without financial reforms is just as natural as gravity.
#15239353 ... ystem-will

A Complete Lock Up of The System Will Occur.

By Gregory Mannarino

Why is the world awash in never ending and inflating debt? Moreover, why does global debt keep expanding relentlessly every day, every month, and every year, in what seems like some kind of twisted mass insanity?

What is THE REAL TRUTH behind all this?

The answer is simple, and frightening. The expansion of debt cannot ever stop! Additionally, it must constantly and ceaselessly be expanded on EXPONENTIALLY.

What this means is that the amount of debt being borrowed into existence CANNOT EVEN REMAIN STATIC! It must be expanded on VASTLY every moment, every day, every week, every month, and every year, just to allow the system itself to function day to day. If the amount of debt being borrowed into existence were to remain at its current level, without being expanded on, the entire system would FREEZE UP in an instant.

The insanity of all this actually gets even worse.

Despite the FACT that global debt is continually expanding, there is not enough of it.

As most people who follow my work are already aware, the current central bank run global financial system is debt based, and at its core what this means is every conceivable reason, including things which the average person could not even dream of, must and will be utilized to continually find reasons/create more reasons to borrow more cash into existence. As of late the two biggest machinations being forced upon the people of the world and are currently being used as mechanisms to pull EPIC sums into the now by more borrowing are:

1. Global disease processes like Covid and the various variants thereof, also

2. Expanding war(s).

It’s this crisis-to-crisis economic model which has given world leaders a blank check, spending which is not allowed to even be questioned! As they have turned this upside down on the people of the world as ANYONE who now dares question as to why all this crisis-to-crisis spending is being done is then branded as being “unpatriotic!” Or a person who does not care about “helping” people.

NOT ONE mainstream media source will EVER be allowed to explain the truth behind the crisis-to-crisis borrowing debt expansion mechanism, nor will a single world leader, OR a central banker explain it.

Will it ever end?

YES! The system, despite ever expanding debt, will eventually become illiquid.

A lack of liquidity in the system, despite finding ever more reasons to borrow, will eventually reach a saturation point. This saturation point will, and is already, manifesting itself in the form of skyrocketing inflation worldwide.

The inevitable end of the current debt-based system is rapidly approaching, and a move to yet another central bank run system is coming. A system of extreme control, a cashless system, where every single transaction is tracked down to the ten thousandth of a cent.
Last edited by JB70 on 20 Jul 2022 03:01, edited 1 time in total.
JB70 wrote:If you believe in God you have probably read the Bible.
I don't believe in a god, but I have read the Bible.

JB70 wrote:Mark of the beast 666. How can you get to that point without a huge economic collapse? Impossible.
You want me to believe that people thousands of years ago predicted a big bad guy coming and destroying the world, and I'm supposed to take this super-vague prediction with any sort of seriousness???

I'm sorry. I don't believe the fantasies in your silly old book.

JB70 wrote:That the system must collapse completely without financial reforms is just as natural as gravity.
No. It doesn't need to collapse completely for reforms to come into play. That's an OPINION, that you hold.

As natural as the gravity that we defy on a daily basis?
JB70 wrote:
Looks like central banks have no choice but to inflate to sustain the debt bubble.

It's not *central banks* that have the authority to change the interest rate (Federal Funds Rate), but rather the *Fed* that does that.

The Fed *has* raised the interest rate now, but that's always *bad news* for the markets / debt-bubble / 'everything' bubble, which want cheap government liquidity, from public funds (*lower* interest rates / cheaper money / 'quantitative easing'). Note how bad the stock market has been in 2022 so far.

Long story short, it's a classic *dilemma* -- you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.

*Not raising* the interest rate means that the Fed would look like it was out of power, and unable to *steer* things as they spun out of control. But *raising* the interest rate has that inevitable *dampening* effect on 'growth' / debt-bubbles / the-economy.
Better to tell the truth so people are motivated to tell others. Exposing the plan is a life insurance.
You don´t have to see it as an evil plan i suppose. But what choice do many governments have when the economy implodes and there is chaos and sky rocketing crime?
JB70 wrote:
Better to tell the truth so people are motivated to tell others. Exposing the plan is a life insurance.
You don´t have to see it as an evil plan i suppose. But what choice do many governments have when the economy implodes and there is chaos and sky rocketing crime?

A 'market failure' means that there's no societal *means* / logistics, available to do the market 'matchmaking' that the economic system would *normally* do.

Here’s how COVID-19 creates food waste mountains that threaten the environment

Jun 30, 2020 ... vironment/

Shortages related to the COVID-19 pandemic ... 9_pandemic
Sky-rocketing crime.... according to who, @JB70?

Perceptions are not always reality.

Myths and Realities: Understanding Recent Trends in Violent Crime
Import­antly, though, not all types of crime rose in 2020. In fact, trends in viol­ent and prop­erty crime diverged sharply from each other (as illus­trated in Table 1 above), with the national rate of prop­erty crimes reach­ing a record low in 2020. While this is uncom­mon, it is not unpre­ced­en­ted; a similar dynamic unfol­ded between 2015 and 2016, though on a much less dramatic scale. There are many possible explan­a­tions for why prop­erty and viol­ent crime trends decoupled in 2020. Lock­down orders, for example, may have signi­fic­antly reduced oppor­tun­it­ies for larceny or made people less likely to report crimes to police (though a govern­ment survey focus­ing on reports of crim­inal victim­iz­a­tion suggests the latter explan­a­tion is unlikely). ... lent-crime

Ten popular crime myths
Today: ten popular crime myths and the true story behind them:

Myth: crime is getting worse, if not in your neighborhood then certainly in the “bad parts” of town, which are much more dangerous than when you were a kid. Fact: if you are under 40, on average you are safer now than you have ever been.

Myth: suburbs are safer than cities. Fact: true, on average, but the trend is better for cities than suburbs. At the peak of the crime wave in 1991 there were 138 homicides in Prince George's County and 479 in Washington, DC. Last year, there were 82 homicides in PG (down 40%) and 132 in DC (down almost 75%).

Myth: criminal investigators have enormous data systems at their fingertips that track virtually everything about all of us. Fact: police do have access to lots of data, but typically use it to find a known suspect rather than identify an unknown suspect.

Myth: forensic examiners (CSIs) investigate crimes, carry weapons, and can process complex crimes in minutes. Fact: the typical piece of DNA collected from a crime scene takes months to process (if it is at all) and the civilian processing it is different from the evidence collector.

Myth: most crimes are solved by fingerprints and DNA. Fact: less than one percent of all serious crimes are solved by DNA and fingerprints do only slightly better.

Myth: fingerprints can definitively match a person to a crime scene. Fact: fingerprint matches are entirely subjective and we have no idea whether the cliché that all fingerprints are unique is actually true.

Myth: there is an epidemic of children being kidnapped from their homes in the dead of night. Fact: the FBI estimates that in 2008 a total of 155 children were kidnapped by strangers, thus a child is about 5 times more likely to drown than be kidnapped.

Myth: there are two typical types of offenders:
- one is the brilliant loner psychopath who commits serial crimes and can’t be caught without the aid of large task forces, luck, and equally brilliant loner detectives. Fact: most criminals are far less educated, poorer, and sicker than the average American.

- type two is the ruthless, soulless gang-banger who can only be contained (but never defeated) by armies of police. Fact: gang members are typically teenagers, generally in a gang for about a year before voluntarily leaving, and commit as many crimes against their fellow gang members as others.

Myth: serial killers account for many murder victims. Fact: out of almost 15,000 homicides in 2010, perhaps one percent were victims of a serial killer, while 4 times as many were victims of infanticide.

Myth: there are a lot of adolescent predators on the loose. Fact: at any given time there are very few juveniles whose behavior has warranted a placement in secure confinement. In New York City, on any given day there are only about 250 youth in secure confinement. ... rime-myths

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