Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - Page 420 - Politics | PoFo

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Wels wrote:I agree. But the Soviet Union ended, and what some called the dictatorship of the proletariat only was a dictatorship with one man at the top, Stalinism.
Communism is theoretically a good idea. In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, unfortunately not.

Just read this on Twitter

"There is talk that Russia could drag other countries in war via CSTO treaty because Russia could argue, that their own country is being attacked. Could it be a real possibility?"


The Armenians would flip them off.
The Kazakhs would choke on tears fron laughing.
The Tajiks would immediately start killing the Kyrgiz forcing the latter to fend for themselves.

And Lukashenko would make some excuses murmuring about the upcoming potato harvest."
Wels wrote:Just read this on Twitter

"There is talk that Russia could drag other countries in war via CSTO treaty because Russia could argue, that their own country is being attacked. Could it be a real possibility?"


The Armenians would flip them off.
The Kazakhs would choke on tears fron laughing.
The Tajiks would immediately start killing the Kyrgiz forcing the latter to fend for themselves.

And Lukashenko would make some excuses murmuring about the upcoming potato harvest."

Clearly the guy didn't have his people think through his actions, it is clear he miscalculated everything at every step of the way.
And I am glad, think about what would have happened if he had waited 10 years, if he had built pipelines to china and India to have an alternative buyer and perhaps even an ally by its balls, if he had waited for NATO to slowly desintegrate as it was going through after Trump and Macron and others criticized and called it "brain dead", if he had waited until the European countries had decominioned their nuclear powerplants to the point that they cannot be refurbished on a pinch, if they had waited for zelensky's presidency to end and perhaps install a puppet president or at the very least one that is less charismatic and more cowardly. He could have achieved 100% of his goals, he could have anexed the whole of ukraine in a week with minimal fighting if he had just waited and planned his position better. This is the premature ejaculation of warfare.
Schizophrenics in russia getting mobilized. It is going to be fun when you give him and have them get a hallucination crisis in the middle of the night in the dark barracks full of stranger russian soldiers. That's gonna end well..
Putin made a truly incoherent speech today. He spouted just one grievance after another. There is no doubt that the man in unhinged. It is time for his military to try and fail to prevent.......
Wels wrote:Russian northern front at Kerson is collapsing, seems they are trying to cross the river. Maybe no one told them the bridge is destroyed?

Also this:
" ... stories that Russian command and control has broken down so spectacularly in Kherson that one unit has gone onto social media to beg for air support."

LOL, let's hope it is all true! Viva Ukraine, slava ukraini
When Russia retakes all its territories from NATO occupation I will be here every day whispering about it in your ear. The zerglings and their NATO commanders will continue pouring in but the fumigation will begin in winter, all Russia has to do is trade territory for time and avoid losses. As it has done so successfully in the past.
Igor Antunov wrote:When Russia retakes all its territories from NATO occupation I will be here every day whispering about it in your ear. The zerglings will continue pouring in but the fumigation will begin in winter, all Russia has to do is trade territory for time and avoid losses. As it has done successfully in the past. Until it has its mobilization completed which will take until end of October.

Well, good luck in your quest to live 10000 years, because what you are suggesting won't happen in the rest of our lifetime.
I wonder if Igor beat off to Putin's insane speech today.
We are about to be at a crossroads. Clearly, militarily there is no win for russia. So now we need to see who is going to take the blame for it... does Putin makes a move and sends dozens of generals and officials to jail for corruption and other charges blaming them for misappropriation of military budgets and incompetence of maintaining a proper army, or do the generals see their neck on the chopping block and manage to put together a coup? The coup might lead to eventual normalization of relationships with russia, the other option will likely lead to another hermit state such as north Korea. I think. :lol:
There was a time when Igor's lie du juor was about how he grew up in a war torn country. And how awful it was. Of course we all knew it was bullshit. No person who has seen war could talk like he is. He is a typical internet troll. My guess is a high school drop out hiding in Cleveland behind a VPN. Interesting he has enough time to do this. When his mom kicks him out and he has to find a job, we'll see how he does.
I'm very familiar with @Igor Antunov's mode of operation. My parents were Christian and I was forced to listen to the drivel that is Christianity. They were the same, always looking forward to a future where Jesus would return, everything would be turned upside down and their faith vindicated. Now don't get me wrong the extreme Putinophiles are not as bad as Christians, I think its extremely unlikely but there is a small possibility that Russia could turn this around again. If they are still waiting for the big Russian come back in the year AD4022 then I think unfortunately we will have to write them off as delusional.

If you've ever waited for someone in a bar or a coffee shop and they're not on time, I always say that after 2000 years you should work on the assumption that they're not coming.
Drlee wrote:There was a time when Igor's lie du juor was about how he grew up in a war torn country. And how awful it was. Of course we all knew it was bullshit. No person who has seen war could talk like he is. He is a typical internet troll. My guess is a high school drop out hiding in Cleveland behind a VPN. Interesting he has enough time to do this. When his mom kicks him out and he has to find a job, we'll see how he does.

People who took part in wars or any other horrific things usually do not talk about it. One of my grandfathers who fought against the Japanese never really wanted to talk about it and the same goes of my other grandfather who was stuck in Gulag under Stalin. So that is that.
XogGyux wrote:the US will survive, even if injured. The one that will not survive is the russian federation.

What does that matter if Russia says fuck you? Brinkmanship only works if someone blinks.

President Putin may not be bluffing with his threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the American defence secretary said yesterday.

— The London Times, 2 Oct. 2022
By late
ingliz wrote:
What does that matter if Russia says fuck you? Brinkmanship only works if someone blinks.

President Putin may not be bluffing with his threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the American defence secretary said yesterday.

— The London Times, 2 Oct. 2022

What will likely happen is that we send in a bunch of cruise missiles into Ukraine and Crimea, and make one hell of a mess.

That will stop Putin from taking tactical advantage of the hole he punched with the nuke. And because Russia moves everything by rail, it means a severe strategic loss in their ability to resupply.

I would also expect a diplomatic response. Don't knock it, diplomacy can work like a hammer, if we shut down everything that has to do with Russia. Well, not just diplomacy...
ingliz wrote:What does that matter if Russia says fuck you? Brinkmanship only works if someone blinks.

President Putin may not be bluffing with his threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the American defence secretary said yesterday.

— The London Times, 2 Oct. 2022

I don't think bluff is the right term. They have the capability of doing what they are saying they would do, it is not a bluff, it is a threat. Wether they would follow through with the threat or not is a completely different question and it speaks to the soundness of mind of Putin and to wether his underlings would be stupid enough to complete his orders (if given) having the understanding that if they do, they are committing warcrimes, genocide and depending what are the targets of those nukes they might be condemning their families and loved one to certain death, all for the misguided obcession of a tiny little crazy dude.
I don't question that Putin can harm NATO, but what I am saying, this is not a balanced fight, he cannot destroy america, he cannot destroy nato. NATO can certainly destroy russia.
Now, this could be far worse for him than we know. We have seen first had in how shitty disaray his military is... all of which suggests rampant corruption, misallocation and stealing of military funds. Again, of the funds that are supposed to pay for uniforms, maintenance of firearms, supplies, body armor... if that funding is being stolen/redirected/inflated/etc... what makes you think that the same exact shit is not happening across russian Silos and missiles? My educated guess is that the same shit is happening across the board, and that even the nuclear capabilities of russia are highly overstated and the real capability is much lower than assumed. Do I want to test that hypothesis? No I don't, but if we are forced into a position that we need to retaliate, I am liking our odds much better than his.
Igor Antunov wrote:Patience, my naive little children.

Yes, let's be patient, winter is coming and I am sure the Russian Army is very well equipped with state-of-the-art leather overcoats and boots, plenty of warmers and if not, they also have plenty of supply lines that are not currently controlled by the Ukranians. Let's be patient, Ukraines should save their HIMAR missiles and their bullet and let cold mother nature finish off the job. It will be far more poetic if these troops perish the same way napoleon's army suffered defeat.
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