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Igor Antunov wrote:Ask me how I know Ukraine is about to lose its entire coastline and that Moldova is going to be annexed?

Syria has recognized the two breakaway republics. ... ay-regions

Nord 1 is still operating. Nord 2 isn't pumping gas, its approval has been merely paused, it's going nowhere. Can be unpaused and pumped full of gas at any time. So Germany has done exactly 0 thus far. If it was serious it would stop all Russian gas imports.

Also...Americans tell Europe not to buy from Russia....America buys oil from Russia....America sells Russian oil to Europe. Now watch them do the same with Gas.

They did it to Australia too with China.

That was from 22nd February. So can we agree that Ukraine was not about to lose its entire coast line?

Perhaps we can go further and agree that Moldova is not going to be annexed.
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By Wels
re Kherson, from yesterday
XogGyux wrote:LOL, let's hope it is all true! Viva Ukraine, slava ukraini

I was not sure, just posted it from Twitter which is anything but reliable

Ukraine has made 'breakthroughs' in Kherson region, Russian-installed official says
(Reuters) ... 022-10-03/

Ukrainian forces break through Kherson frontline
Russian military loses ground in both east and south of the country ... 8658932de9

Russian mobilization and morale

Last edited by Wels on 03 Oct 2022 20:47, edited 2 times in total.
Rich wrote:I'm very familiar with @Igor Antunov's mode of operation. My parents were Christian and I was forced to listen to the drivel that is Christianity. They were the same, always looking forward to a future where Jesus would return, everything would be turned upside down and their faith vindicated. Now don't get me wrong the extreme Putinophiles are not as bad as Christians, I think its extremely unlikely but there is a small possibility that Russia could turn this around again. If they are still waiting for the big Russian come back in the year AD4022 then I think unfortunately we will have to write them off as delusional.

If you've ever waited for someone in a bar or a coffee shop and they're not on time, I always say that after 2000 years you should work on the assumption that they're not coming.

What a dick you are. You can't leave the thread alone. You have to get into the trolling game. Why don't you go play with the other kids. There may be a swing set nearby. :roll: The problem with the internet is that there is no age requirement to use it.
Large disembodied head is having a bad day month year.
Wels wrote:re Kherson, from yesterday

I was not sure, just posted it from Twitter which is anything but reliable

Ukraine has made 'breakthroughs' in Kherson region, Russian-installed official says
(Reuters) ... 022-10-03/

Ukrainian forces break through Kherson frontline
Russian military loses ground in both east and south of the country ... 8658932de9

Russian mobilization and morale

These Ukranians are moving at a ferocious speed. Wow, I am impressed. They have been outsmarting and outstrategizing the russians at every step in the way, even when the Russians attacked initially when the Ukrainians didn't have enough weapons, they did not deplete their human power and put some, but not as fierce resistance, they saved their soldiers so they could counterstrike with massive strength once they had armament delivery from the west. Whoever are making the military decisions, BRAVO. Also KUDOS to Zelensky, i am sure he is delegating a lot of the decision making to the people that have the skill and experience as it should be. A Jew Comedian President outsmarting the career spy KGB warmonger russian president, if someone in hollywood came out with that movie script it would probably get rejected for being too far fictional.
Guys take notes, we should also elect a jew comedian next election, and we have a perfect one. Jon Stweart 2024.
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By Wels
Seems Putin is in a disparate situation, so his next escalation step since he cannot win:

"Video footage of a long goods train carrying special military equipment is raising concerns about a nuclear attack by Russia. The Daily Mail and the Times report that the train is heading towards Ukraine. According to the Times, President Putin has ordered the deployment. The train is reportedly linked to a department of the Russian Defence Ministry that has nuclear weapons. According to the report, the equipment and vehicles on the train belong to the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Defence Ministry.

This special department is responsible for storing, maintaining and providing weapons for the Strategic Missile Forces; it is a military department that controls nuclear missiles and is a key element of Putin's nuclear programme.

Military analyst Konrad Musyka told both newspapers that the deployment of such units could be a sign of an imminent escalation of the conflict or a sign of a large-scale nuclear exercise on the border."

1. So the self-declared "independent" areas are not so independent anymore.
2. Putin loves his Donbass so much he will explode some "tactical" (lmao) nukes in that region.
Or over Kyiv? Who knows.

So if his KGB or army officers will not stop him, what will the world do if Putin goes into "tactical" nuclear weapons?
I guess the answer will be to answer accordingly and get rid of this maniac whatever the cost.
This should have been done earlier of course.
Sorry Russia, but the rest of the world cannot afford your maniac dictator.
If you are not able to control your government, we will have to.
Wels wrote:Seems Putin is in a disparate situation, so his next escalation step since he cannot win:

"Video footage of a long goods train carrying special military equipment is raising concerns about a nuclear attack by Russia. The Daily Mail and the Times report that the train is heading towards Ukraine. According to the Times, President Putin has ordered the deployment. The train is reportedly linked to a department of the Russian Defence Ministry that has nuclear weapons. According to the report, the equipment and vehicles on the train belong to the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Defence Ministry.

This special department is responsible for storing, maintaining and providing weapons for the Strategic Missile Forces; it is a military department that controls nuclear missiles and is a key element of Putin's nuclear programme.

Military analyst Konrad Musyka told both newspapers that the deployment of such units could be a sign of an imminent escalation of the conflict or a sign of a large-scale nuclear exercise on the border."

1. So the self-declared "independent" areas are not so independent anymore.
2. Putin loves his Donbass so much he will explode some "tactical" (lmao) nukes in that region.
Or over Kyiv? Who knows.

So if his KGB or army officers will not stop him, what will the world do if Putin goes into "tactical" nuclear weapons?
I guess the answer will be to answer accordingly and get rid of this maniac whatever the cost.
This should have been done earlier of course.
Sorry Russia, but the rest of the world cannot afford your maniac dictator.
If you are not able to control your government, we will have to.

There is also this: ... 14665.html
He is going to do it.
XogGyux wrote:There is also this: ... 14665.html
He is going to do it.

Perhaps he'll try.

I am not convinced that the military will stop him. It depends on how many concubines the top leadership gets in the shelter.

I think we can be certain that the sub everyone is so worried about has a couple of US attack subs right up its ass. I would not want to be on that Russian sub right now. Look for an "tragic accident" to happen one of these days.

But will Russia try a nuke. If I had to give odds right now I would say there is a 40% chance he will.

What would our response be? The utter destruction of the Russian military by conventional means. If Putin thinks he has a problem in Ukraine wait until the 2 million strong Peoples Liberation Army is knocking at the back door while the 3 million active NATO troops are on the front stoop. He can't mobilize 300K to fight in Ukraine. Wait until these flowers of Russian manhood hear that they are going to go fight the US and the EU.

He Igor? When is Kiev going to fall? Tomorrow or the next day.
Rugoz wrote:Surveys on secession right after the 2014 revolution.
Image ... e-country/

This one is more detailed (region, ethnicity): ... secession/
(e.g. in Donas 22.5% wanted to join Russia and 8.4% wanted independence).

Surveys on the status of Donbas.

2017/2019: ... 3_2019.pdf
(e.g. in 2019 95.4% in the Ukrainian-controlled Donbas wanted Donbas to remain a part of Ukraine while only 54.5% in the Russian-controlled Donbas said so)

2017: ... ine_en.pdf
(Besides, in this survey only 1% say the "status of the Russian language" is an important issue for Ukraine, vs. corruption with 46% for example).

Hmm, do you think that the opinions would have changed after the actual ousting of the President by an armed mob in coordination with FIS..? Do you think opinions would have shifted after the Ukrainian state security apparatus seemed to collude with the hooligans who killed 39 Russians at the Odessa union building in May?

... and the subsequent 8 years of warfare likely changed a lot of minds.

I know a Ukrainian who said he felt ambivalent and uncaring about politics in general until the Russian invasion... I imagine that a huge amount of people in the Donbass were essentially "awakened" (in the opposite way) when violence began occurring.

Which is why the referendums in 2014 yielded the results that they did and, even now, the Wikipedia article has the famous blip from a German journalist stating...

An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence. The poll did not claim to have scientific precision, but was carried out to get a basis from which to judge the outcome of the referendum, given that independent observers were not present to monitor it. Even with those who said they would not vote counted in, a 65.6% majority supported separation from Ukraine.[22]

Archived Wikipedia page [though I believe this still appears on Wikipedia, surprisingly so]

There was even an interview on the BBC where someone from the Donbass stated that they hope that Ukraine can remain united, the Russians be removed, etc., but the majority of people in my hometown want to be part of Russia (link).

It seems illogical to me to suggest that they would not be upset about their President being removed from office..?

It also seems illogical that the wealthy industrial heartland that is getting fleeced by organized crime that controls much politics & commerce in the area wouldn't want to be integrated into a wealthier, less corrupt country that could presumably solve that problem. Cue the response "are you suggesting Russia is NOT CORRUPT? What about MUH DEMOCRACY?[/i]"

Lol, yeah, of course Russia has its share of issues but it is wealthier and less corrupt, and democracy is very low on the totem pole of values when you are poor and you've already got to experience the WonDeRs oF DeMoCrAcY for a quarter of a century under Kiev :eh: :( .

Yeah man it sounds mean, I am not really here to shit on poor countries with major issues, but like I said before... There are reasons why this war happened 8 years ago. This is not some 19th century conflict where suddenly the Tsar shows up on the borderlands and swallows a quarter of the country because his great grandmother was the Archduchess of Odessa or some shit.
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By Wels
The former head of Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz, Andrij Koboljew, says that the explosives that blew up Nordstream 1 and 2 in the Baltic, were already mounted on the pipelines when they were built.
Drlee wrote:What a dick you are. You can't leave the thread alone. You have to get into the trolling game. Why don't you go play with the other kids. There may be a swing set nearby. :roll: The problem with the internet is that there is no age requirement to use it.

:lol: You really are a pathetic individual aren't you. Every-time you're faced with a difficult argument you resort to puerile personal insults. Its particularly funny because you seem to suffer from very Putin like, right man complex.

Just like Putin wanting to change from a conventional war to a nuclear war when he's losing the conventional war you like to turn a debate into a slanging match when you're losing a conventional debate.

You seem to think that its OK for you to criticise, debase and insult Russian nationalists and any other group you decide you don't like but that religions and monarchies should be off limits to criticism. The point I was making was actually an important one. Humans create their own realities, and those realities can be surprisingly impervious to conflicting evidence if they can seal themselves off from criticism. Russian nationalist reality making must be looked at in the context of other groups reality making.
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By Wels
Speaking on state-controlled network Russia One, television host Vladimir Solovyov said:
"In real life, I'd really like us to attack and take Kyiv tomorrow but I am aware that, for those 300,000 who are undergoing partial mobilisation, time is required for that."
So if anyone lets Moscow annex the regions were Russia is in retreat, they will try again sooner or later.

"Time is required for their training, for their combat coordination, and for them to have everything they need for entering battle.
This means that for a certain period of time, things won't be easy for us.
Right now, we shouldn't be expecting good news. We need to possess 'long will' and strategic patience."

Seems Putin wants to detonate a "tactical" nuke probably at the border of Ukraine, though i have no idea which tactical or stratedical purpose this should serve. I really think if he does this it will be the end of Russia as we know it.

The world needs to stop with this woke sentiment that somehow this is the work of one crazy maniac (Putin) and all those poor Russians suffer under his regime. The vast majority of Russians support their leader and the war on Ukraine.
Like in WW2 i guess there can only be one solution.
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By Wels
Putin’s 70th birthday and Russian elections are looming. Here’s why that’s bad news for Ukraine
"The dictator is gearing up for a new assault - and the West must act decisively to prevent it"-

"It would be unwise, however, to draw any firm conclusions from this encouraging news about Ukraine routing its invader.

Ukraine has been here before, in 2014. In July and August that year, there were fierce battles. Cities changed hands etc. Ukraine was doing well. Then, around August 24 – Ukraine’s – Independence Day since its escape from the Soviet Union in 1991, there was a dramatic shift as Russian commanders inflicted a huge defeat at the Battle of Ilovaisk.

It proved a pivotal moment. Russian troops poured into the Donetsk region, occupied it, and moved closer to harbour city Mariupol. The rest is history as the defeat forced Ukraine to the negotiation table in Minsk, Belarus, for months and months and months of ‘peace talks’ about East Ukraine. They were meaningless – except for the fact that Crimea was the elephant in the room.

Russia did not allow Ukraine any discussion of what it had done. At the talks, the West closed ranks with Russia. It, too, acquiesced in Russia’s blatant land-grab, hoping that its aggression would quickly evaporate like a very unpleasant smell." ... r-ukraine/
Kherson might get liberated soon. The frontline is collapsing as we speak. :excited:
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By ingliz
Drlee wrote:40%

You don't think that estimate is a tad low?

In relation to the damage inflicted, atomic bombs [are] the most economical form of destruction that can be used on the offensive.

— Albert Einstein on why the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable

Russia's annual GDP is slightly less than Italy's.
ingliz wrote:You don't think that estimate is a tad low?

In relation to the damage inflicted, atomic bombs [are] the most economical form of destruction that can be used on the offensive.

— Albert Einstein on why the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable

Russia's annual GDP is slightly less than Italy's.

That is only if you limit yourself to the cost of the weapon itself and not the cost of actually using it. If Russia uses it, the backlash is going to be such powerful that it will likely put the existence of the country itself in peril. Now, tell me that it is cheap :lol: .

Putin says America set a precedent, and he is right. But he is wrong about the precedent that America set. The precedent that America set is, America ended the largest war in human history, and despite being involved on multiple wars ever seen (Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc) including wars that America essentially lost, America has not ever dared to use one again, that is the precedent that was set, the precedent of having a capability, and deciding that it is too terrifying to use it. The precedent of admitting we cannot keep fighting vietnam or iraq and because we are not "winning" willing to go "there" we withdraw rather than escalate (nor that a nuclear detonation would have made a difference in either case). So no, America did not set a precedent for using the bombs, America set a precedent for refusing to use it, even when we have it and even when we are not winning.
Russia is having an Vietnam moment right now, they are suggesting doing the opposite of what america has done.
It would not come cheap for them. Sure, the bomb itself will likely kill more people and destroy more shit than if using bullets or individual "conventional" missiles. But the cost does not stop with the bang, the further sanctions, the escalations of war and possible NATO involvement, the posibility that india and China might cut them off whatever lifeline they are offering currently... that is measured in billions, perhaps even trillions of dollars. It would probably be the most expensive detonation in history.
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