Illegal migrants storm Paris City Hall demanding free stuff - Politics | PoFo

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A mob of illegal third-world migrants stormed and occupied the city hall building in Paris, France, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations.” Illegal and mass migration issues have again reached a tipping point in France, where the government is now planning to resettle so-called refugees in working-class rural communities, out of the sight and minds of the E.U. governing elite.

More than 100 illegal third-world migrants violently stormed and occupied the Paris city hall building in France yesterday, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations” by a country that never invited them in, in the first place. Much like in the U.S., the migrants were aided in their city hall insurrection by native-born left-wing activists.

INSURRECTION: Illegal Migrants Storm and Occupy Paris City Hall Demanding - National File, Frankie Stockes, October 8, 2022 ... modations/
Puffer Fish wrote:
A mob of illegal third-world migrants stormed and occupied the city hall building in Paris, France, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations.” Illegal and mass migration issues have again reached a tipping point in France, where the government is now planning to resettle so-called refugees in working-class rural communities, out of the sight and minds of the E.U. governing elite.

More than 100 illegal third-world migrants violently stormed and occupied the Paris city hall building in France yesterday, demanding that they be given welfare and “free accommodations” by a country that never invited them in, in the first place. Much like in the U.S., the migrants were aided in their city hall insurrection by native-born left-wing activists.

INSURRECTION: Illegal Migrants Storm and Occupy Paris City Hall Demanding - National File, Frankie Stockes, October 8, 2022 ... modations/

Hey, what's government *for*, right -- ? (Nudging with elbows.)

= D
How dare those third-world migrants storm government buildings demanding free stuff!

Only we can do that!

Anyway, simple fact check:

The activists protested outside of city hall. They entered/stormed the inner courtyard.

They are a French group - "Collectif La Chapelle Debout" - not migrants themselves.

They were protesting the difference in treatment between Ukrainian and African/Arab migrants, particular with regards of access to housing.

On October 1, the Yellow Vests did basically the same thing but @PufferFish doesn't give two fucks about it. :lol:
Unthinking Majority wrote:
All of my non-white refugee friends (now longtime citizens) really dislike the double-standard of western attention toward Ukraine vs non-white wars n stuff. I get their point, but also this is Europe and World War 2-ish, so it affects Westerners & you can't blame selective outrage.

This is 'World War 2-ish' -- ?

Why not say that it's a 'Great Powers' world, like World War 1 -- ?

*Really* it's about Germany screwing up its own energy policy, then using sanctions and NATO aggression against Russia to *cover* for it:


Energy-intensive German industry and German exporters were hit particularly hard by the energy crisis.[112][113] For example, Volkswagen has sufficient gas reserves only for the next five to six months.[114] Carsten Brzeski, economist at ING bank, said the war in Ukraine "puts an end to the German economic business model as we knew it — a model which was mainly based on cheap energy imports and industrial exports into an increasingly globalized world."[115] On 29 September 2022, Germany presented a €200 billion plan to support industry and households.[116]

The country is a principal purchaser of Russian natural gas and was mostly affected by sanctions on Russian energy in the aftermath of its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Germany indefinitely suspended the regulatory approval for the Nord Stream 2 in March, but resisted pressures to shut down oil and natural gas trades with Russia altogether. In Germany, both employers and labour representatives feared that a further tightening of sanctions would threaten entire employment sectors. The recent energy crisis and encouragement by German governments to save Russian energy was also dubbed "freezing for Ukraine". Industry sectors not directly involved with natural gas or petroleum would also suffer as "firms would go bust" if prices for crucial raw materials like nickel and aluminium were to increase even more.[117] In March 2022, Germany's Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck cautioned, "If we do not obtain more gas next winter and if deliveries from Russia were to be cut then we would not have enough gas to heat all our houses and keep all our industry going."[118] Habeck said Germany plans to end imports of Russian natural gas by mid-2024.[119][120]

In March 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced plans to build two new LNG terminals.[121] Habeck said Germany reached a long-term energy partnership with Qatar,[122] one of the world's largest exporters of liquefied natural gas.[123][needs update]

In June 2022, Scholz said that his government remains committed to phasing out nuclear power despite rising energy prices and Germany's dependence on energy imports from Russia.[124] Former Chancellor Angela Merkel committed Germany to a nuclear power phase-out after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.[125]

On 25 July 2022, Gazprom announced it will reduce gas flows to Germany to 20% of the maximum capacity, or 50% of the current throughput, which further exacerbated the energy crisis in Europe.[20]

In September 2022, Germany was forced to take over three Rosneft refineries due to a halt of Russian crude imports. The move averted a shut-down of those refineries, which are essential to the German economy.[126]

On 5 October 2022, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck accused the US and other "friendly" gas supplier nations that they were profiting from the Ukraine war with "astronomical prices". He called for more solidarity by the US to assist energy-pressed allies in Europe.[127] ... is#Germany
ckaihatsu wrote:*Really* it's about Germany screwing up its own energy policy, then using sanctions and NATO aggression against Russia to *cover* for it:

Germany has screwed up their energy policy, yes, and they have been very reluctant to escalate any conflict with Russia because of this. It has been a miracle that they have taken even as strong stand as they have, despite dragging their feet over and over since late February this year.

Their weakness presented Putin with an opportunity to exploit, giving him a sense that he could act with impunity. The French and the Germans both tried to find a compromise after the American and NATO talks collapsed in January. They are still pushing for a peaceful settlement despite everything that has happened, but there will be none coming until we've reached a new status quo in the conflict sometime this winter.
Unthinking Majority wrote:All of my non-white refugee friends (now longtime citizens) really dislike the double-standard of western attention toward Ukraine vs non-white wars n stuff. I get their point, but also this is Europe and World War 2-ish, so it affects Westerners & you can't blame selective outrage.

Yes and no.

While the selective outrage is understandable on some level (i.e. it is unrealistic to expect people not to be racist), we can and should protest when this selective outrage and racism also informs things like refugee policy and welfare allocations.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes and no.

While the selective outrage is understandable on some level (i.e. it is unrealistic to expect people not to be racist), we can and should protest when this selective outrage and racism also informs things like refugee policy and welfare allocations.

I don't think it can be boiled down to simply racism. If China invaded Japan or South Korea we'd see a similar reaction from westerners.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes and no.

While the selective outrage is understandable on some level (i.e. it is unrealistic to expect people not to be racist), we can and should protest when this selective outrage and racism also informs things like refugee policy and welfare allocations.

I don't think it's racist when your national security is under threat - which is what the war in Ukraine is for the rest of Europe. It's pretty normal, I doubt Africans care about this war as much as they do for the various ongoing conflicts in Africa, and that makes perfect sense.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I don't think it can be boiled down to simply racism. If China invaded Japan or South Korea we'd see a similar reaction from westerners.

I doubt it.

And even so, we see vast differences in how western countries have accepted Ukrainian refugees compared to other refugees.

A hypothetical influx of refugees from a developed non-white country does not change that.


wat0n wrote:I don't think it's racist when your national security is under threat - which is what the war in Ukraine is for the rest of Europe. It's pretty normal, I doubt Africans care about this war as much as they do for the various ongoing conflicts in Africa, and that makes perfect sense.

There is no rational argument that Paris is going to be attacked by Russia and therefore justifies preferential treatment for white refugeea.

Yes, I understand that Europeans and other citizens of developed nations are far more shocked about this invasion than the many other times a developed western country invaded somewhere. And I understand that this is because they identify with the invaded, which is not the case when non-white countries are invaded.

The fact that we understand why the Parisian government is enacting this double standard does not justify this double standard.
So unequal treatment if non-white refugees is justified because of a hypothetical situation where Moscow decides to ignore detente.

I think this argument lacks a good relationship between Moscow's behaviour and the behaviour of Paris towards refugees from the recent wars in MENA countries.

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