Moscow : "We need to start hurting United States and Great Britain, it's obvious". - Politics | PoFo

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Russia has hurt America. It got Trump elected president. Now we are repaying the favor.

Russia ought to be very careful where it challenges the US militarily. We are somewhat stronger than Ukraine and far more ruthless.
Drlee wrote:Russia has hurt America. It got Trump elected president.

I would say having Trump as president hurt China more than the US.

During the 2020 elections it's said that China didn't want Trump and Russia didn't want Biden.
Apparently Russia lost.

So both of them are hurt now. The US, as it should, is the winner.
With this thread, litwin, you seem to be agreeing with Putin that "the USA and UK are too Nazi."

Could you explore in what ways the anglo-empire's tactics and worldview resemble the heyday of the Nazis in Germany in the mid-20th Century?

Many other authors have done so.
About the video above:

I like how it dreams about "Russia coming apart" as this would be the logical next step in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq coming apart.

NATO's role in the world is to force other nations to "come apart" so that the seamstresses of human clothTM can sew them back together again and make booties for Christmas presents for their nephews with all the scrap pieces of human fabric.
QatzelOk wrote:I like how it dreams about "Russia coming apart" as this would be the logical next step in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq coming apart.

There's a good argument that Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq should come apart. None of them are nation states. Russia on the other hand is a nation state even if it has non Russian minorities within its borders and Russian minorities beyond its borders.
Rich wrote:There's a good argument that Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq should come apart.

This is a "good argument" that is usually made about other nation states, and not ones own.

That this argument is only used to attack other nation states demonstrates what it really is.

I mean, Canada -the USA - Israel - Australia - Kosovo - North Sudan...??

These are all resource-stealing constructs that were put into place by corporate entities. What could be worse for human quality of life than having it destroyed for a few shareholders.

And the countries I listed above.... rule for these shareholders, not for their own multi-cultural populations, or for the quality of life in the long-term.
QatzelOk wrote:This is a "good argument" that is usually made about other nation states, and not ones own.

No Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all free to have referendums and leave as long as they take their fair share of the government debt with them. And as far I'm concerned Spain can annex Gibraltar anytime they want, using force if necessary.
Rich wrote:No Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all free to have referendums and leave as long as they take their fair share of the government debt with them. And as far I'm concerned Spain can annex Gibraltar anytime they want, using force if necessary.

This is just how I feel about the blood sucking Southern US states that receive far more federal benefits than they pay in. They are free to leave. Imagine Louisiana trying to fund a Navy. Walk by 100 Louisiana residents and you have just walked past 17 welfare recipients. Or, to put it another way, this bright red state gets 44% of its general revenue from the Federal Government. Perhaps they could just raise taxes. And ultra racist and bright red Montana gets even more at 47%. (I mention Montana to remind the racist republicans out there that the only .4% of Montanans are black.)
Drlee wrote:This is just how I feel about the blood sucking Southern US states that receive far more federal benefits than they pay in. They are free to leave.

No, they're not. You fought a brutal Civil War to prove that point.

Imagine Louisiana trying to fund a Navy. Walk by 100 Louisiana residents and you have just walked past 17 welfare recipients. Or, to put it another way, this bright red state gets 44% of its general revenue from the Federal Government. Perhaps they could just raise taxes. And ultra racist and bright red Montana gets even more at 47%. (I mention Montana to remind the racist republicans out there that the only .4% of Montanans are black.)

Most US states are not capable of functioning as nation-states in their own right, any more than, say, Cornwall is. Which is why even when they did try to leave the US, they banded together as a 'Confederacy' to do it.
Potemkin wrote:No, they're not. You fought a brutal Civil War to prove that point.

Most US states are not capable of functioning as nation-states in their own right, any more than, say, Cornwall is. Which is why even when they did try to leave the US, they banded together as a 'Confederacy' to do it.

Well that is one undeniable and one probably good points.

Let's just say that I am willing to make an exception for these fools. After about a year of grandma dying of hunger and the kids with no school to attend (even realizing that a southern education is mostly aimed at making someone literate enough to get a commercial driver's license) they would come crawling back to the other states.


Bless their hearts.
Drlee wrote:Well that is one undeniable and one probably good points.

Let's just say that I am willing to make an exception for these fools. After about a year of grandma dying of hunger and the kids with no school to attend (even realizing that a southern education is mostly aimed at making someone literate enough to get a commercial driver's license) they would come crawling back to the other states.


Bless their hearts.

Their ancestors fought to the death to defend the right of rich people to own slaves, a right which ensured their own poverty and misery. They’re clearly not the brightest and best humanity has to offer, @Drlee.
Potemkin wrote:Their ancestors fought to the death to defend the right of rich people to own slaves, a right which ensured their own poverty and misery. They’re clearly not the brightest and best humanity has to offer, @Drlee.

Well, yes. But it is not the US only, it is just human. It takes some effort and will to learn, and wanting to learn.

I heard an interview that the social cohesion/teamwork between youngsters in Ukraine has taken a leap forward, certainly due to the russian invasion.
They said they wanted to learn more, from science to politics, to not grow up and become "dumb as the russians".

Looking at the education and intelligence of some of the russian "leaders" like Prigozhin (you know the one who sent the blood-crusted sledge hammer to the EU recently), you know exactly what they mean with 'dumb'.
Prigozhin wants to spread fear but all he gets is contempt. Russia's "elite" (lmao) is busy ditching any reputation that Russia had built up after 1990. Anyone remember the Petersburg dialogue and all that. Seems it was all maskirovka.

Better education for all in Russia is probably also an idea. Together with building the base for a civilian society.
Wels wrote:Well, yes. But it is not the US only, it is just human. It takes some effort and will to learn, and wanting to learn.

I heard an interview that the social cohesion/teamwork between youngsters in Ukraine has taken a leap forward, certainly due to the russian invasion.
They said they wanted to learn more, from science to politics, to not grow up and become "dumb as the russians".

Looking at the education and intelligence of some of the russian "leaders" like Prigozhin (you know the one who sent the blood-crusted sledge hammer to the EU recently), you know exactly what they mean with 'dumb'.
Prigozhin wants to spread fear but all he gets is contempt. Russia's "elite" (lmao) is busy ditching any reputation that Russia had built up after 1990. Anyone remember the Petersburg dialogue and all that. Seems it was all maskirovka.

Better education for all in Russia is probably also an idea. Together with building the base for a civilian society.

Rich wrote:Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all free to have referendums and leave ...

Drlee wrote:This is just how I feel about the blood sucking Southern US states...

For thread relevance, it appear that if China-Russia-BRICS decide to break the USA and UK into managable chunks with DMZs between the components, there might even be local support.

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