"My Man-Made Vagina is Closing Up, Now I need to get it replaced" - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This transgender person says "No one would choose this lifestyle". Does she mean she would never have gotten that surgery if she knew what was going to happen?

It's really sad that the society has implanted the idea into this young person's head that getting this surgery and having their genitals sliced and diced and turned inside out was a reasonable idea.
Patrickov wrote:All are her choice. She may have a poor judgement of decisions and consequences but I fail to see any issues other than that.

I'm sorry, I thought many on the Left were in favor of trying to protect people from their own poor judgement and consequences of their decisions.

Apparently not when it comes to sexual choices.

This was a pretty young person too.
They're considered too young to buy alcohol or cigarettes but old enough to decide to do this?
Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: 'Destroyed my life'

A retired Navy SEAL who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to "wake up" about how transgender health services are hurting children.

"Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it," Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. "Everything that happened to me for the last 10 years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help."

"I take full responsibility," he continued. "I went on CNN and everything else, and that’s why I’m here right now. I’m trying to correct that."

Beck gained notoriety in 2013 when he spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper about transitioning to a woman.

https://debatepolitics.com/threads/reti ... fe.498535/

This is a big deal, and people need to understand why so many are against the transitioning of children, and that parents need to be stopped from transitioning their young children.
Fasces wrote:She clearly means that it isn't a choice. That she was born this way.

I think she means being transgender isn't a choice, which is true.

Taking hormones and cutting off your penis is a choice though. She was born with a penis, she's not broken, or in "the wrong body". But I don't envy any trans people because it must be very psychologically confusing and socially difficult.
Puffer Fish wrote:I'm sorry, I thought many on the Left were in favor of trying to protect people from their own poor judgement and consequences of their decisions.

Let it be known that I want to place myself on the right.
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By ingliz
Puffer Fish wrote:My man-made vagina is closing up

My condolences.

You should have received instruction in vaginal dilation, dilators, and a dilation schedule.

As the old saying goes, 'Use it or lose it.'

Dilation is an important part of recovery.
18-Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried to Create a Vagina From Part of His Colon

A disturbing story from the UK reveals that a trans-identified teenager died from complications that arose from a surgery in which doctors tried to build him a vagina using parts of his colon.

A 2016 medical article reveals details about an 18-year-old boy's death due to complications that arose from a gender-affirming surgery, as reported by The Post Millennial. This paper was part of a linchpin Dutch study that laid the groundwork for child sex change operations. The boy was given puberty blockers at a young age because he claimed that he was truly a girl. These medications resulted in a lack of penile tissue developing in his body, which was the reason that surgeons removed part of his colon in order to perform a vaginoplasty, a surgery that essentially attempts to create a "neo-vagina" in male patients.

The patient was described as a "healthy" teenager, but within 24 hours of the surgery, he experienced necrotising fascitis, a rare bacterial infection that can spread quickly in the body and result in death. Doctors attempted to save him by administering intravenous antibiotics and "repeated surgical debridement" (which removes dead or infected tissue), but multiple of his organs went into failure and he died. Further investigation showed that the patient suffered a deadly strain of E. coli that likely originated from his own intestines.​

18-Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried To Create A Vagina From Part Of His Colon | Evie Magazine, Gina Florio, April 24, 2023

To most conservatives, this seems like obvious insanity.
But for most of those on the whacky-doodle Left, they see nothing wrong with these surgeries and even celebrate them. They'll probably just dismiss the death of this boy as "an unfortunate accident but extremely rare", seeing all the potential risks and downsides as "worth the cost".
If it is an adult doing stupid things to their body, then there's little you can do about it except get them the best information possible so they can make an educated and informed decisions.

18 year olds can decide to go to war is they want. If they want to destroy their body, then changing it like that is just another way to delf-delete.
Puffer Fish wrote:This transgender person says "No one would choose this lifestyle". Does she mean she would never have gotten that surgery if she knew what was going to happen?

He learned the hard way like many others who've had what is known as "bottom surgery". Not many men actually get the chop and try to make Frankenstein-esque imitations of the original, but when they do, the horror stories I've read are plenty.

When I say time is on the side of those of us opposed to the new lobotomies, I mean more people like the above will speak out against the insanity they suffer. When that idea is more common, others will perhaps think twice about going through with this experiment.

Fasces wrote:She clearly means that it isn't a choice. That she was born this way.

He was born a boy and it is a choice. Being born male is the part that isn't a choice. Like me, being born female, isn't a choice. But we have to suck it up with what we're given...


Sandzak wrote:Why have LGBTQ people such a low life expectency??? about 32,5 years?

The ones who are taking puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or having dangerous and unnecessary mutilations on their body are part of what can only be described as an experimental probject right now.

ingliz wrote:My condolences.

You should have received instruction in vaginal dilation, dilators, and a dilation schedule.

As the old saying goes, 'Use it or lose it.'

Dilation is an important part of recovery.

Yes, the men who get surgery say this is necessary. Funny that you know this. Makes me wonder more about why you have the position you have. :lol:
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