Tucker Carlson out at Fox News - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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QatzelOk wrote:
Just for contrast, try to watch that pinnacle of non-radicalness called *the View*.

They're both bad.

Btw, your disinterest in reality is duly noted.
Although I'd rather expect Carlson to find another decent job in the US media, he still has a legit invitation to the very capital of godly truth and justice by the shaman-in-chief of the Godly Truth And Justice Movement Vladimir Solovyov to serve the cause alongside him on his superb show, albeit he'd rather like to see him run for POTUS, of course. So if it turns out that Carlson has actually outgrown the spiritually underdeveloped and obviously ungodly petty United States somehow, he's still very much welcome to the Third Rome, where he still can grow further and continue his quest propagating the one and only true gospel where it's the most appropriate.

NBC News wrote:Vladimir Solovyov, the most prominent commentator on Russian state TV and a staunch pro-Kremlin propagandist, said Carlson was welcome to join his nightly panel discussion show — while suggesting he should consider a run for the White House.

"You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for President of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project," he wrote in an email, according to a screen grab he shared on his Telegram channel.

"We'll happily offer you a job if you wish to carry on as a presenter and host! You are always welcome in Russia and Moscow, we wish you the best of luck."

Alongside the message on Telegram, Solovyov wrote in English: "Tucker, come join us. You don't have to be afraid of taking the piss out of Biden here," using a common British expression for mocking someone.

ImageHonourable leaders (wordly and spiritual) of the Godly Truth And Justice Movement
About Tucker Carlson and the View, late wrote:They're both bad.

Btw, your disinterest in reality is duly noted.

Interesting that you mention *reality* and my interest in it.

Is *reality* learned by listening to Truth Media, or is *reality* better acquired by listening to people with a wide variety of views, and reading a great variety of opinions and facts?

I ask this because Western Truth has been getting narrower and narrower for my entire life. Never have there been fewer acceptable opinions than there are now.
QatzelOk wrote:Obviously, no political commentator has a monopoly on the truth, nor do any of them restrict themselves to 100% true speech. But Tucker Carlson provides an interesting spin on the news of the day because it's different from most other commentators. Heretics are important when you are trying to understand the news from multiple angles.

Carlson approaches 100% untruth. He just does not care about truth at all. He just says stuff for effect. It's an ACT.

He just lies. It's political manipulation. Orwellian. He's providing scape goats and distraction for the 1%.
Never paid attention to Tucker before but then he had some Marxist-Leninists - like Dan Kovalik and Anya Parampil - on his show and gave them plenty of time to speak against stuff like wars against Russia and Venezuela, gave space to the family of Julian Assange to speak about his persecution...and this type of stuff was surprising and good, considering the audience numbers of that network.

I doubt Tucker will struggle finding any new work though and his departure appears to have affected the ratings of that channel.
skinster wrote:Never paid attention to Tucker before but then he had some Marxist-Leninists - like Dan Kovalik and Anya Parampil - on his show and gave them plenty of time to speak against stuff like wars against Russia and Venezuela, gave space to the family of Julian Assange to speak about his persecution...and this type of stuff was surprising and good, considering the audience numbers of that network.

I doubt Tucker will struggle finding any new work though and his departure appears to have affected the ratings of that channel.

Even though he is far from being a perfect person with perfect knowledge, Tucker Carlson's show - as you mention - featured guests with a wide variety of opinions and backgrounds who HE ALLOWED TO SPEAK.

He didn't cut off their sentences or their mikes, he didn't trash them as radicals or dummies.

I don't particularly like his high-pitched voice or suburban 70s hair, but those are superficial things.

What I think his audience really liked about him... was that his show gave a glimpse into what "learning about the world by listening to various opinions" might look like. I agree with you that if he keeps this component of his show, he will make a lot of money elsewhere.
He seems to have allowed to speak all variety of Putin's allies. He has interviewed Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán as well, for example, and hosted his show from the capital Budapest for a week in 2021. Because this superb regime deserves any support of any kind so much, I guess.

Beren wrote:He seems to have allowed to speak all variety of Putin's allies. He has interviewed Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán as well, for example, and hosted his show from the capital Budapest for a week in 2021. Because this superb regime deserves any support of any kind so much, I guess.


Tucker Carlson exposes the shocking truth….

You tell ‘em, Tucker! :excited:
Good news is that Carlson won't struggle finding any new work and will make a lot of money indeed with just being truly professional and honest, since besides having the Third Rome's full unconditional backing declared by the magnificent Vladimir Solovyoy himself he also already (and unsurprisingly) has Newsmax beating down his door.

Here's Key to Our Kingdom!!!


4/28/2023 12:45 AM PT

Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and now another conservative news outlet, Newsmax, wants him to be more than just the face of the network, and it's putting on a full-court press to land him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the news channel is doing everything it can to sweeten the deal for Tucker to come on board -- including floating the idea of letting him program the whole channel, not just his own show.

That would be a pretty enticing deal point ... in addition to having his own primetime show, Tucker would have a say over what shows lead into and out of his show, which can be key in achieving bigger TV ratings.

ImageClick on pic for gallery!

While our sources stress Newsmax hasn't formally offered Tucker a job -- he can't have formal discussions due to his current Fox News contract -- we're told the network execs have made it clear to people around him, they would basically give him a big say in rebranding their channel.

Newsmax has some competition for Tucker ... as we first reported, NewsNation is showing early interest as well.


Our sources acknowledge it's too early to know for sure where Tucker will pop up next, and it might not even be at a TV network ... but we're told whatever he does, it's going to be big, disruptive, and will create a seismic shift in the conservative media landscape.


In the meantime, we're told he's cheerful following his Fox News firing ... and he's not dwelling on what he lost, but instead moving forward and hoping FNC does the same.

Beren wrote:Good news is that Carlson won't struggle finding any new work and will make a lot of money indeed with just being truly professional and honest, since besides having the Third Rome's full unconditional backing declared by the magnificent Vladimir Solovyoy himself he also already (and unsurprisingly) has Newsmax beating down his door.

It’s always good to see virtue being rewarded in this world of ours. :)
Beren wrote:Good news is that Carlson won't struggle finding any new work and will make a lot of money indeed with just being truly professional and honest, since besides having the Third Rome's full unconditional backing declared by the magnificent Vladimir Solovyoy himself he also already (and unsurprisingly) has Newsmax beating down his door.

I'm just wondering if the decision to explore various points of view... is Tucker Carlson's decision or his writers' decision.

If it was his writers who were responsible for the choice of guests and content, then he will quickly fail as so many artists do when they go soloTM.

Of course, he seems comfortable with many of these diverse guests, so perhaps it is *HE - The Uncuckable Tuck* - who is responsible for the great variety of opinions.
Beren wrote:
You two and your pathetic shit show are just terrible.

One thing missing from the discourse of the Right is responsibility.

In their mildest form, they are are mentally 13, and looking to upset the apple cart without regard to the consequences.

But when you get closer to the hard core, they want to burn the country to the ground, so they can rule over the ashes..
Seeing as the left is pushing for pre-pubescent children to choose their gender and have puberty blockers/reassignment surgery, I think the right looks rather tame in comparison, @late. :hmm: Violence from the left has increased to where it surpasses that of the right, too. That's not a good thing.

I am not really a fan of Carlson, but lately he has been taking accountability, and even apologized for some of his mistakes, and showed remorse. Maybe the problem with Fox was that he was being TOO honest, to the point where he was even criticizing them?
Godstud wrote:Seeing as the left is pushing for pre-pubescent children to choose their gender and have puberty blockers/reassignment surgery, I think the right looks rather tame in comparison, @late. :hmm: Violence from the left has increased to where it surpasses that of the right, too. That's not a good thing.

I am not really a fan of Carlson, but lately he has been taking accountability, and even apologized for some of his mistakes, and showed remorse. Maybe the problem with Fox was that he was being TOO honest, to the point where he was even criticizing them?

No, the problem with Fox is that Tucker Carlson is a racist asshole.

Potemkin wrote:No, the problem with Fox is that Tucker Carlson is a racist asshole.
I like F1, too. (Racist... get it?)
I don't buy this racist thing, since it's the label that everyone gets these days, even when they're not, and I've done that stupid thing in the past. A few comments don't make you racist. It's actions that do.

I have news for you, what he said about "white kids not fighting like that", is actually true. I grew up in a culture where your friends were there to keep others out of the fight, but then when I went to Vancouver, the East Indian culture there was about everyone jumping in and beating the shit out of one guy. I witnessed this numerous times. Him speaking about facts isn't racist.

This is just a way for Fox News to come out of this not looking like idiots for firing their biggest draw. Fox has never shied away from racist stuff in the past.

Tucker said some PRO-Christian stuff lately and spoke against MSM, including Fox. That's what got him "let go".
Potemkin wrote:No, the problem with Fox is that Tucker Carlson is a racist asshole.

The statement seems mildly racist on the surface, but so what? Even if it could be proved that the statement could be taken at face value so what. Who am I?

I'm an ethnically-Protestant, ethnically-Christian, Gentile, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Infidel, culturaly-southern-English, English, British, cis, Euracian-heterosexual, Euracian-male, Euracian, Commoner.

Virtually every component / level of my identity is the target of continual micro aggressions. For example you yourself Potemkin have expressed open anti English racism. The BBC usually likes to express its anti English racism in more subtle form. The Coronation to give another example was an orgy of racism against Commoners by the Monarchist-Marxist elite. The fact that so many self hating Commoners have bought into this monarchist ideology, doesn't in any way mitigate the fact that the Coronation was a hate crime. This post can only stand as the barest introduction to the intersectional oppression that I suffer.

So although I don't agree with Tucker Carlson's statement, I'm wholly unconcerned if occasionally a little bit of prejudice goes the other way from a member of one of my identity groups.
Rich wrote:The statement seems mildly racist on the surface, but so what? Even if it could be proved that the statement could be taken at face value so what. Who am I?

I'm an ethnically-Protestant, ethnically-Christian, Gentile, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Infidel, culturaly-southern-English, English, British, cis, Euracian-heterosexual, Euracian-male, Euracian, Commoner.

Virtually every component / level of my identity is the target of continual micro aggressions. For example you yourself Potemkin have expressed open anti English racism. The BBC usually likes to express its anti English racism in more subtle form. The Coronation to give another example was an orgy of racism against Commoners by the Monarchist-Marxist elite. The fact that so many self hating Commoners have bought into this monarchist ideology, doesn't in any way mitigate the fact that the Coronation was a hate crime. This post can only stand as the barest introduction to the intersectional oppression that I suffer.

So although I don't agree with Tucker Carlson's statement, I'm wholly unconcerned if occasionally a little bit of prejudice goes the other way from a member of one of my identity groups.


Okay. :)

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