Tucker Carlson out at Fox News - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I have no idea about the accuracy of any of these other pundits.

Now, do you think CT was deliberately misleading people, or was he just making a lot of mistakes?

Or, as you seem to be arguing, he was deliberately lying, but it is morally justified for him to do so and Fox should not have fired him, because all these others also do it?
How do I know if he was deliberately lying? How are you to know? Maybe his opinion was based on information that the rest of us are not privy to, or won't acknowledge? eg. Russian collusion with Trump has been found to be false, and yet most MSM knew this and went along with it, for political reasons.

Most people know little to nothing about Tucker Carlson, including myself. Much of what he says is true, and the same can be said of most people.

On Trump:
“I hate him passionately,” Carlson texted Pfeiffer on January 4, days prior to the riot at the U.S. Capitol. He added, of Trump’s presidency, “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”

On election denialism:
On November 5, in response to his producer Alex Pfeiffer, who had written that “I really think many on ‘our side’ are being reckless demagogues right now,” Carlson wrote, “Of course they are. We’re not going to follow them. The sun will rise tomorrow and we want to wake up intact. I always think that.”

https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05 ... -read.html

Watch MSM now as they slander him and call him a racist, bigot and anything else under the sun to justify firing him.

Firing your most valuable asset in your company? :roll: There's something political behind this.
Godstud wrote:How do I know if he was deliberately lying? How are you to know?

Well, we know for a fact that he spread verifiably incorrect information (i.e. misinformation) in his show.

And now as am asking you if you think he deliberately lied, or just made a lot of mistakes?

Which is it?

Maybe his opinion was based on information that the rest of us are not privy to, or won't acknowledge?

And maybe he is an omniscient alien dog who gets information directly from the Invisible Pink Unicorn, and we are all lesser beings who simply think he is wrong?

Or maybe Soros is buying all the fact check websites and forcing them to lie about TC?

We could make up all the weird possibilities we want.

On election denialism:
On November 5, in response to his producer Alex Pfeiffer, who had written that “I really think many on ‘our side’ are being reckless demagogues right now,” Carlson wrote, “Of course they are. We’re not going to follow them. The sun will rise tomorrow and we want to wake up intact. I always think that.”[/i]
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05 ... -read.html

Watch MSM now as they slander him and call him a racist, bigot and anything else under the sun to justify firing him.

Firing your most valuable asset in your company? :roll: There's something political behind this.

In capitalism, employers can fire whomever they want for whatever reason they want. They do not need to justify it.
Ah yes, @Fasces, you'll condemn a man for something he did a long time ago unless he's a Liberal who went blackface, and then it's just a fun college thing. :roll: Note: There is no such thing as the Dan White Society.

@Pants-of-dog I am not engaging with your pedantic posting style of repeating the same questions, ad nauseum, even after I answered them.

Soros... Conspiracy theories are fun as long as they are aimed at the people you dislike, right? :lol:

What of all the news coming out now showing that Tcuker Carlson was right about "Russia-Gate" and that MSM like CNN and MSNBC were deliberately spreading lies? You don't think their pundits did so? Was it deliberate, or were they morons?
Humour is subjective. This is why so many comedians are being cancelled by the left. They don't understand jokes and can't get past them. most jokes aren't funny, BTW.
What's funny, or intended to be funny, about 'Jesse Helms Foundation' or 'Dan White Society'? Explain.

Would it be a funny joke if I claimed to be a member of the 'James Earl Ray Fraternity'?

It's a political statement, call a spade a spade.
Lots of people make unfunny jokes that are meant for people in their particular sphere of thought.

Look at all the people who made jokes about Trump and Russia. Now they are being shown that they were lied to.
I've seen and heard lots of jokes that can be mean, funny, or disgusting. Some mock murders or horrible things humans do.I am sorry you don't understand human behavior.

Educate yourself:
The Science of Schadenfreude
It is part of being human to laugh at someone's misfortune.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog ... adenfreude
You are free to believe that, though I doubt it's true. Many people think lies are truths, or simply don't get jokes and find them funny.
Godstud wrote:Now they are being shown that they were lied to

It's difficult to believe that people close to the Trump campaign were colluding with the Russians over the Democrat email hack and dump - proven in court - and Trump knew nothing about it.

Godstud wrote:Ah yes, @Fasces, you'll condemn a man for something he did a long time ago unless he's a Liberal who went blackface, and then it's just a fun college thing. :roll: Note: There is no such thing as the Dan White Society.

@Pants-of-dog I am not engaging with your pedantic posting style of repeating the same questions, ad nauseum, even after I answered them.

Actually, you did not answer the question. While it is logical to assume that TC is simply stupid and is making stupid mistakes instead of lying, the website you linked to earlier shows that he feels one thing but says another on his show.

So, he is probably intentionally lying.

Soros... Conspiracy theories are fun as long as they are aimed at the people you dislike, right? :lol:

While I disapprove of the anti-Semitism that TC displayed when promulgating this rumour, I do not care about this Soros person either way.

TC apparently thinks Soros is trying to replace white people with lesser races that Jews can easily control for their own purpose., which is a common anti-Semitic trope.

Now, is this just a mistake on his part, an attempt at humour, or is he intentionally spreading anti-Semitic lies?

What of all the news coming out now showing that Tcuker Carlson was right about "Russia-Gate" and that MSM like CNN and MSNBC were deliberately spreading lies? You don't think their pundits did so? Was it deliberate, or were they morons?

Who cares? This is a whataboutism, Start a thread about it.
Fasces wrote:What's funny, or intended to be funny, about 'Jesse Helms Foundation' or 'Dan White Society'? Explain.

It could be funny somehow if he meant to be sarcastic. It's also stupid, though, which is exactly how he looks like in that picture. He looks like stupid. If he meant to be serious, then he's rather creepy.

Brass tacks. Tucker Carlsson has been riding the resurgent wave of American nativism in the Trumpian era, filling the hole left by Bill O'Reilly in 2016/17. Whatever his personal beliefs are, and I hope he sincerely believes some of it, he has been broadcasting himself as a right-wing populist demagogue for the entire world to see. He is one step higher than Alex Jones, in my opinion, and that is a very low bar to cross.

"The main message is a populist one," Yotam Ophir, who studies disinformation at the State University of New York at Buffalo, explained. "'They', whoever they are, are coming to get you... that the country you love is changing before our eyes. And only we at Fox are willing to say the truth and fight for people's values."

Since launching Tucker Carlson Tonight, "they" have included immigrants, political correctness, the Black Lives Matter movement, Democrats, Hollywood, an amorphous elite class, and LGBT people, to name just a few.

"Not everything he says is misinformative, but it all creates this aura of disregard for truth," said Kristy Roschke, a media literacy expert at Arizona State University.

"Those things have had a tremendous impact on our media environment and therefore on the viewer."

How Tucker Carlson rode a wave of populist outrage
Godstud wrote:Giving an opinion is not lying. It's your subjective belief in what's happening.

That's what ALL pundits do on ALL the MSM outfits.

He has been shown to be knowing lying about important issues in big big way in voting machine case.

It;s matter of record. Carlson was not giving honest opinion he was knowingly lying.
pugsville wrote:He has been shown to be knowing lying about important issues in big big way in voting machine case.

It;s matter of record. Carlson was not giving honest opinion he was knowingly lying.

Indeed. Carlson’s public pronouncements and his private emails contradict each other. And in cases like that, I tend to believe what people say in private rather than what they say in public. Call me crazy, but that’s just the way I am. Lol.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, everyone in the Dongas was okay with having their elected government coup d'etat-ed by a declining and violent world power?

The coup d'état is something you aren't allowed to mention because you have learned to self-censor lots of important information?


Quoting the above statement, Beren mendaciously wrote:Yes, everyone in the Dongas was okay

This kind of lying that you have done here (omission) is the most prevalent in corporate media because you can't really sue someone for blocking out important information. Tucker Carlson's rants and interviews often revealed some of these "missing links" that the sheep aren't supposed to know or understand.

Thanks for putting the sheep back into their pen of ignorance, Beren.


Pants-of-dog wrote:While I disapprove of the anti-Semitism that TC displayed when promulgating this rumour, I do not care about this Soros person either way.

The charge of anti-Semitism against TC is based on his comparing one Jewish tyrant with another. This is not at all hate speech. One could compare Louis Riel to the Patriotes... without it being racist. And this type of rule should apply to all groups, unless you yourself are a racist (a racist that has been manufactured by mass media).


Fasces wrote:What's funny, or intended to be funny, about 'Jesse Helms Foundation' or 'Dan White Society'? Explain.

I did some very unfunny things in my youth that the powers-that-be can trot out if I ever get a platform to influence people. So have you. So has everyone. Why do we let the oligarch-class smear anyone that threatens their hegemony?

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