Palestinian conquest of Israeli towns - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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skinster wrote:Of course not, since it ratcheted up the blockade and siege and has resulted in bombing campaigns ever since.

It was a case of moving them out of Gaza to make it a concentration camp that they periodically bother while increasing settlement of the West Bank. That's what happened.

The occupation of gaza was ultimately deemed to be too much trouble. It didn't have the same priority as the west bank.
Modern Western politicians are supporting Israel totally.

This means that, for them, concentration camps and genocide are fine, as long as they receive their percent of the loot.

And they have been like this since the Crusades, so they are incurable - just like Louis XVII was incurable.

Louis XVII was "usurped" by the people of France. But since we live in a global industrial society, it is the WORLD that will have to dispose of the tyrant, and not just one of the countries in it.
QatzelOk wrote:Modern Western politicians are supporting Israel totally.

This means that, for them, concentration camps and genocide are fine, as long as they receive their percent of the loot.

Western politicians, especially American ones, support Israel to get big campaign $$ and votes from its passionate supporters. This is deemed particularly important with the 2024 elections looming….
As Josh Paul, who just resigned in disgust, noted, policy mirrors "political expediency, intellectual bankruptcy…"
What a disconnect there is between State department pros and elected "leaders"! The latter are dominated by a lobby which considers Israel paramount. Everything else, US interests included, can go to hell.
I've long thought this ruinous situation foreshadows the fall of the system.
starman2003 wrote:Western politicians, especially American ones, support Israel to get big campaign $$ and votes from its passionate supporters. This is deemed particularly important with the 2024 elections looming….
As Josh Paul, who just resigned in disgust, noted, policy mirrors "political expediency, intellectual bankruptcy…"
What a disconnect there is between State department pros and elected "leaders"! The latter are dominated by a lobby which considers Israel paramount. Everything else, US interests included, can go to hell.
I've long thought this ruinous situation foreshadows the fall of the system.

American politics (and the West that follows their lead) means that our current crop of "leaders" simply create policies for whoever can afford to buy them.

So, it was rich arms dealers who created all our recent wars, Jewish mafia money that created Israel, and Big Pharma dollars that created...? (don't want to go off on a tangent here)

When your government becomes a vending machine for billionaires... you are no longer a democracy. Unless you consider vending machines the epitome of democracy, though I don't recall Plato mentionning putting coins into slots to get warmed over hamburgers... as being one of his forms of governance.

Banksters + Monoploy Money +Vending Machines = Democracy?
QatzelOk wrote:American politics (and the West that follows their lead) means that our current crop of "leaders" simply create policies for whoever can afford to buy them.

When your government becomes a vending machine for billionaires... you are no longer a democracy.

Money isn't the only reason US politicians back Israel. They also do it to get votes….I'm afraid democracy is at the heart of the problem. Too many people in this country are ignoramuses who can't put gaza or Egypt etc on the map. Generally the only people who vote on the basis of Mideast policy are Israel's supporters. The average American is too indifferent or too ignorant of key realities to counteract the treason of AIPAC and similar groups. Essentially a bunch of traitors controls our policy to prioritize the interests of a foreign state while sacrificing our own, and neither politicians nor the masses have the brains or guts to do anything about it. We just heard of a "mutiny" brewing among foreign policy pros in the State Department. What's really needed is a mutiny and a coup, in the US armed forces, to overthrow this lunatic system..
QatzelOk wrote:So, it was rich arms dealers who created all our recent wars, Jewish mafia money that created Israel, and Big Pharma dollars that created...? (don't want to go off on a tangent here)

None of recent wars were created by rich arms dealers. Israel was created by Jewish nationalists. There's no reason to think that Jewish money was any more criminal than other ethnic group. Jews outsized prominence in banking undoubted helped in increasing Jewish Nationalist or Zionist influence, but Jewish bankers supported the creation of the Jewish homeland and Israel because they identified as Jewish not because they were bankers.

Jews have been incredibly successful in controlling and manipulating western and particularly American foreign policy, but while money helps its not the whole story or even the majority of the story. Jews have been incredibly successful in international chess, but they haven't achieved that by by buying their way to the top. Jews have been incredibly successful in physics. Yes again money helps but its hardly the explanation.

The partition plan was pushed through because the Jews had the support of Stalin and they controlled Congress. Between them the US and the Soviet Union they were able to bribe, bully and threaten enough countries into getting it over the line. It certainly was not representative of world public opinion as the international Jewish Supremacist lie machine would have us believe.

The creation of Israel may seem utterly outrageous now if one actually looks into it, but at the time it didn't seem so unreasonable. Millions upon millions of people were uprooted during the war and after the war. Millions of Germans were driven out of their historic homelands but so also were millions of Poles. Palestine was not recongnised as a nation beck then, so if a few hundred thousand, even the odd million Arabs had to be moved it didn't seem such a big a deal if long term peace and security could be established for everyone. And from the Jewish angle it was, "We've lost six million, what have the Arabs got to complain about."

With hindsight we know that the partition of Palestine did not bring peace, security and dignity for all. In fact it hasn't even brought it for the Jews.
Bill Maher encourages his audience to "skip college" and "support Israel."

According to him, an elite post-secondary education leads to support for the Palestinians during these ethnic-cleansing wars.

Rich wrote:None of recent wars were created by rich arms dealers. Israel was created by Jewish nationalists...

You are pretending that these are totally different interests in order to complexify an issue that is already very comples. But Israel is a military base being manned by racist cultists.

This was judged "the best way to ensure cheap acces to Middle East oil" by the British Empire, which, by the way, includes many Jewish Nationalists, arms dealers, and banksters.

Why separate groups that almost always come together to support one another? For the sake of evading blame for all their mutual "jobs" that they go on?

starman2003 wrote:Money isn't the only reason US politicians back Israel. They also do it to get votes….

Getting elected and having money (and being loyal to your moneyed donors) are the same thing in the USA since Citizen's United. If you don't kiss their asse, you will soon be #metoo-ed or Russian-interferenced or anti-semitic-ed in the Money-owned media.
starman2003 wrote:I don't doubt that annexation will work or become reality. I just think at a certain point it'll have to involve forcible, mass expulsion--and killing--of Palestinians.

Already going on... just 10's rather than 100's
QatzelOk wrote:Bill Maher encourages his audience to "skip college" and "support Israel."

According to him, an elite post-secondary education leads to support for the Palestinians during these ethnic-cleansing wars.

You are pretending that these are totally different interests in order to complexify an issue that is already very comples. But Israel is a military base being manned by racist cultists.

This was judged "the best way to ensure cheap acces to Middle East oil" by the British Empire, which, by the way, includes many Jewish Nationalists, arms dealers, and banksters.

Why separate groups that almost always come together to support one another? For the sake of evading blame for all their mutual "jobs" that they go on?

Getting elected and having money (and being loyal to your moneyed donors) are the same thing in the USA since Citizen's United. If you don't kiss their asse, you will soon be #metoo-ed or Russian-interferenced or anti-semitic-ed in the Money-owned media.

Yeah, Bill Maher seems to have lost his objectivity on this topic. I agree some of the support I have seen for Hamas is ignorant, but Maher's born-again Christian-like support for Israel has lost his once objective perspective that could call out Israeli abuses of power.

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