Jewish stars complain of under-representation in Hollywood - Politics | PoFo

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CNN wrote:
...Some top stars in Hollywood are among those calling for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – the body behind the Academy Awards – to immediately add Jews to the organization’s inclusion and diversity standards and are criticizing the group for the oversight.

Actors including Tiffany Haddish, Josh Gad, David Schwimmer, Debra Messing, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Ginnifer Goodwin, Iliza Shlesinger, Julianna Margulies and Mayim Bialik are among the nearly 300 Hollywood figures who signed an open letter to the Academy this week, demanding that Jews be recognized as an underrepresented group.

“While we applaud the Academy’s efforts to increase diverse and authentic storytelling, an inclusion effort that excludes Jews is both steeped in and misunderstands antisemitism,” reads the letter obtained by CNN. “The absence of Jews from ‘under-represented’ groupings implies that Jews are over-represented in films, which is simply untrue.” ...

I almost never read or watch CNN, but a blogpost by Kevin Barret brought my attention to this recent article. He also mentions a good counter-article to read which I have included below.

Joel Stein wrote:Who runs Hollywood? C’mon

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood...

These two articles lead me to ponder the definition of "under-represented."

In Britain we've had quite the saga over a plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. Nobody's actually been sent, and nobody's ever answered the question why Rwanda. I just presumed a poor country had been bought to dump our unwanted immigrants. And then the other day I clicked on an article referencing the Rwandan president. And immediately I understood.

Of course he's a Tutsi, why didn't I think of that before. He's not just accepting immigration because they're getting paid, the Tutsi elite actively want to flood their country with immigrants. They actively want to flood their country with people of divergent races, cultures and religions. The Tutsis are actively trying to destroy the identity of the country. The Tutsis like the Jews have been on the receiving end of a genocide. The Tutsis like the Jews, but also like, the Chinese minorities in East Asia and Germans in Tsarist Russia tend to occupy upper middle class and elite positions, way, way out of proportion to their numbers, and this always produces resentment. The Vietnamese Communists for example threw the Chinese minority into the sea.

Rwanda is a poor country, the last thing it needs is to be flooded with more people, but the Tutsi elite are pushing multiculturalism as a defence mechanism. This is quite understandable, it doesn't mean that they are intrinsically evil people, but also just because it is understandable and not done out of some intrinsic evilness doesn't mean its actually good for the majority of the existing population.

So yes Jews have dominated Hollywood for a century now and what's more they have used that dominance to push a multicultural agenda. Not out of some big conspiracy but as an instinctive and rationalised policy as individuals. There are a number of areas where people of Jewish descent have an outsize influence and in pretty much all of them they have overall used that dominance to push multicultural and diversity agendas.
Imagine if the OP headline had been: Landlords complain of insufficient media monopoly.

This would be a lot more transparent.

Rich wrote:...So yes Jews have dominated Hollywood for a century now and what's more they have used that dominance to push a multicultural agenda. Not out of some big conspiracy but as an instinctive and rationalised policy as individuals. There are a number of areas where people of Jewish descent have an outsize influence and in pretty much all of them they have overall used that dominance to push multicultural and diversity agendas.


About "pushing a multicultural agenda," I have two additional pieces of context to add.

1. If this multiculturalism was supposed to bring about more tolerance of Jewish economic or political practices, it is a failure. Incoming immigrants are often the most vulnerable to the poverty that parasitism brings on.

But if the purpose of this forced multiculturasim was to "divide and conquer" the society in which the parasitism is occurring, than this might be considered to be more successful. And this dynamic is much more plausible. Any parasitic rentier class would do this, regardless of that identity-politics label it gave itself.

2. Rather than seeing the ethnicity in the immigration dynamic, look at the cost of housing dynamic instead. Bringing in millions of immigrants and not constructing the required housing for them (which most media-watching countries in the West do).... leads to an increase in housing prices. This is bad if you're a renter or buyer, but excellent if you are a LANDLORD.

If you were a landlord, you could bribe and extort politicians to up the population by any means necessary (birthrate or immigration) and then just sit back and get rich on your rising house prices and rents.


Rather than Jewish-versus-other groups.... this would more accurately be Rentier Class-versus-Common Good.

Perhaps the passage of time and politics has distorted the difference between Jewish and Landlord to the point where no one can distinguish them?

Perhaps we are victims of Landlord media?
Jews of all sorts make up 2.4% of the American population. Actors with Jewish heritage make up an estimated 20% of screen actors. No surprise there. The only oddity is that 0% of Jewish actors play the lead when the male lead is supposed to be Jewish.

The part always goes to the White Christian guy.

There are many Jews in New York and L.A. this could explain the 20%, but also the jewish mentality to help one other.

Hollywood is the cultural center of this planet, muslims and blacks are underrepresented, except stereotypes like muslim terrorist and black crack dealer and the most evil guy is mostly a Russian.
ingliz wrote:Jews of all sorts make up 2.4% of the American population. Actors with Jewish heritage make up an estimated 20% of screen actors. No surprise there. ...

And according to Joel Stein, virtually ALL Hollywood studios and TV studios in the USA are controlled by people of Jewish heritage. This may be why our current commercial media landscape is often called Legacy Media.

So if 2.4% control 100% of content of Legacy Media, and 20% of Legacy Media actors are also Jewish, this gives this 2.4% about 90% control using my quick mathTM (for the sake of argument).

Let's re-define "under-representation"

So if 90% control is "under-representation," would 95% control be considered "adequate represention?" Would this be a sufficient number to satisfy representation requirements from this community?

note: I'm just trying to get a definition of "under-representation" so that the thread can develop... I am not attached in any way to the 95% number
I would like to know when it became common to believe that Jews favor multiculturalism. Has nobody been watching the news from Israel for the past several weeks decades?

Just because I can I will play another age card. When I was a young person growing up in the Southwest, our city had two major country clubs. One did not take Jews and one did. Neither took blacks or Mexicans and only one took Chinese people. Maybe because one particular Chinese person owned the land mortgage upon which the club was built. I will hasten to add that "Mexicans" were fine if they were wealthy. If they were wealthy we simply called them "Spanish".

On edit:

Many years ago Groucho Marx was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel. At the time he was arguably one of the biggest and wealthiest people in Hollywood. One day he put on his swim suit and headed for the pool. Follows the absolutely best slam-dunk in history. Before he reached the pool he was cut-off by a hotel employee who exclaimed, "I am sorry Mr. Marx but Jews are not allowed in the pool". Groucho replied, "well my daughter is only half Jewish. Can she go in up to her knees?"
Any discussion of the history of racism towards and from Jews needs to be grounded in fact. Contra to the filthy lies of the Jewish supremacists. Jews have been privileged for most of the last 2000 years. Jews were privileged in the Roman Empire. They were exempted from the Roman state religion. When the Jews kicked the early Christians out of the synagogues, the Christians lost that privilege. Hence when Christians refused to take part in Emperor worship they were likely to become lion food. I still hear Jewish supremacists whining about their treatment by the Romans. Its a shame we can't give these people a time machine and they could go back and whine on about their discrimination to the Carthaginians, the Gauls or even the Egyptians.

Jews were also privileged in Christian lands in the Middle Ages, No one else was allowed to choose their religion. Try worshiping Odin, Morrigan or Perun and see how long you lasted in Medieval or early modern Europe. Try doing a bit of witchcraft and then complain to me about discrimination against Jews. For most of the last 2000 years, you not only had to be a Christian, you had to be the right sort of Christian. Again it would be great to be able to send these people back in time machine, so as they could whine to the Albigenisans about their discrimination. Nazi Germany was actually an exceptional place for pre 1950 Christendom in that Pagans, Buddhists and Hindus were not discriminated against.

Drlee wrote:Just because I can I will play another age card. When I was a young person growing up in the Southwest, our city had two major country clubs. One did not take Jews and one did. Neither took blacks or Mexicans and only one took Chinese people. Maybe because one particular Chinese person owned the land mortgage upon which the club was built. I will hasten to add that "Mexicans" were fine if they were wealthy. If they were wealthy we simply called them "Spanish".

So my question is at what point did country clubs start excepting Witches, Hindus and Odin worshipers.

Drlee wrote:I would like to know when it became common to believe that Jews favor multiculturalism. Has nobody been watching the news from Israel for the past several weeks decades?

In the late nineteenth century the meaning of Jewishness changed from someone who practiced the Jewish religion to someone who was biologically descended from someone who practiced the Jewish religion. Orthodox Judaism is a form of Apartheid, which considers Gentiles to be unclean.
Rich wrote:...Jews have been privileged for most of the last 2000 years. Jews were privileged in the Roman Empire. They were exempted from the Roman state religion....

Yes, and one could ask how this caste entitlement might have negatively affected both nominal "Jews" and the perpetually-scapegoated "other."

But this is only one of the causes of media representation issues. What are the cures?

Drlee wrote:...Groucho Marx was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel. ...

Has nobody been watching the news from Israel for the past several weeks decades?

Are we up to 95% representation in this thread yet?

What would an over-all, everyone well-represented media look like?

Interesting video on how Jews not only invented Hollywood, but in a certain sense, how they invented America. Nothing wrong with a group of people coming over and showing great creative and entrepreneurial ability. But when Liberals try and gas light us into believing that Jews have not had an outsize influence on Hollywood, they obviously fuel the idea that there is something sinister going on, even though there isn't.

I would particularly note how the anti Russian lying hate machine is at work as usual in this video. Most of the people carrying out the pogroms back in central Europe were not Russians, but Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians and Latvians. Even the cossacks weren't really ethnic Russians, they certainly weren't Muscovites. When they say the Jewish emigrants y spat on Russia as they left, it is in nearly all cases completely untrue. They spat on Ukraine, Poland and Belarus.
Rich wrote:...I would particularly note how the anti Russian lying hate machine is at work as usual in this video....

That's what makes media so complex and powerful.

It's a non-stop laughtrack and suspense-generating thing, but it's also a hate-machine.

The hate-machine power of mass mediaTM is why no single political group should have a monopoly on it.

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