South Africa Case Against Israel, ICJ, Full Video - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:How can that happen if Hamas doesn't allow it?

The crime occurred in the occupied portions of Palestine. I don't think Hamas gets much of a say there.

How does this government capture Hamas?

Lebanon is an independent state and it can't capture Hezbollah even after killing its own politicians, so this is a relevant question.

Possibly with the help of allied states.

The right choice is to stop being pro-rape, if it makes you butthurt to be called out for effectively supporting Hamas' rapes by seeking to deny justice to its victims it is not my problem and I couldn't care less.

Also, that is certainly not sexual harassment but hey, I'm not supporting rapists here.

Indeed, this is why I am against the Rapist Regime that is currently occupying Palestine.
Saeko wrote:The crime occurred in the occupied portions of Palestine. I don't think Hamas gets much of a say there.

Israel is precisely fighting to topple the government responsible for this, that is, the Hamas government in Gaza.

Saeko wrote:Possibly with the help of allied states.

How would that make Hamas fighters surrender themselves?

Saeko wrote:Indeed, this is why I am against the Rapist Regime that is currently occupying Palestine.

Then you shouldn't have problems with the defeat of Hamas.
Understanding Hasbara: Israel's propaganda machine
Since Israel began its war on Gaza on October 7, attempts to discern the veracity of many of the claims it made about its conduct in the war have been difficult.

One of the main reasons for this is that Israel uses a propaganda function known in Hebrew as "Hasbara" in an attempt to control, shape and distort the narrative of every face of its actions.

What is Hasbara?
The word Hasbara roughly translates to "explaining" in English and was popularised in the early 20th century by the Polish Zionist activist and journalist Nahum Sokolow.

Hasbara shares much in common with other forms of modern propaganda, but it is often considered a description of the more granular, event-by-event distortions and fabrications utilised by the Israeli state to justify its controversial actions and policies.

In the modern era, it often takes the form of videos, infographics and viral social media posts and hashtags released and promoted by the Israeli state.

Justifying the unjustifiable
In both previous and current Israeli military attacks on Gaza, there have always been excessive civilian deaths and Israel repeatedly targets civilian neighbourhoods and infrastructure.

One of the functions of Hasbara is to justify the targeting of civilian areas and the consequent civilian deaths, as well as to shift blame for large numbers of civilian deaths from Israel to Hamas.

This is one reason why Israel continually accuses Hamas of using schools, hospitals, neighbourhoods and factories as military areas and of using Palestinian civilians as so-called "human shields".

Israel has churned out satellite photos and excerpts of the "confessions" of alleged Hamas detainees to back these claims up, yet none of the evidence is independently verifiable.

Critics argue that this isn't meant to be presented to third parties for scrutiny, but is rather hasbara in the form of weaponised disinformation to fight back against public outrage over perceived Israeli brutality.

In the current attack on Gaza, Israel has taken the "human shields" justification one step further. By issuing mass evacuation orders for every resident of North Gaza, Israel's Hasbara narrative would have you believe it is trying to prevent human shields and civilian deaths.

However, some analysts have argued that issuing such an unrealistic and unworkable mass evacuation order has given Israel the green light to attack civilians, as it can whitewash such attacks by saying it warned civilians to flee.

Manufacturing Goliath
One of the key functions of modern Hasbara is to depict Israel as the victim and even the underdog.

To paraphrase Sokolow, who was writing in very different times when Europe was awash with antisemitism, this is appealing to the biblical narrative of David Vs Goliath – the smaller, weaker underdog battling and overcoming the stronger foe.

Critics have noted that while this instance of Hasbara was a more believable narrative during a conflict like the 1967 Arab-Israel war, it is plainly absurd when used against Israel’s modern wars on Gaza.

Israel is a nuclear-armed regional superpower with huge support from the US and Europe. It imposes a siege on Gaza, controlling its water supply, airspace and borders. Yet still Israel persists with the idea that Hamas and Gaza pose a threat to its existence - Israeli officials, including Benjamin Netanyahu, have even drawn direct parallels between Hamas, and sometimes all of Gaza in its current form, and Nazi Germany.

This Hasbara distortion very deliberately confuses the direct motivations of Hamas and other forms of Palestinian resistance. But it’s also supposed to depict Hamas as being somehow as militarily capable as the Nazi war machine.

For example, prior to their recent capture of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, Israel went out of its way to depict the medical facility as what it called a Hamas “command and control centre”, from which Hamas allegedly plans its activities.

There’s no doubt that Hamas has bases, though there is no evidence that it has any kind of base at Al-Shifa, the very designation of such bases as “command and control centres” is a deliberately exaggerated distortion.

If Israel can make you believe Hamas has something as sophisticated sounding as “command and control centres”, you might think Hamas has advanced military capabilities which means it has some level of parity with Israel.

The Hasbara terminology is supposed to make people believe Israel is fighting a war for its national survival that also, in turn, justifies the ferocity of Israel’s military attacks on Gaza.

It is supposed to transform Palestinian victims of the massive military force unleashed on them by Israel into necessary "collateral damage" in a war against a force as strong and dangerous as Nazism. ... da-machine

Anything to say about the enforced starvation of the people of Gaza, wat0n?
wat0n wrote:Israel is precisely fighting to topple the government responsible for this, that is, the Hamas government in Gaza.

You cannot rely on a criminal organization to bring anyone to justice. Said genocidal rapist regime is currently slaughtering all of the people of Gaza, and many of its members (including the ringleader, Bitchdemon Satanyahoo) have called for said slaughter.

How would that make Hamas fighters surrender themselves?

Well, in civilized countries, arrest warrants are issued and the accused are given due process. I'm sure you will agree that this is much better than killing anyone and everyone who had the temerity to be born in the same concentration camp as Hamas.

Then you shouldn't have problems with the defeat of Hamas.

I don't. But if you are against rape and genocide, as you claim, then you should have no problem with the dismantling of the genocidal rapist regime that is occupying Palestine.

Quite simply, I can't take your claims of being against rape seriously unless you say, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."
I think more aid needs to reach the civilians in Gaza, hence why airdrops are being done. I also think Israel should join those airdrops as well.

@Saeko well, I can't take your claims to oppose rape when you support Hamas and are against any attempts to bring them to justice. I fully agree with putting Hamas fighters and its leaders on trial where they enjoy due process yet capturing them requires taking Gaza. And taking Gaza, given the realities of how Hamas has embedded itself in the civilian population, means many innocents will die.

But hey, instead, you go on and repeat the usual cry for ethnic cleansing.
Rape, ISIS, Mein Kampf and Other Lies: How Israel Lost All Credibility
On Saturday, November 11, Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari claimed in a press conference that Israel had killed a “terrorist” who had prevented 1,000 civilians from escaping the Shifa Hospital.

The allegations made little sense. Even by the standards of Israeli propaganda, falsifying such a piece of information while providing no context and no evidence, further contributes to the deteriorating credibility of Israel in international media and image worldwide.

Just one day earlier, an unnamed US official was cited by CNN as saying, in a diplomatic cable, “we are losing badly on the messaging battlespace”.

The diplomat was referring to American reputation in the Middle East – in fact, worldwide – which now lies in tatters due to blind American support for Israel.

Roles Reversed
This credibility deficit can be witnessed in Israel itself. Not only is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu losing credibility among Israelis, according to various public opinion polls, but the entire Israeli political establishment seems to be losing the trust of ordinary Israelis as well.

A common joke among Palestinians these days is that Israeli leaders are emulating Arab leaders in previous Arab-Israeli wars, in terms of language, phony victories and unsubstantiated gains on the military front.

For example, while Israel was quickly pushing Arab militaries back on all fronts in June 1967, with full US-Western backing, of course, the leadership of Arab armies were declaring through radio that they had arrived at the “gates of Tel Aviv”.

Fortunes seem to have been reversed. Abu Obeida and Abu Hamza, military spokesmen for the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades respectively, provide very careful accounts of the nature of the battle and the losses of advancing Israeli military forces in their regular, much-anticipated statements.

The Israeli military, on the other hand, speaks of impending victories, killing of unnamed “terrorists” and destruction of countless tunnels, while rarely providing any evidence. The only “evidence” provided is the intentional targeting of hospitals, schools and civilian homes.

And, while Abu Obeida’s statements are almost always followed by well-produced videos, documenting the systematic destruction of Israeli tanks, no such documentation substantiates Israeli military claims.

Beyond the Battlefield
But the issue of Israeli credibility, or rather, the lack of credibility, is not only taking place on the battlefield.

From the first day of the war, Palestinian doctors, civil defense workers, journalists, bloggers and even ordinary people filmed or recorded every Israeli war crime anywhere and everywhere in the besieged Strip. And, despite the continuous shutting down of the internet and electricity in Gaza by the Israeli military, somehow, Palestinians kept track of every aspect of the ongoing Israeli genocide.

The precision of the Palestinian narrative even forced US officials, who initially doubted Palestinian numbers, to finally admit that Palestinians were telling the truth, after all.

Barbara Leaf, assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, told a US House panel on November 9 that those killed by Israel in the war are likely “higher than is being cited.”

Indeed, every day, Israel loses credibility to the point that the initial Israeli lies of what had taken place on October 7, eventually proved disastrous to Israel’s overall image and credibility on the international stage.

Rape, ISIS, and Mein Kampf
In the euphoria of demonizing the Palestinian Resistance – as a way to justify Israel’s forthcoming genocide in Gaza – the Israeli government and military, then journalists and even ordinary people, were all recruited in an unprecedented hasbara campaign aimed at painting Palestinians as “human animals” – per the words of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Within hours of the events and, before any investigation was conducted, Netanyahu spoke of “decapitated babies”, supposedly mutilated at the hands of the Resistance; Gallant claimed that “young girls were raped violently”; even former military chief rabbi, Israel Weiss, said he had “seen a pregnant woman with her belly torn open and the baby cut out.”

Even the supposedly ‘moderate’ Israeli President Isaac Herzog made ludicrous statements on the BBC on November 12. When asked about Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, Herzog claimed that the book Mein Kampf, written by Adolf Hitler in 1925, was found “in a children’s living room” in northern Gaza.

And, of course, there were the repeated references to the ISIS flags that, for some reason, were carried by Hamas fighters as they entered southern Israel on October 7, among other fairy tales.

The fact that ISIS is a sworn enemy of Hamas and that the Palestinian Movement has done everything in its power to eradicate any possibility for ISIS to extend its roots in the besieged Gaza Strip seemed irrelevant to Israel’s unhinged propaganda.

Expectedly, Israeli, US and European media repeated the claim of the Hamas-ISIS connection, with no rational discussion or the minimally-required fact-checking.

But, with time, Israeli lies were no longer able to withstand the pressure of the truth emanating from Gaza, documenting every atrocity and every battle, and obfuscating any drummed-up Israeli allegations.

Perhaps, the turning point of the relentless series of Israeli lies was the attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City on October 17. Though many adopted, and still, sadly, defend the Israeli lie – that a Resistance rocket fell on the hospital – the sheer bloodiness of that massacre, which killed hundreds, was, for many, a wake-up call.

One of the many questions that arose following the Baptist Hospital massacre is: If Israel was, indeed, honest about its version of events regarding what took place at the hospital, why did it bomb every other hospital in Gaza and continues to do so for weeks?

Israeli Hasbara Canceled
There are reasons why Israeli propaganda is no longer able to effectively influence public opinion even though mainstream media continues to side with Israel, even when the latter is committing a genocide.

Firstly, is that Palestinians and their supporters have managed to ‘cancel’ Israel using social media which, for the first time, overwhelmed the organized propaganda campaigns often engineered on behalf of Israel in corporate media.

An analysis of online content on popular social media platforms was conducted by the Israeli influencer marketing platform, Humanz. The study, published in November, admitted that “while 7.39 billion posts with pro-Israeli tags were published on Instagram and TikTok last month, in the same period 109.61 billion posts with pro-Palestinian tags were published on the platforms.” This, according to the company, means that pro-Palestinian views are 15 times more popular than pro-Israeli views.

Secondly, independent media, Palestinian and others, offered alternatives to those seeking a different version of events to what is taking place in Gaza.

A single Palestinian freelance journalist in Gaza, Motaz Azaiza, has managed to acquire more than 14 million followers on Instagram over the course of a single month because of his reporting from the ground.

Thirdly, the ‘surprise attack’ of October 7 has deprived Israel of the initiative, not only regarding the war itself, but also the justification for the war. Indeed, their genocidal war on Gaza has no specific objectives, but also has no precise media campaign to defend or rationalize these unspecified objectives. Therefore, the Israeli media narrative appears disconnected, haphazard and, at times, even self-damaging.

And, finally, the sheer brutality of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. If one is to juxtapose Israeli media lies with the horrific Israeli crimes committed in Gaza, one would find no plausible logic that could convincingly justify mass murder, displacement, starvation and genocide of a defenseless population.

Never has Israeli propaganda failed so astoundingly and never has the mainstream media failed to shield Israel from the global anger – in fact, seething hatred – for Israel’s ugly apartheid regime. The repercussions of all of this will most certainly impact the way that history will remember the Israeli war on Gaza, which has, so far, killed, and wounded tens of thousands of innocent civilians.

A whole generation, if not more, has already built a perception of Israel as a genocidal regime and no number of future lies, Hollywood movies or Maxim Magazine spreads will ever lessen that in any way.

More importantly, this new perception is likely to compel people, not only to re-examine their views of Israel’s present and future, but of the past as well – the very foundation of the Zionist regime, itself predicated on nothing but lies. ... edibility/

Saeko wrote:Quite simply, I can't take your claims of being against rape seriously...

That should've been obvious when he skipped past my post of all that documentation of actual rapes against Palestinian women and children.

If wat0n cared about rape, he couldn't defend Israel. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt, Saeko. When someone shows you who and what they are, particularly when it's Zionists in our lordless year of 2024, believe them.
wat0n wrote:I think more aid needs to reach the civilians in Gaza, hence why airdrops are being done. I also think Israel should join those airdrops as well.

You can insincerely call for all the aid in the world. None of it will help if the intended recipients are all dead.

@Saeko well, I can't take your claims to oppose rape when you support Hamas and are against any attempts to bring them to justice.

I am against Hamas and wish for it to be dismantled one day and for its members to face impartial justice. I don't see how that can be construed as any kind of support.

I also believe that the same should happen to the occupying genocide regime.

I fully agree with putting Hamas fighters and its leaders on trial where they enjoy due process yet capturing them requires taking Gaza. And taking Gaza, given the realities of how Hamas has embedded itself in the civilian population, means many innocents will die.

Since you are such an ardent opponent of all rape and genocide, would you also support a Gaza-like annihilation of Tel Aviv to topple the genocidal occupying regime?

I can honestly say that I wouldn't be. But that's because, unlike some people, I'm not a complete and total hypocrite, and so, I apply the same standards of justice and warfare to all peoples.

But hey, instead, you go on and repeat the usual cry for ethnic cleansing.

What cry for ethnic cleansing? :?: The only ones I'm aware of are all coming from occupier government.

I also note that you refused to say, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Presumably because you are for the rape and murder of Palestinians?
Gideon Levy wrote:Gaza's Night of Death and Hunger
It was a night of death and hunger. When it ended, at least 112 people had been killed and another 760 were injured. Israel tried to deny responsibility – the trucks hit them – but there is no denying its responsibility for what is happening now in the Gaza Strip: Israel is the occupying force there.

Not only that: Dr. Mohammed Salha, the acting director of Gaza City's Al-Awda Hospital, told The Associated Press that of the 176 wounded brought to the facility, 142 had gunshot wounds and the other 34 showed injuries from a stampede. A physician at the city's Shifa Hospital said that most of those treated there had gunshot wounds.

Trucks, as far as is known, don't shoot. And the claim that Hamas security guards were the ones who fired such an insane amount of ammunition into the crowd is as credible as the initial claim that it was Palestinians who fatally shot the Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin in 2022.

Nor do the edited videos distributed by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit show people being hit by the trucks. In the videos, people flee for their lives like insects – black dots running around that reflect with marvelous precision the attitude directed at them and their lives – but none of the insects are being run over.

11:30 P.M. On Instagram, hundreds of people are seen gathering around bonfires in an attempt to relieve the winter chill. They are waiting for trucks that might arrive at the location where aid distribution has been carried out in recent days. At around 4 A.M., a convoy of trucks from Egypt that passed the Israeli checkpoint makes its way north on Al-Rashid Street. The Israel Defense Forces says there were 30 trucks, an eyewitness told the BBC there were 18.

At about 4:45 A.M., the convoy of trucks were surrounded by crowds of people as they approached the Nabulsi rotary. The IDF videos show four trucks surrounded by people as well as people lying on the road. Army vehicles are parked on the side. Al Jazeera showed a video filmed partly at the back of the convoy in which bursts of gunfire can be heard and people can be seen crawling on the trucks or sheltering behind them. Eyewitnesses said the shooting came from the direction of the Israeli vehicles. One witness, Mahmoud Awadeyah, said the Israelis prevented any access to the wounded.

Even if it is proved that it was IDF soldiers who shot at this horrifying assembly and who killed and wounded hundreds of starving people, no one in Israel will be upset by it. It's a war, you know; October 7, remember. The minimal compassion for the Palestinians stopped completely in Israel on October 7 and has shown no signs of life ever since. It's in a coma. We only feel compassion for ourselves, our soldiers and our hostages, and everyone else can just explode for all we care.

And explode they do: The Gazans literally and the world from anger. The danger of being a pariah is closer than ever: Israel has never been denounced, been renounced and provoked such hatred as it has today. You can shrug your shoulders, but soon every Israeli will feel it.

What else needs to happen? The spokesman for the World Health Organization, Christian Lindmeier, said Friday that a 10th child was officially registered in a Gaza hospital as having starved to death. What else needs to happen for Israelis to wake up from their complacency and activate their moral sensors about what has been happening since October 7? The time, which stopped in Israel that day, has moved on. For nearly five months, Gaza's toll of dead, wounded, hungry and sick is soaring. It turns out that even the deaths of 30,000 people, two-thirds of them women and children, do not satisfy the appetite for revenge.

If the night of death and hunger, the night when body bags replaced the bags of food on the trucks and when blood mixed with flour, did not inspire resistance to the war in Israel, nothing will make Israel stop, if only to think about its actions and their cost: If not the horrific price that the nonhuman Gazans are paying, then at least the price that Israel will pay. From here on, we shall only whisper in vain: Enough. ... fd397b0000
Saeko wrote:You can insincerely call for all the aid in the world. None of it will help if the intended recipients are all dead.

Aid is already starting to reach the intended recipients, I can only hope the efforts are scaled up further.

Saeko wrote:I am against Hamas and wish for it to be dismantled one day and for its members to face impartial justice. I don't see how that can be construed as any kind of support.

I also believe that the same should happen to the occupying genocide regime.

You can insincerely call for "dismantling" Hamas yet when you oppose any and all efforts to do just that your actual views on the matter are more than obvious.

Saeko wrote:Since you are such an ardent opponent of all rape and genocide, would you also support a Gaza-like annihilation of Tel Aviv to topple the genocidal occupying regime?

I can honestly say that I wouldn't be. But that's because, unlike some people, I'm not a complete and total hypocrite, and so, I apply the same standards of justice and warfare to all peoples.

Hamas wishes it had managed to not just destroy Israel but murder and rape as many as possible as it did on October 7, and I don't buy this when you oppose any and all efforts to defeat Hamas.

Saeko wrote:What cry for ethnic cleansing? :?: The only ones I'm aware of are all coming from occupier government.

I also note that you refused to say, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Presumably because you are for the rape and murder of Palestinians?

That is most certainly a call for ethnic cleansing. Indeed, it's quite evident where it comes from:


Then you have people like skinster who dream with having Israelis move to the US.
skinster wrote:^ yes, the settlers should go back to where they came from and those who were born there can stay as long as they accept equal rights for all. 8)

That is also already the case in current Israel.

I will also note that Hamas does not believe in having equal rights for all. Not for non-Muslims, for starters.
wat0n wrote:That is also already the case in current Israel.

No it isn't. There are over 65 laws that discriminate against non-Jews in what's known as "Israel proper"

In the West Bank, also ruled by Israel's military, there are two separate laws, one for Jews and one for non-Jews. Jews live under civic law and Palestinians live under an oppressive and racist military occupation where the former can kill the latter with impunity, have their own roads, different colour number-plates, demolish the homes of others, force the natives in checkpoints, arrest without charge for years and decades (AKA "administrative detention"), poison their farmland, terrorise them regularly.etc.etc.etc.

And then there is Gaza concentration camp which has been under an overt genocide for 150 days.

I will also note that Hamas does not believe in having equal rights for all. Not for non-Muslims, for starters.

Then you're talking shite. Alistair Crooke, former British diplomat reported:

'Sheikh Yasin: Hamas is not an Islamic movement. It is a liberation movement, and anyone, be they Christian, or Buddhist – or even I – could join it.'
skinster wrote:No it isn't. There are over 65 laws that discriminate against non-Jews in what's known as "Israel proper"

In the West Bank, also ruled by Israel's military, there are two separate laws, one for Jews and one for non-Jews. Jews live under civic law and Palestinians live under an oppressive and racist military occupation where the former can kill the latter with impunity, have their own roads, different colour number-plates, demolish the homes of others, force the natives in checkpoints, arrest without charge for years and decades (AKA "administrative detention"), poison their farmland, terrorise them regularly.etc.etc.etc.

And then there is Gaza concentration camp which has been under an overt genocide for 150 days.


Most of those "laws" were never passed, just as the most outrageous bills. Even this government hasn't been able to do much in this regard, since it got stuck with the judicial reform issue.

skinster wrote:Then you're talking shite. Alistair Crooke, former British diplomat reported:

I'm fairly sure Hamas is happy to have non-Muslim supporters. That doesn't mean Shari'a regards them as equals.
wat0n wrote:Most of those "laws" were never passed,

Stop lying.

I'm fairly sure Hamas is happy to have non-Muslim supporters. That doesn't mean Shari'a regards them as equals.

Stop pretending to know anything about Shariah law. Or deflect from being wrong about Hamas. They've made clear their movement is for national liberation of their land from their occupiers and if you aren't brainwashed by Western media and read their statements, you'll see they make a lot of sense:

Abu Obeida at the end of 2023 wrote:"These oppressors, murderers, and sorcerers who want to tell the world that history began from October 7, ignore the slow, silent killing of our people for many years, the Judaization, settlements, desecration of Al-Aqsa, siege of Gaza, aggression against prisoners and displacement of our people by all means. Then they weep for zionists when we dealt their army the blow of the century and made them pay for their crimes, and told the world that we are a people seeking justice, freedom and life.

We have never been seekers of war. It would have been better for the western and eastern zionists to recognize the rights of our people and end the occupation, but they preferred to buy time for the criminal occupation to annihilate our people and liquidate our cause. But we, as a people with a right, a cause, and a resistance, faithful to these rights, continued to prepare and fight because we know that rights can only be reclaimed by extracting them by force.

Every nation on earth that has been occupied has wrested its freedom through blood, body parts, and combat. We have the best evidence and proof in Vietnam, Afghanistan, South Africa, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, and others.

The state of weakness, exhaustion, and confusion of the enemy forces has become a clearly and indisputable reality, which calls everyone in our people and nation to realize their revenge against this arrogant enemy, whose soldiers are incapable of confronting the owners of the land.

We have published many, many pictures documenting our fighters targeting the enemy's soldiers and vehicles, and this is just a fraction of the overall operations on the ground.

Our priority is to stop the aggression against our people and end the criminal Nazi genocide that the enemy has been waging for 12 weeks against our innocent civilian people, following its failure on October 7, and its further failure in the ground war.

Stopping the aggression is the most important priority. We feel the extent of the pain, suffering, injustice, and savagery that our people face in front of the world, this official world divided between a criminal oppressor and a helpless spectator, watching a cowardly and aggressive force pour out its wrath and the accumulation of its failures on the innocent.

Accordingly, there are no exchange deals or other proposals that we can accept before the aggression against our people is completely stopped.

The day October 7th...will remain deeply engraved as a defining moment in the historic struggle of our people with this occupying entity.

What the enemy has been doing for 83 days is an attempt to erase, obscure, and alter this significant impact in the form of the collapse and defeat of the occupation and its criminal army, but every street in the Gaza Strip will remain a testament to the greatness of our people and the valor of our fighters in contrast to the savagery of this enemy and those behind it who falsely claim Western civilization and human rights.

Gaza has exposed all the lying and shameful organizations that carry the sword of human rights against oppressed nations, only to protect and beautify the ugly image of forces of injustice, occupation, and aggression.

O our generous people, the epitome of patience, what this cowardly enemy excels at is destruction and killing, attempting in vain what it has been repeating for decades to convey a message and idea to our people that their resistance is futile. But we say that we, along with our people will rebuild what the Nazi occupation has destroyed, sharing a morsel of bread and a drink of water with our people.

Rest assured, our great people, with your resistance, you have crafted the coffin of this temporary criminal occupation. The shedding of innocent blood has always been a defining mark for the destruction, planning, and defeat of invaders. This is a certainty by the laws of heaven and the models of history of nations."
wat0n wrote:Aid is already starting to reach the intended recipients, I can only hope the efforts are scaled up further.

Some aid is getting there, but the bombs get there faster.

You can insincerely call for "dismantling" Hamas yet when you oppose any and all efforts to do just that your actual views on the matter are more than obvious.

I definitely do not oppose any and all efforts to do just that. Only the ones that involve genocide, apartheid, and oppression of a whole people.

Hamas wishes it had managed to not just destroy Israel but murder and rape as many as possible as it did on October 7, and I don't buy this when you oppose any and all efforts to defeat Hamas.

Would you support similar "any and all efforts" to defeat the genocidal regime that is currently wiping out the Palestinians? I'm gonna ask again if you would support a Gaza-like annihilation of Tel Aviv to depose said regime, since you failed to answer earlier.

So Hamas killing upwards of 1000 people is evidence of their desire to kill as many as possible, isn't The Occupying Regime's killing of more than 30,000 people thirty times as much evidence of their desire to kill as many as possible?

That is most certainly a call for ethnic cleansing. Indeed, it's quite evident where it comes from:


That image says: "Throw the Jews into the sea". Since this is a completely different statement from "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Free" (having only a single word in common), I think we can safely dismiss such an absurd claim.
^ :lol:

wat0n wrote:If Hamas has never sought war, why is it that it has never agreed to negotiate with Israel?


Dafuq are you talking about? :lol:

They tried to negotiate when they won their election about 15 years ago but the West ignored democracy in Palestine then and refused to engage with Hamas, and ended up blockading Gaza and turning it into a concentration camp (Hamas also won in the West Bank too tho).

They changed their charter in 2017 and still, nothing.

Israel has never been serious about making peace with Palestinians. NEVER, once. Likud's founding document of that made that clear in 1977. Oslo was a complete charade to maintain the occupation and steal more land and more recently, all the leaders of the fascist ruling coalition as well as other ministers have confirmed their disinterest in peace with Palestinians.

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