Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 161 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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JohnRawls wrote:Both sides are just bad faith actors in the sense of peace.

The "both sides" meme is a creation of commercial media.

1. Israel side is bad because it used money and world war surplus arms to arm Jewish terror gangs to steal control of Palestine. (source: history)

2. Palestinian side is bad because... commercial media bad guys are often Arabs.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If there are tunnels near Nuseirat, then this is a brand new argument.

The previous arguments about battalions and operations can be ignored, then.

Where exactly are the tunnels in relation to the area bombed?

What evidence is there that these tunnels were used by Hamas?

Provide links and quotes.

You got evidence of Hamas' use of Nuseirat from two different sources now, from Amit Soussana (who you don't believe) and Hamas' military wing itself (who you also don't believe), with links and quotes. Let's add the IDF to the group now.

As for the tunnels, the only actor building those tunnels in Gaza is Hamas itself. Nobody disputes this and it is not surprising since building that type of network requires placing the area under your authority.
QatzelOk wrote:
The "both sides" meme is a creation of commercial media.

1. Israel side is bad because it used money and world war surplus arms to arm Jewish terror gangs to steal control of Palestine. (source: history)

2. Palestinian side is bad because... commercial media bad guys are often Arabs.

I agree with the point.

Israel holds all the cards, if they want peace, they will have to build it. Up to now, they have shown no interest in peace.
The Israeli government doesn't care about the remaining 130 hostages and the families of hostages know that. Even though it's evident by ongoing Israeli intransigence re: hostage exchange deals which they keep refusing.

The nightly protests in Jordan are looking great. It's way beyond time to get the Arab traitors out because the people all over the Arab lands and West Asia defend Palestinians. Protests this week occurred in Egypt and Morocco too. Bye-bye, Abraham Accords. :D

And on that note, one of the four Palestinian objectives of October 7th was ending the normalisation agreements (Abraham Accords) with the handful of Arab comprador states that took place a few years ago under Trump. 8) You can read more about so-called normalisation here.

Godstud wrote:@skinster Hamas committed a terrorist attack(s) on Oct 7 and killed/raped/kidnapped over 1200 people. That's fact. It's not zionist propaganda. To say that is to abandon your senses. :knife:

No it isn't a fact because you say so. Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions which includes two Marxist orgs amongst them, broke out of concentration camp Gaza on Oct 7 to confront their prison guards and collect hostages to exchange for their own hostages that Israel has kidnapped and put into Israeli dungeons under what they call "administrative detention", which basically means kidnapping Palestinians from their homes, often in the middle of the night, and imprisoning them without charges or trial. Thousands of Palestinians have suffered this fate, some for many decades. The numbers are above 9000, currently. And on that note, it is worth pointing out that the Palestinian hostages are from the West Bank, not Gaza.

There is to date no evidence of rape being committed by Palestinian fighters on that day - that is Zionist atrocity propaganda that has been debunked even by the newspapers ("of record" apparently) such as the New York Times, that published the original reports. Even families of so-called victims have come out against the lies published in mainstream media claiming their family members were raped on October 7. I have posted much on that front since wat0n has been instructed by the propagandists that he works for, to keep claiming mass rapes happened in order to distract from the genocide. Something I see you are doing too. Gross.

The most recent rape hoax by Israelis came from this woman who made the claim a few days ago, conveniently right after reports from Palestinian women being gang-raped and shot, while their husband and kids were forced to watch, in al-Shifa hospital, by Israeli terrorists. Anything to say about that?

The recent hoax claimant has been free for months and never made the claims she was raped before. All the released hostages said they were not raped except for one who claimed she was "raped by" her captor's "eyes". That one clearly made a lot of money from saying that and is more recently seen partying in Hollywood at Elton John's house.

I have posted plenty on here to show this debunking. That you're gullible and willfully ignorant to it doesn't change that you're talking utter bollocks here and regurgitating the same shit every now and then despite it being utter bollocks. I suppose you believed 40 babies were beheaded too?

Stop supporting a homicidal, and genocidal, terrorist organization(Hamas).

Hamas started a war. War is never good. People get hurt. Innocents get killed. Hamas doesn't give a shit about you, Palestinians, or anyone else, only their genocidal agenda.

Again, you're talking complete shit. Just because Israel and the U.S. designates its armed wing a terrorist organisation, that doesn't make it so. Besides, it's pretty rich coming from them. Hamas is a resistance organisation and a national liberation movement defending itself from an occupying terrorist organisation called the IDF. Its right to resist, with armed struggle, is enshrined in international law.

Most people around the world do not have the stupid "Hamas is a terrorist organisation" view. That belongs to a minority of easily duped Westerners. Most understand they are a resisting Israeli terrorism and since Oct 7, their popularity has risen both with Palestinians and people worldwide. Don't believe the hype, shitlib! :D

Hamas became a thing in the late 1980s following decades of Israeli ethnic cleansing, occupation and genocide. You need to figure out basic chronology of what occurred with Palestine before repeatedly making yourself look like a complete dumbass on this topic.

As for your "Hamas doesn't care blah", Zionists don't care about people like you unless perhaps you serve them in a way. They would look down on you marrying a foreigner, for instance, and for not being a Zionist. But then again, you are one and are shilling on their behalf, so I guess excuse this comment. :lol:

Godstud wrote:There is no ethnic cleansing going on. This is moronic hyperbole.

Read The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe before you repeat this type of nonsense. Then get back to me and prove how ethnic cleansing isn't happening. Or let me know in which year following the theft of Palestine it stopped. I'd love to know when that happened as according to you, it mysteriously passed me by..

What level of retaliation was good enough? Do you think Israel wants to continue to be plagued by Hamas for eternity simply because Hamas can't accept being next to Israel?

Again, you're talking shite. Hamas' 2017 charter accepted the two state solution even though it has never been anything but a charade for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians of more of their land, which is exactly what has happened, particularly in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu's Likud party, on the other hand, have in their founding charter, stated there would never be a Palestinian state and have reiterated that numerous times throughout the years, including a few weeks ago.

Israel pulled out all of their settlers in about 2006, for peace with Palestine. They never got it. Hamas started lobbing missiles.

Israel transplanted 8000 illegal settlers in Gaza to the West Bank, where now there are over 750,000 illegal Israeli settlers. Subsequent to their removal from Gaza, Israel turned Gaza into a prison camp where it has conducted a number of wars and where it has tested weapons on Palestinians in order to sell as "battle tested".

Hamas lobbing rockets - which by the way result in very little damage - is actually a right enshrined to them under international law, where people who are occupied have the right to armed resistance. When people are occupied, resistance is justified, as the chant goes.

Every death is on Hamas' shoulders. You know it, and I know it.

No you don't know it. You're dumb if you can't see that the vast majority of the world has turned against Israel. Even the U.S. rightwing has turned against it, which has been hilarious to see by the way :lol: Tucker Carlson, Candace Owen, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan...even Donald Trump has spoken negatively of it. Turns out the people, regardless of where they are politically, can't stomach a live streamed genocide..

And then there's retards who blame the victims. But that's a tiny minority, which is good. Even in the country you live, the people are for Palestine. But apparently Godstud knows more than these masses and the people all over the world. :lol:

Here's your mates, Godstud. Do you agree with them that Palestinians should go to Thailand?

Godstud wrote:no. It's not. :O BUilding more homes for people to move there is not ethnic cleansing by any stretch of the imagination! Illegal immigration is ethnic cleansing by that standard. :knife:

FFS, do you even know what ethnic cleansing means? :?:

For your analogy to work, you will have to list a government anywhere in the world which supports illegal immigration. By support, I mean aid the illegal immigrants, subsidise their housing costs, privilege over the natives in law, offer the illegal immigrants more water and illegal-immigrants-roads-only, allow the natives homes to be stolen from these illegal immigrants, and offers the illegal immigrants complete immunity if and when they kill the natives, when they're not terrorising them, destroying their crops etc. Where does this happen?

Godstud wrote:@JohnRawls I guess Palestine shouldn't have chosen a terrorist organization to lead it. Israel seizing land now, when it is at war with Palestine, is hardly surprising.

Israel has been stealing land since its inception. It is a settler-colony and that is what they do. It is an expansionist state, which is why it still hasn't declared its borders. But on that front, it's good to note that it has basically lost the north of the country where it had stole and was occupying territory belonging to Lebanon. Hezbollah joined the Palestinian resistance and has made it so that Zionist thieves who had settled there have left. Israel placed the settlers of the north in hotels over the last six months and then reports like these came out:

Every accusation is a confession

late wrote:They weren't ready to do mass murder in 2006, but they're ready now...

They're ready now in particular because they decided they want Gaza after discovering billions worth of untapped gas reserves in the sea around Gaza.
I think future vice-president Kushner has the facts right on Gaza:

What an amazing piece of real estate! Could he ever make a lot of money by selling this piece of land which can be purchased with very little of his own money!

All of the investment money is coming from Western tax payer dupes!

And it's all being thrown together using the genocide of the local culture!
1 The great settlement withdrawal that Israelis and their western supporters make such a great fuss about, was made in the context of increasing not reducing the Israeli settler population.

2 The West Bank was still separated from Gaza. A genuine independent Palestine will never work on this basis. No nation would accept such a state of affairs long term. Least of all an Arab Muslim one.

If this wasn't bad enough the intention was to keep control of the Jordanian valley. Not only was the Palestinian West Bank to be separated from Gaza but it was also to have no international borders except Israel. The Palestinian West Bank was to be completely surrounded by Israeli territory.

4 But no it still gets even worse than that. The plan was not even to allow the Palestinian West Bank to be a contiguous territory, No it is to be broken up at a minimum into 3 bantustans.

Sharon only got away the relative modest settlement disbandment precisely because he sold it as part of a package of settlement expansion. The idea that some imaginary future Liberal Israeli government is going to come in and remove tens if not hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlements is pure hokum.

wat0n wrote:Will @skinster insist on her demand of watching rape videos?

Your rape fantasies go on. I see you're continuing well on what has been instructed to you by Frank Luntz. You don't even hide it. :lol:

Quote where I said what you claim about me, so people can see what a liar you are.

Rich wrote:Sharon only got away the relative modest settlement disbandment precisely because he sold it as part of a package of settlement expansion. The idea that some imaginary future Liberal Israeli government is going to come in and remove tens if not hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlements is pure hokum.

Indeed, it was about transplanting the illegal settlers from one occupied Palestinian territory to another occupied Palestinian territory. That dumb Westerners make this out as the Israelis offering grace to Palestinians is funny as fuck.

As for settlers departure, since Oct 7 over a million have fled, including from "Israel proper". I expect that number to increase as Israel's war expands beyond 6 fronts that it is currently fighting on and as the resistance builds. Israel as we knew it pre Oct 7 is over.
wat0n wrote:... rape ...

You have mentionned "rape" in about a quarter of your posts on this "Isreal's genocide of the locals" thread.

Is this because this is one of the agreed-upon talking points of the real estate firm you work for? :eh:
As predicted, the hasbara troll couldn't quote me because he's making shit up, projecting his own savage fantasies upon me.

I won't even bother point out how disgusting this is coming from a male against a female. But, when you're a Zionist, I suppose you're a Zionist..

QatzelOk wrote:You have mentionned "rape" in about a quarter of your posts on this "Isreal's genocide of the locals" thread.

Is this because this is one of the agreed-upon talking points of the real estate firm you work for? :eh:

It is indeed what Israeli propagandists have instructed their workers to keep talking about to distract from genocide. wat0n, I suppose in his defence, is just doing what has been instructed to him. And we know he has been instructed on this because that info was leaked and that is exactly what wat0n does here.

Back on the topic that wat0n keeps trying to distract from. You'd think if he was so concerned about rape that he'd consider genocide too...but, well, I guess they haven't instructed him on that since they're the perpetrators of it.

The American rightwing isn't down with Israel anymore either. Wild times!
QatzelOk wrote:You have mentionned "rape" in about a quarter of your posts on this "Isreal's genocide of the locals" thread.

Is this because this is one of the agreed-upon talking points of the real estate firm you work for? :eh:

Another rape advocate has spoken.

Then we have a "female" like @skinster being "disgusted" for being called out for demanding to watch rape videos to believe an alleged victim. What's interesting is that much of her transphobic worldview is based on accusations of women being raped whenever unisex restrooms are used, but she does not provide recordings to prove it.

Cry me a fucking river, I will keep calling you out.
The photo in the article showing tunnels supposedly under Nuseirat could not have been built by Hamas. The tunnel is made of connected pre fab concrete units. This would require trucks delivering said units, cranes installing the units, large scale excavations, and the tearing up of the highway itself. This was obviously constructed before or during the building of the highway.

A tunnel under a highway is simply a maintenance conduit. There is no evidence that Hamas was using it for anything at all.

Again, this is not evidence of Hamas being present in Nuseirat at the time of the bomobing.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The photo in the article showing tunnels supposedly under Nuseirat could not have been built by Hamas. The tunnel is made of connected pre fab concrete units. This would require trucks delivering said units, cranes installing the units, large scale excavations, and the tearing up of the highway itself. This was obviously constructed before or during the building of the highway.

A tunnel under a highway is simply a maintenance conduit. There is no evidence that Hamas was using it for anything at all.

Again, this is not evidence of Hamas being present in Nuseirat at the time of the bomobing.

Those tunnels were built by Hamas and indeed Hamas did use concrete to do that. In fact, over half of pre-war Gaza imports correspond to construction materials.

Again, nothing here is controversial and this is more denial. Since you deny Amit Soussana's testiony that she was taken to Nuseirat, will you deny Amit Soussana was raped too? Are you going to demand video evidence of that?
Again, there is a difference between in situ concrete, or poured in place concrete, and the pre-fabricated sections seen in the photo of the tunnel.

Poured in place concrete is mixed in place (or on the way to the location in the mixer truck) and then poured into a mold (called formwork) which is where the concrete will harden and stay. This is how Hamas builds things.

Pre-fabricated concrete sections are different. Like the ones in the photos, they are made in a mold in a factory somewhere and they cure (harden) there. Ince they are solid, they are put on a truck and transported to the site. There a crane lifts them into place. This is how these tunnels were made.

It is almost impossible to secretly build a tunnel using pre fab sections. If Hamas secretly built this tunnel, then they would not have used pre-fab.
Every accusation is a confession

Why sexual violence is integral to Zionist entity's settler-colonial project
The presence of Israeli colonial troops in the vicinity of the Al-Shifa Hospital in western Gaza has not only left images of death and destruction since the early days of the regime’s genocidal war but has now led to reports of sexual violence against Palestinian women.

According to media reports, several eyewitnesses have recounted how Israeli soldiers "abducted, raped, and executed women in the vicinity of the hospital."

Jamila Al-Hisi, an eyewitness who managed to get out of the hospital complex, in remarks on Saturday said women have been subjected to rape, starvation, torture, and extrajudicial execution, adding that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is doing nothing.

She said the occupation troops “forced 65 families to leave the area around the al-Shifa Medical Complex whilst burning and killing entire families,” adding that a building where Palestinian civilians were taking shelter was burned down.

Her remarks came after Israeli forces stormed the al-Shifa hospital using tanks and drones when about 3,000 people were inside the hospital premises. Those who attempted to leave were targeted by snipers and fire from helicopters.

Hundreds of people – including patients and attendants – have been reportedly executed in cold blood at the hospital in recent weeks and the siege continues.

The latest reports about women being sexually abused and killed at the hospital have drawn widespread anger and outcry across the world

It is crucial to understand that sexual violence is yet another tool within the machinery of the settler-colonial Zionist entity and its project to occupy the Palestinian territories.

This conviction to dominate must be understood within the framework of settler colonialism, which seeks the elimination of the native population – Palestinians.

Settler colonialism, of which Zionism is a part, seeks to permanently erase the presence of natives at all levels, replacing it with a new society based on colonial norms. In most cases, this process leads, as in the Palestinian case, to indigenous genocide.

This violent campaign to replace the native Palestinian population is where we must locate the sexual violence against Palestinian women. This form of violence has always been part of the efforts of the Zionist colonial entity to achieve its ultimate goal of eradicating all Palestinian presence.

The use of sexual violence against Palestinian women is an integral part of the political history of the Zionist colonial entity since its foundation in 1948.

Prominent historians such as Ilan Pappé have documented that during the establishment of the Zionist regime, known as the Nakba, the Israeli army engaged in numerous rapes, both collective and individual, against Palestinian women.

In this context, the tragic story of a young Palestinian woman who was abducted and raped in the Negev by about 20 Israeli settlers and soldiers stands out, as part of a celebration, which ended in her being shot dead.

The majority of archives and historical documents from the Nakba era have been deliberately eliminated in an attempt to erase incriminating evidence.

Additionally, Palestinian oral history regarding the atrocities committed by Zionists has largely been discredited and deemed an unreliable source within historical research. This is compounded by the stigma surrounding sexual violence, which has led to silence and the concealment of these crimes.

Several historians have confirmed how, since the beginning of the last decade, teams from the regime’s war ministry have been examining archives and removing historical documents.

These documents range from information related to Israel's nuclear program to matters concerning the Zionist colony's foreign relations. As noted, they also include thousands of documents from the Nakba period and the early years of the colony's existence.

Overall, the majority of the removed documents seek to conceal massacres, the destruction of small villages, the expulsion of Palestinian Bedouins, and the numerous instances of sexual violence committed against Palestinian women.

The use of sexual violence should not be considered as something "peripheral" to the Zionist colonial project, but rather constitutes a central part of it.

For example, David Ben-Gurion, a key figure in the Zionist movement and the first premier of the Israeli regime, documented in his diary the practices of sexual violence against Palestinian women and girls, whom he considered a threat to the survival of the Zionist colony.

Ben-Gurion also contributed to spreading a vision that criminalizes the fertility of Palestinian women, viewing it as an obstacle to the permanent eradication of the native population.

The connection between the past and the present is evident when we recall the words of former Israeli minister Ayelet Shaked, who stated in 2014, when she was a parliamentarian, that "Palestinian mothers should be killed."

"Behind every terrorist, there are dozens of men and women who support him, without whom he could not carry out his acts of terror. They are all enemy combatants and the responsibility for their actions will rest on their heads,” she stated.

“This includes the mothers of the martyrs, who bid them farewell with flowers and kisses towards hell. They should follow the path of their sons, as nothing would be fairer. They should leave, just like the homes where they raised these snakes. Otherwise, new snakes will continue to be raised in those same places."

The use of sexual violence also occurs in Israeli prisons, which has been widely documented. More recently, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor published new testimonies by female Palestinian detainees from Gaza about being subjected to sexual violence, torture, inhuman treatment, strip searches, sexual harassment, etc.

While it is true that both men and children are subjected to such treatment, it is women who suffer the most horrendous abuse, scarring them for life.

Palestinian women, who have been through Israeli prisons, have recounted their experiences of torture and sexual harassment by regime forces in order to extract confessions.

An example of sexual abuse and harassment, one among many, could be seen in the leaked video of the interrogation of young Palestinian activist, Ahed Tamimi.

Tamimi, who was 16 years old at that time, was arrested during a nighttime raid for kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier. During her interrogation, recorded on video, it was evident how she was sexually harassed and physically intimidated by her interrogators.

The constant threat against women is a reality faced daily by Palestinian women living under colonial occupation. A striking example of this routine violence was evident in the repeated attacks perpetrated at the Al-Aqsa Mosque by both settlers and occupying military forces.

The sexual violence inflicted upon Palestinian women since at least 1948 is considered a vital method for protecting the colonial entity. This is because, in the Zionist colonial project, both land and bodies are perceived from a racial perspective that seeks to ethnically cleanse the native population. ... -palestine

@skinster so you confess that Hamas committed mass rape?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Again, there is a difference between in situ concrete, or poured in place concrete, and the pre-fabricated sections seen in the photo of the tunnel.

Poured in place concrete is mixed in place (or on the way to the location in the mixer truck) and then poured into a mold (called formwork) which is where the concrete will harden and stay. This is how Hamas builds things.

Pre-fabricated concrete sections are different. Like the ones in the photos, they are made in a mold in a factory somewhere and they cure (harden) there. Ince they are solid, they are put on a truck and transported to the site. There a crane lifts them into place. This is how these tunnels were made.

It is almost impossible to secretly build a tunnel using pre fab sections. If Hamas secretly built this tunnel, then they would not have used pre-fab.

Prove that was prefab.

This looks like an hypothesis that has not been tested.

Also, this does not negate that the tunnel was in fact used and controlled by Hamas.
skinster wrote:Every accusation is a confession...

This is correct. All of these "rape accusations" on the part of the genocidal state of Israel (and its mercenary fans), are about muddying the water so that people are fooled into a "both sides" point of view.

Listen to Jared Kushner's "take" again. He basically says: "Rape, terrorism, tunnels.... incredible real estate potential."

That's his entire argument. "Words"..... leads to more money in his portfolio.
It has always been this way, @QatzelOk. Zionists have always projected their crimes onto their victims. This started from when they stole the country. The Israelis have been raping Palestinian women since day dot, have been doing the same throughout this genocide and are even raping and gang-raping their own amongst the soldiers. If people like wat0n were actually concerned about rape, they would consider the actual documented rape stories, rather than the made-up bullshit that keeps getting debunked. But he is not serious. He is here to distract from genocide. Too bad for him little to nobody is buying it though. Must be sad being wat0n right now, the lonely Zionist.. :D

The rats are jumping the pro-genocide ship..

wat0n wrote:@skinster so you confess that Hamas committed mass rape?

No, I've repeated over and over again there is no evidence for your claims and when some claims come up, they're repeatedly debunked. I know you are instructed to repeat over and over again the mass rape hoax in order to distract from the ongoing genocide, but you should try to make it a little less obvious since you have practically NOBODY on your side that sings for this live streamed genocide. :lol:
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