Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 163 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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You cannot simultaneously claim that the IDF is looking for tunnels while also claiming they missed a large scale open excavation requiring cranes and truckloads of custom materials.

Since the eulogy was quoted, anyone can read the text and see it is a misunderstanding of a vague allusion from a Google translation of a eulogy. There is no new argument or evidence.

The discussion concerning the hostage has already been dealt with, to the point that the hostage’s testimony suggests Hamas does not have a permanent presence in the camp. There is no new argument or evidence.

There is no evidence that the tunnel in Nuseirat was used by Hamas to travel between northern and southern Gaza.
The War Machine and Bankers that arm and profit from Israel are also arming and intend to profit from Ukraine. And in case of loss, make deals with the other side.

That's why the U.S. has also been arming Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, while the West continues to buy fossil fuels and uranium from Russia and continues trading with "genocidal" China and arming Taiwan but refusing to recognize its sovereignty.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You cannot simultaneously claim that the IDF is looking for tunnels while also claiming they missed a large scale open excavation requiring cranes and truckloads of custom materials.

Pants-of-dog wrote:There is no evidence that the tunnel in Nuseirat was used by Hamas to travel between northern and southern Gaza.

Hamas' government did work on the Salah-al-Din road the tunnel was under in 2010.

Wiki wrote:The Hamas Government has since widened and improved the road with funds coming from their tunnel industry revenues.[3] In 2010 The National wrote of the Salah al-Din Road "Now, toiling farmers, tinkering mechanics and an array of colourful roadside businesses span the length of Salah al Din, from central to southern Gaza. Camels weave aimlessly between its lanes, workers dig for gravel at its edges, and teetering, horn-blaring lorries run up and down the road to ferry smuggled goods and aid assistance to

This is a major road connecting Gaza from Rafah all the way to Gaza's northern border with Israel.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Since the eulogy was quoted, anyone can read the text and see it is a misunderstanding of a vague allusion from a Google translation of a eulogy. There is no new argument or evidence.

Correct, you have yet to show it was misinterpreted in any way.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The discussion concerning the hostage has already been dealt with, to the point that the hostage’s testimony suggests Hamas does not have a permanent presence in the camp. There is no new argument or evidence.

Nothing in her testimony suggests any of this. On the contrary, she said everything suggested the first residence she was kept in had been previously prepared to that effect, suggesting that Hamas had established protocols for keeping and moving hostages, which makes sense since taking hostages was one of its tactical goals.
^ His lies are creative at least, I'll give him that. :lol:

Caitlin Johnstone wrote:List of things that have been discredited during the destruction of Gaza:

• Israel

• the “rules-based international order”

• liberals

• the label “antisemitism”

• the mainstream media

• Joe Biden

• the “two-state solution” myth

• Bernie Sanders

• Robert F Kennedy Jr

• the label “terrorist”

• the “human shields” lie

• the ADL


• the US war machine

• right wing “free speech” supporters

• the Democratic Party

• the Republican Party

• Zionism

• all western governments

• all of western civilization

• everything westerners believe about their society ... n-of-gaza/
There is no logical way for everyone to know that Hamas built that highway while also being unaware of a tunnel made from pre fab sections below it.

The tunnel work would be so large that a cursory glance at satellite images would show this, There is no evidence this happened, so we are somehow to believe that Hamas was able to secretly dig huge holes, truck in huge concrete pieces, assemble and operate huge cranes. while the IDF blindly searched elsewhere.

Somehow, the IDF are blind idiots, yet also masterful heroes.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is no logical way for everyone to know that Hamas built that highway while also being unaware of a tunnel made from pre fab sections below it.

The tunnel work would be so large that a cursory glance at satellite images would show this, There is no evidence this happened, so we are somehow to believe that Hamas was able to secretly dig huge holes, truck in huge concrete pieces, assemble and operate huge cranes. while the IDF blindly searched elsewhere.

Somehow, the IDF are blind idiots, yet also masterful heroes.

Or maybe the IDF saw Hamas was working on the highway, yet could not fully ascertain from satellite images only what was going on. Or maybe they suspected there was a tunnel there, but could not destroy it safely because of the known civilian presence in a major Gaza highway. Or because it wanted to have full access to it, to see what it was for and where it lead to.

There are many, many hypotheses that make perfect sense. And that's assuming the tunnel was built using prefab materials, which you have not proven beyond "trust me bro".
It is implausible that the IDF could not or would not investigate further as soon as Hamas opened a huge tunnel like hole and started lowering tunnel like arches into it.

Nor does it make sense that they would let Hamas finish building it.
Pants-of-dog wrote:It is implausible that the IDF could not or would not investigate further as soon as Hamas opened a huge tunnel like hole and started lowering tunnel like arches into it.

Nor does it make sense that they would let Hamas finish building it.

Why is it implausible?

The IDF is not omniscient, as the October 7 massacre shows its intelligence only goes so far.

This is, once again, an argument from ignorance and not actual proof of anything.
The rapes by Hamas, real or imagained are irrelevant.
The 10/7 attacks are irrelevant
Arguments about tunnels and proportionality are a distraction.

What matters? For the last 65 years Israel has systematically set about building an apartheid system on the West Bank. Right from the start, Israel set about dividing the West Bank into at least 3 bantustans, the northern, the southern and Jericho, that are all cut off from each other, from Jordan and from the Gaza strip. The implementation of this plan has continued relentlessly. It was not stopped by the peace process and the great withdrawal was not a reversal of this plan but a consolidation. Israeli and western liberals waffle on about two states when ever there's a crisis, while Israel's systematic and unerring policy has been to make it impossible for the West Bank to be part of an independent Palestine state.

Since the Israeli Egyptian peace deal Gaza has been held in limbo. The justification for this, is that Gaza is being held in limbo so it can be joined with the West Bank in a Palestinian state. A Palestinian state that will never come. It looks increasingly doubtful that Hamas will be destroyed. but even if it could be destroyed, it would solve nothing, because Israel would still be an Apartheid state, an Apartheid state that is working night and day, that has been working night and day fro 65 years, not towards a two state solution but away from it,
Last edited by Rich on 29 Mar 2024 14:37, edited 1 time in total.
about rape, rape, rape, wat0n wrote:@skinster well, you've been accusing Israel of that and many other things....

I wish Harvey Weinstein would come forward with his opposition to rape as a lifestyle choice.

Likewise, Jeffrey Epstein's "work" could have saved a lot of people the trouble of "seeking out victims."

These two men have nothing to do with Israel, so they would be good neutral spokespeople in a campaign that seeks to eliminate sexual exploitation.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 29 Mar 2024 14:52, edited 1 time in total.
Ami Ayalon former head of the Israeli Ministry of Security wrote:If I were a Palestinian living under occupation, I would also fight against Israel to gain freedom.

He calls members the Israeli government "terrorists" as well.

It's actually questionable if this is the FBI here, given their behaviour and having to look on the internet for the state FBI number..

Jordan is rising.
I did say that Trump and Biden have similar views, but if anything Biden is worse, because the Biden administration is calling for the removal of Netanyahu. This is another big con. The big difference between Netanyahu and Gantz is that Gantz wants to call up the religious students. Gantz wants to have an even bigger army to invade Gaza and control the West Bank than Netanyahu. Gantz will not give the Palestinians a state. These days its looking less and less likely, but even if you could elect an Israeli Prime Minister that genuinely wanted to create a viable Palestinian state with some kind of genuine independence, there's no way that he / she could deliver it.

The Liberals never seem capable of thinking anything through. Once you've got your latest saviour Gantz and once he's recruited large numbers of Orthodox fanatics into the Israeli armed forces, do you think that's going to make the Israeli armed forces more restrained, more politically correct? And when it finally comes to pulling down all these Jewish settlements like you've been promising since forever, do you think these newly minted ultra Orthodox soldiers will just follow the orders from the liberal higher command?

So what is an actually plausible solution? What is doable, still hard, but doable. Give Gaza back to Egypt, and give the northern west bank Palestinian occupied territory and Jericho back to Jordan, We can then worry about what to do with the southern west bank. This is actually achievable and would require relatively minimal Jewish settlement removal. It can also be done incrementally, which is a massive advantage to any plan, as apposed to the Two State mirage which always requires us to wait for a once in millennium astrological alignment.
If Ami Ayalon was PM instead of Netanyahu, the toppling of Hamas would have happened earlier and there would be no settlements in the West Bank. I don't think you've ever read what his proposals are.

QatzelOk wrote:I wish Harvey Weinstein would come forward with his opposition to rape as a lifestyle choice.

Likewise, Jeffrey Epstein's "work" could have saved a lot of people the trouble of "seeking out victims."

These two men have nothing to do with Israel, so they would be good neutral spokespeople in a campaign that seeks to eliminate sexual exploitation.

Inane nonsense seeking to derail the topic.

Pants-of-dog wrote:It is implausible that the IDF would witness what can only be a large scale construction of a tunnel and would refuse to investigate further.

How could have the IDF investigated further without entering Gaza and taking control of Nuseirat?
wat0n wrote:...Inane nonsense seeking to derail the topic...

The topic you are focussed on is "rape, rape, rape."

So I provided some pertinent rapists for you and your friends at hasbara HQ to ponder.

I also wanted to suggest that "cultural projection" is driving your incessant cries of rape. Why don't you accuse Hamas of using offshore accounts to hide their money? Or of starting corrupt bitcoin operations that rob billions from investors? Or of funding the genocide of the remaining Maya of central America?

There's a lot of cultural-projection out there for you to exploit.
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