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skinster wrote:Which ambitions? And when have they been dangerous when having to accept a loss? I'm genuinely curious of your position here.

I hate war with a passion. Nothing is worse for human life than wars.

Putin went to war. Special Operation or whatever he wants to call it? It is war.

It is not worth it. Not to Russia.

Russians are and were making peanut salaries. Shit salaries. For a long time now.

Only Moscow and a couple of other cities like St Petersburg and a few others were advancing. The reality is adopting a market model with investments from the Capitalist West did not eradicate poverty in Russia.

If the Putin regime cared deeply about their own people why worry about going to war?

But the USA is encroaching on us. The US encroaches on everyone. What does Mexico do to get ahead of the problem? What do many nations dealing with the USA have to do? Go to war and kill Ukrainians and displace people.

Ukrainians were making shit salaries too.

No one can afford these moves.

The USA government has been going from one war to the next. They spend like a drunken sailor on wars that never end.

The strategy is not to fall into that trap of draining your money from your treasury fighting off NATO and the USA.

In the end Skinster, the only way out of that WWIII happening is to cooperate in large blocks with each other and never be aggressive.

Never become colonial. That is what RUSSIA should have done. Take their own advice. Do not engage in colonialism.

The West shot themselves in the foot. They applauded that Nazi in Ukraine in the Canadian parliament. Gave verity to the Putin regime.

Putin is a very wealthy, power, authoritarian man who only wants to control a fair amount of land and investments.

But the way he goes about it is traumatic and it will not help his plans at all.

The USA does not care about anything but wars. Bush Jr told Kirschner that the USA has to go to war all the time in order to build its economy.

Is the Russian Federation going to do that as well?

Go to war to 'fix' the economy.

It is HORRIFIC shit. I hate war. It is not going to fix anything. it is going to bleed people dry. Economically, emotionally, and mentally. It is shameful. All that death and destruction.

Russia had options. They could have invested in science, technology, culture, art, and agriculture and positive developments. But no. Had to engage with NATO. It is not worth it. The US gov't loves fucking war.

They announced that is their objective for the next century in order to dominate both the EU and the PRC/Russian Federation. Knock out this or that.

Do you see a pattern? The US government is run by industries like BlackRock. Defense lobbyists.

What does this mean Skinster?

You think Putin does not know that they need a sea port and they need to dominate Ukraine in their brains?

They should be a lot smarter than the Yankee warmongering shit. They should do some real equality with the many and respect the differences. Got to build cooperative units to warmongering. Because if you fill the void with the same warmongering mentality as the Yanks? All the rest of the world is forced to choose sides in a sandwich they feel TRAPPED IN.

And that is a losing deal for the many who are not picking sides in some scramble for control of the world. It is a losing game for many.
Who are they? They just raid the US government kitty every time they need it. Damn freaks run the entire government.

These wars are about a larger strategy to control key resources and geopolitical areas of the world.

So they will encroach on everyone. That is the their strategy. To hell with eliminating childhood poverty with programs that work. Got to spend on Empire.

Russia and Putin feel similar. A bad combo.

Trump might be locked up sooner than expected.

It depends on how seriously he's pissed off the judge. Mechan has the power to jail for criminal contempt and Trump violated the gag order (again) to attack his daughter in a Truth Social post.
ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

Trump might be locked up sooner than expected.

It depends on how seriously he's pissed off the judge. Mechan has the power to jail for criminal contempt and Trump violated the gag order (again) to attack his daughter in a Truth Social post.

The Cult is not going away Ingliz. Those Trump Lovers who buy the gold sneakers, and the bibles and the playing cards, and write him checks that he uses to pay his enormous legal fees--are not going off quietly once he is put away. No, you are dealing with 75 million American adult voters who want their autocratic conman to run the country.

If they put him in jail who will they get instead?

The Republican party is filled with cowards and spineless greedy bastards. There is nothing there to save.

Power abhors a vacuum. There will be trouble.

When and how it will explode in riots and violence is anyone's guess Ingliz. That it will explode is guaranteed at this point.

If Trump wins? The USA is probably going to have to ride that wave till the final shore destination. Knowing he is an autocrat he could be ruling the US if he survives a few more years in office. Then some smarter version of an autocratic dictator will show up. The US betrayed its foundational documents totally. The American people are going to have to experience if they get a Trump dictatorship? They will have to experience how hard it is to get rid of dictators and get rid of them. It is not easy.

But they chose it.

Again, the choice was there and they are compelled to keep going if he wins in November of 2024.

Some backstage players could plot away and do an JFK on him. But? Again, the followers are the problem. They are the reason for his ascent from Reality TV star, and Casino owner in Atlantic City, fake Trump University, Scam man extraordinaire, Hush money pussy grabber, and etc Golf Course developer, etc. They are the issue. They are not going away.
Rich wrote:Trump and Biden have big differences... abortion where I side with Biden or the Trans Agenda where I side with Trump. But for the time being Trump and Biden's position on Gaza seems pretty similar....

Yes, they're both the vassals of organized crime gangs, they both will contribute to genocide and fabricated wars-for-profit, they both will bankrupt the USA by giving tax dollars to the organizations that their sponsors and fund-raisers belong to...

but they have very different brands because they need to justify blue-versus-red color schemes on their promotional literature and letter-heads.

Thank you for de-constructing how FAKE the USA's *democracy* is.


"Will commit genocide for a brand !"
Tainari88 wrote:Putin went to war. Special Operation or whatever he wants to call it? It is war.

No offence, Tainari, but your position is bollocks and not based on the reality of the situation.

Russia went to war in Ukraine to protect the people of the Donbass, in Lugansk and Donetsk and what was before the war, eastern Ukraine.. Fascist battalions in Ukraine, under the tutelage of the U.S. government, had been committing genocide against these people since 2014, following the U.S. coup in Ukraine, and had killed about 12,000 of them in the eight years before Russia finally entered.

International laws defend Russia's right to protect the people of the Donbass, as you can read about by this U.S. lawyer.

Russia's main opposition, the communist party (KPRF) had been pushing for the Russians to enter Ukraine to protect the people of the Donbass since 2014. I supported that too. Many Russians were angry at the government for not entering sooner.

If the Putin regime cared deeply about their own people why worry about going to war?

To err...protect the ethnic Russians in the east of Ukraine? He did exactly that, albeit many years later than I would've preferred.

In the end Skinster, the only way out of that WWIII happening is to cooperate in large blocks with each other and never be aggressive.

Never become colonial. That is what RUSSIA should have done. Take their own advice. Do not engage in colonialism.

Russia did not show aggression. It was a defensive war that as I've noted above, the Russian government was very reluctant to enter in until he could not not anymore.

Also, what Russia has done is not colonialism or imperialism. If you consider yourself a socialist, you should know what these words mean and how they don't apply to what Russia has done in Ukraine.

Russia had options. They could have invested in science, technology, culture, art, and agriculture and positive developments. But no. Had to engage with NATO. It is not worth it. The US gov't loves fucking war.

Again, this is nonsense. Russia's economy is doing fine despite the war and yes it did have to engage with NATO because of the many provocations throughout the decades. Still, Russia initially tried to do things peacefully with the Minsk Accords and other deals, including 5-6 weeks after it had entered Ukraine. The U.S. and its vassal states refused and sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to order Zelensky against it in April 2022.

You think Putin does not know that they need a sea port and they need to dominate Ukraine in their brains?

The Russians do not seek to dominate Ukraine. This is neoliberal garbage propaganda and I'm surprised you're susceptible to it.
skinster wrote:No offence, Tainari, but your position is bollocks and not based on the reality of the situation.

Russia went to war in Ukraine to protect the people of the Donbass, in Lugansk and Donetsk and what was before the war, eastern Ukraine.. Fascist battalions in Ukraine, under the tutelage of the U.S. government, had been committing genocide against these people since 2014, following the U.S. coup in Ukraine, and had killed about 12,000 of them in the eight years before Russia finally entered.

International laws defend Russia's right to protect the people of the Donbass, as you can read about by this U.S. lawyer.

Russia's main opposition, the communist party (KPRF) had been pushing for the Russians to enter Ukraine to protect the people of the Donbass since 2014. I supported that too. Many Russians were angry at the government for not entering sooner.

To err...protect the ethnic Russians in the east of Ukraine? He did exactly that, albeit many years later than I would've preferred.

Russia did not show aggression. It was a defensive war that as I've noted above, the Russian government was very reluctant to enter in until he could not not anymore.

Also, what Russia has done is not colonialism or imperialism. If you consider yourself a socialist, you should know what these words mean and how they don't apply to what Russia has done in Ukraine.

Again, this is nonsense. Russia's economy is doing fine despite the war and yes it did have to engage with NATO because of the many provocations throughout the decades. Still, Russia initially tried to do things peacefully with the Minsk Accords and other deals, including 5-6 weeks after it had entered Ukraine. The U.S. and its vassal states refused and sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to order Zelensky against it in April 2022.

The Russians do not seek to dominate Ukraine. This is neoliberal garbage propaganda and I'm surprised you're susceptible to it.

The USA will always be encroaching on the world. The only way to stop them is not to be aggressive and create cooperative units. The USSR went down a long time ago.

That is a fact. That they did go down? Mistakes made and they have to pay for bad decisions.

Now, the economy is doing well in Russia with what? Letting the Western capitalists in? They must have known what it means in the end.

You let them control your economy they will then encircle you with arms and so on. That is what they always do.

This is the strategy.

That is why war will never end for them.

You get into another war for any reason? You will give them the advantage.

Because Putin is a fascist nationalist.

Do you like that motherfucker Skinster. If you run every assessment on Putin he is a fascist. Nationalist.

You find him what restrained?

Two warmongering bad governments do not make a safer world. It is a recipe for shit.

Russia is far more vulnerable than the USA is in terms of geography and money. They can't afford this shit Skinster. They will wind up losing.

The USA will continue with the warmongering until WWIII breaks out and I think then they will be lost in the mess.

They chose it.

You have to realize being violent and spending on war is not a good choice at all.

This is how that Fascist Putin thinks. And the Republicans in the USA are very similar. it becomes the case of two Right wing fascist nuclear powers are going to be in conflict.

Europe is in the middle. And that means everyone that has something to lose in Europe in a big WWIII clash of the Fascists are going to pay for it.

To avoid such horror you need to not give an excuse to the warmongering types. That is the end of that. Avoid any war. No matter what. Move the Russians back to Russia. But if there is war? Over land? You choose your people over land.

I hate colonialism, the USA makes no bones about favoring the Israelis. Netanyahu is a right wing freak. He loves war. Do you see a pattern with the Right wing fascists Skinster?

Avoid war. Preserve life and do something better than falling into the fucking traps these warmongering set up. That is the only way out of WWIII provocations.

The Americans are insular fools. Do not be that way. The world is emerging with fascists.

You can not justify a fascist. Whether it is Putin or Trump or Biden backing Netanyahu. They are all warmongering Skinster.

And the reasons behind it are dominating.

I will never back that fucking Putin. I will never back the duopoly of the USA corrupt two party people. Never.

But they will create WWIII if you are not smart enough to avoid falling for the wars.

Got to avoid war. At all costs.

With the current state of the environment, post COVID problems and inflation? If you do not avoid war? You will wind up destroying millions of people Skinster. And for me? That is the worst fucking thing that can happen to all of us.

Russia and the USA are coming into a fascist order. And they are fighting for resources. Oil, land and geopolitical positions. Who is going to go bankrupt with warring for years? The USA and the Russians. Who loses the most? Civilians and innocent people.

I am against killing and civvies losing their lives.

If you can predict what the fascists do? Avoid the traps. Then invest in solving problems that are worth it. Medicine, food, housing, education and clean water. Safety for women and children, and elderly people and men who do not want war either.

Non cooperation with warmongering. That is the solution. Not falling into let me take back the Russian ethnics and the land.

That shit had to be solved peacefully a long time ago Skinster.

Letting your nation become capitalist and oligarchy types is just following the US pattern. Once you do? The USA tightens the noose. if they failed to prepare for that chess move on the board? Then they were bound to fail from the beginning Skinster.

Great governments are experts at meeting the needs of the many and making sure the ones with abilities do their best.

Fascists never care about the many. They claim to? But they never do.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 01 Apr 2024 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
You are all over the place, Tainari. Let's deal with the debate about the war in Ukraine and "Putin's ambitions" as you called them.

Tainari88 wrote:Because Putin is a fascist nationalist.

Russia is fighting fascists in Ukraine, but the Russians are fascists? :eh:

Do you like that motherfucker Skinster. If you run every assessment on Putin he is a fascist. Nationalist.

This is again nonsense and you seem to have quite the emotional reaction with your hatred of Russia, since the vast majority of Russians are behind their leader in this war.

You find him what restrained?

Actually, yes. Compare the casualties in Ukraine over the last two years to the last five months in Gaza, for instance. The Russians evacuated children from the war zones too and haven't been targeting civilian areas.

Russia is far more vulnerable than the USA is in terms of geography and money. They can't afford this shit Skinster. They will wind up losing.

You don't know what you're talking about. Russia's economy is doing finedespite 13 rounds of sanctions. It was the fifth fastest growing economy of the G20 in 2023 and its GDP is up by 3%

Russia is doing much better than the U.S. and its vassal states which ended up sanctioning themselves with their sanctions on cheap energy from Russia.

You really shouldn't talk about a war you know nothing about. If you want to share some information to support your positions, I'd love to see it.

This is how that Fascist Putin thinks. And the Republicans in the USA are very similar. it becomes the case of two Right wing fascist nuclear powers are going to be in conflict.

The Russians are fighting the fascists. Again.

I hate colonialism, the USA makes no bones about favoring the Israelis. Netanyahu is a right wing freak. He loves war. Do you see a pattern with the Right wing fascists Skinster?

This analogy is silly. Russia is not colonialist or imperialist in Ukraine. Look up what these words mean. And I recommend reading the article I shared in the previous post which shows Russia using international law to defend their entry into Ukraine to protect the people of the Donbass.

Also, since you shared something by Oliver Stone, I suspect you are a fan. Watch this film before you say anything else on the war in Ukraine because you are very ignorant about it and I don't mean that as an attack, just that you clearly do not know the background and like a good socialist, should learn it...after all, no investigation, no right to speak..
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Who is Putin and the ones running Russia? Marxists?


No, they are not.

If you go one by one the ones running that scene are far far from decent socialists. They are nationalistic pro capitalist people Skinster. That is reality.

It is true I do not have a good background on Ukraine's history.

I do know that Americans once in a territory embed for life. They did it in Iraq and they use and abuse and then leave when it is hard to nation build like Afghanistan.

You can't pour money into wars Skins.

Not with the USA. They will pauper their entire nation in order to win oil, resources or control of trading areas for the benefit of a few capitalist power people.

That I do know.

So the strategy in Europe and in Russia has to be AVOID WAR.
What does the fact that Russia is a capitalist state have to do with your incorrect understanding of the war in Ukraine? Do you know that the vast majority of the world outside of the West - which is about 22% of the world's population - support Russia in its war against imperialism in Ukraine, that they refused to impose sanctions on Russia when it entered Ukraine in 2022? AMLO refused too. Who or what taught you to hate Russia?

I would recommend watching that film by Oliver Stone.
skinster wrote:What does the fact that Russia is a capitalist state have to do with your incorrect understanding of the war in Ukraine? Do you know that the vast majority of the world outside of the West - which is about 22% of the world's population - support Russia in its war against imperialism in Ukraine, that they refused to impose sanctions on Russia when it entered Ukraine in 2022? AMLO refused too. Who or what taught you to hate Russia?

I would recommend watching that film by Oliver Stone.

I do not hate Russia. I do not trust any leader that is nationalist and fascist. Putin is both.

Are Communists backing fascist people now because? Why?

Who are applauding fascists? The Canadian parliament?

Fascists are everywhere Skinster and they are in Ukraine. But the fascists are in Russia.

I am watching the film. I am twenty minutes into it.

Too many authoritarians waving nationalistic propaganda does not make for a successful peace process Skins.

Just answer the question--Do you approve of Putin's nationalist and fascist philosophy? Yes or no? I frankly do not like that man. Never have. Same with many Western leaders.

Too many fascists wanting to undermine each other a safe world does not make.

I will keep watching darling the movie and come back and take a look at the question again eh?
Tainari88 wrote:I do not hate Russia. I do not trust any leader that is nationalist and fascist. Putin is both.

Since you keep going on about Putin being a fascist, can you explain how? What has he said that suggests he is a fascist or what policies has he implemented that are fascist or fascistic?

Are Communists backing fascist people now because? Why?


Too many authoritarians waving nationalistic propaganda does not make for a successful peace process Skins.

I'm not sure what this means.

Just answer the question--Do you approve of Putin's nationalist and fascist philosophy? Yes or no? I frankly do not like that man. Never have. Same with many Western leaders.

Putin opposes fascism. We see that with Russia in both Ukraine and Syria and what he has said about the Soviet Union's fight against fascism. You seem to have things backwards.
@skinster Putin opposes fascism. We see that with Russia in both Ukraine and Syria and what he has said about the Soviet Union's fight against fascism. You seem to have things backwards.


Come on Skinster. You are smarter than this.
TorrentialRain wrote:What is inherently wrong with fascism?

Oh, nothing , except for despotism , dogmatism , and just over all totalitarian political cultism . There are , surprisingly enough , a number of self professed fascists , such as for instance @Saeko , whom I can get along with , and even somewhat agree with at times . But on the whole , fascists put too much emphasis upon advancing centralized power , and not enough upon building democratic consensus , in my opinion .
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