On the epidemic of truth inversion - Page 17 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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FiveofSwords wrote:Do you have any idea what missing a chromosome would do to a person?

Missing or partially missing Google is your friend.

Turner syndrome is a condition that affects only females. It results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop, and heart defects.

Williams syndrome is caused by a missing segment (a 'deletion') of genetic material on chromosome 7. These deletions occur randomly. About one in every 20,000 babies is born with Williams syndrome. Males and females are equally affected, and the condition is found across all races and countries. It is believed that some of these genes are involved in the production of elastin.

Cri-du-chat syndrome is a chromosomal deletion syndrome in which part of chromosome 5 is missing. Symptoms include low birth weight and a small head with many abnormal features, including a round face, small jaw, wide nose, widely separated eyes, crossed eyes (strabismus), and abnormally shaped ears set low in the head. Often the infant seems limp. Webbed fingers and toes (syndactyly) and heart defects are common. There are significant limitations in mental and physical development.

Prader-Willi syndrome is a chromosomal deletion syndrome in which part of chromosome 15 is missing or malfunctioning. Obesity, obsessive-compulsive behaviours, and intellectual disability are common.

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is a chromosomal deletion syndrome in which part of chromosome 4 is missing. Children who survive into their 20s typically have severe disabilities. Many affected children die during infancy.



There are many chromosomal deletion syndromes.
I was talking about the genetic influence of markers on a single chromosome, not full deletion. :roll:

Even then, things like chronic malnutrition, environmental poisoning, or taking a brick to the head are environmental factors that can still produce more serious results than genes ever did. :lol:
Fasces wrote:I was talking about the genetic influence of markers on a single chromosome, not full deletion. :roll:

Even then, things like chronic malnutrition, environmental poisoning, or taking a brick to the head are environmental factors that can still produce more serious results than genes ever did. :lol:

Are you aware that the only difference between you and a potato is genes?

What sort of nourishing environment do you think could make a potato into great neurosurgeon?
FiveofSwords wrote:What sort of nourishing environment do you think could make a potato into great neurosurgeon?

None, as potatoes aren't human.


A nourishing environment can make a so-so potato if grown in poor soil, a great potato.




It looks like you are suffering from a bad case of 'Anthropomorphism' attributing human characteristics or behaviour to a vegetable.

Anyway, if you were an Anglican, you wouldn't need to worry your silly little head about such things.
"God made them, high or lowly and ordered their estate."

Last edited by ingliz on 17 Apr 2024 10:12, edited 2 times in total.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords


"God made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate."


Humans share 50% of our genome with potatoes. Humans are actually not as 'pure' as you think. In fact it's pretty obvious that you never accomplished anything in life so you just want to be proud of being human. Rich people are just dividing Humans from potatoes to distract from class struggle, which is the only thing that matters.

If you were wondering why my previous post is different now from what you quoted, you jumped in too quickly. Those were my notes. I edit and compose on the page.

When I first started using the forum many years ago an internet connection in Malta was a bit hit-and-miss. You could lose everything if it wasn't on the page. The habit of putting unfinished posts on the page and editing stuck even though things have much improved here.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

If you were wondering why my previous post is different now from what you quoted, you jumped in too quickly. Those were my notes. I edit and compose on the page.


Why would I wonder or care? Lol...it isn't like you are capable of editing a post to the point that it matters

I didn't want you to think you had been ninja-edited to make a fool of you.

I was just being polite.

Something you seem incapable of.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

I didn't want you to think you had been ninja-edited to make a fool of you.

I was just being polite.

Something you seem incapable of.


If you want people to be polite to you then maybe you should stop feeling so superior to potatoes.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

I didn't want you to think you had been ninja-edited to make a fool of you.

I was just being polite.

Something you seem incapable of.



Let us make a list of the top most recognized geneticists in the world? Hmm, who are they?

here they are.


Now you do a search and try to find out if they are national socialists or in other words Nazis--none are. Not a single one of them subscribe to Nazi genetic theory or scientific racism. Why? Because it would ruin their reputation and the hard work they put in to their research.

So why someone who is not credentialed in genetics want to use some of the work these geneticists do in their research institutions to try to create a political movement that has their generic white race on top in a nation that is not in Europe? Where their original genes are located?

You do not have to be an expert on political power plays to understand the bad science behind the conspiracy theories and all the rest of the ideas that do not hold up to scientific scrutiny.

Science uses the scientific method.

Genetics are studied in all anthropology degrees without exception. But if you want to specialize in genetics you have to do a lot more advanced work and research in that. Again, none of the geneticists are National Socialists. None.

So now the important question is what the artificially socially constructed criteria is for the National Socialists to be able to accept you as a real white person in their political party? 100% Nordic, German, Netherland, Danish, Anglo, etc. Or can it vary? You can be a bit Chinese there Han, or you can be a bit African from Ethiopia, or the Middle East like Syria, etc...or? You can be Enrique Tarrio Cuban and still love white power and white supremacy and look dark? Where is the magic formula for their tolerance threshold for difference?

And what about the people who do not fit the criteria? Like the professional geneticists all over the world who might be white or might not be white, but the percentages are not there? Lol.

The kinds of pretzel twisting these people have to do to deal with false claims is incredible.

Well it is a lovely dawn here again and I am heading downstairs for another cup of coffee. To start my morning off right. Some music is great. How about Bach eh?

Pants-of-dog wrote:
At this point, it seems logical to conclude that @FiveofSwords has no genetic or scientific definition for whiteness.

He's like a 13 year old kid.

Very limited understanding, and an even more limited capability of dealing with the world.

But he has a need for attention, and a willingness to act out to get that attention.

You could call him a troll, but I think it more accurate to think of him as a child.
FiveofSwords wrote:Are you aware that the only difference between you and a potato is genes?

What sort of nourishing environment do you think could make a potato into great neurosurgeon?

People aren't potatoes, but it's clear where you stand.
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