Where do you guys score on the Moral Foundations Test? - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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We have different parts of genetics by other hominoid species:

Homo sapiens have a rich and complex evolutionary history that includes interbreeding with several other hominid species. Here are the known hominids that have mixed with modern humans:

Neanderthals: This is the most well-known case of interbreeding. Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred in Europe and Asia, and as a result, non-African modern humans have about 1-4% Neanderthal DNA1.
Denisovans: Another group that Homo sapiens interbred with is the Denisovans. This interaction is evident in the DNA of some modern populations, particularly those in Oceania and some East and South Asians. Melanesians, for example, have around 5% Denisovan ancestry, while some East and South Asians have around 0.2%2.
Unknown Archaic African Hominins: There is evidence of interbreeding with unidentified archaic hominins in Africa. While these hominins have not been specifically identified, their genetic contribution is present in the DNA of modern Sub-Saharan Africans1.
Other Archaic Hominins: There is also the possibility of interbreeding with other, yet unidentified, archaic hominin species. The complex nature of human migration and interaction over tens of thousands of years suggests that there may have been multiple instances of interbreeding with various hominin groups2.
These interbreeding events have left traces in the genomes of modern humans, contributing to the genetic diversity we see today. The study of ancient DNA continues to reveal new insights into these interactions and the shared history of hominid species.
FiveofSwords wrote:Well that depends on what you want to accomplish. I don't think a multiracial society can function so I am glad that the usa is multiracial because it will result in the usa collapsing, which is exactly what I want.

Singapore is an obvious counterexample. And so is the USA, of course - America has been a multiethnic society since the 17th century, yet somehow it’s still around. Not only that, it currently dominates the world. And the UK was consciously founded as a multi-national and multiethnic society, and shortly thereafter it carved out the largest empire in human history. How did that happen?
Potemkin wrote:Singapore is an obvious counterexample. And so is the USA, of course - America has been a multiethnic society since the 17th century, yet somehow it’s still around. Not only that, it currently dominates the world. And the UK was consciously founded as a multi-national and multiethnic society, and shortly thereafter it carved out the largest empire in human history. How did that happen?

Pointless discussing this with you if you cannot comprehend that multiple races exist.

If it's pointless, why are you here?

I don't find this discussion pointless because I am here for the laughs and it's a joke.


p.s. Your 'Humans have 2 arms, I'm white', the one with the potato, was a good one. :up:

Apropos the potato ...

Why do you say humans don't eat humans?

Human cannibalism is well documented.

In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism and Americans have eaten human flesh.
FiveofSwords wrote:Pointless discussing this with you if you cannot comprehend that multiple races exist.

You seem confused.

Everyone knows races exist. They exist as social constructs.

So all of us who are disagreeing with you also think races exist. We simply do not believe that the white race exists as a biological and genetic category, but only as a socially constructed category.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Apropos the potato ...

Why do you say humans don't eat humans?

Human cannibalism is well documented.

In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism and Americans have eaten human flesh.

You mean the famous one called Jeffrey Dahmer? Lol. From Wisconsin. He was a cannibal that is true. But he was European. German background too. Oh, wasn't he supposed to be magically above cannibalism because the white people are superior? :lol:

Wiki tells us...

There is archaeological and written evidence for English settlers' cannibalism in 1609 in the Jamestown Colony under famine conditions, during a period which became known as Starving Time.

Travellers through sparsely inhabited regions and explorers of unknown areas sometimes ate human flesh after running out of other provisions. In a famous example from the 1840s, the members of the Donner Party found themselves stranded by snow in the Donner Pass, a high mountain pass in California, without adequate supplies during the Mexican–American War, leading to several instances of cannibalism, including the murder of two young Native American men for food.

Sir John Franklin's lost polar expedition, which took place at approximately the same time, is another example of cannibalism out of desperation.

In frontier situations where there was no strong authority, some individuals got used to killing and eating others even in situations where other food would have been available. One notorious case was the mountain man Boone Helm, who became known as the "Kentucky Cannibal" for eating several of his fellow travellers from 1850 until his eventual hanging in 1864.

Additionally, there are cases of people engaging in cannibalism for sexual pleasure, such as Albert Fish and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Wiki also lists some of the more famous examples of Americans eating Americans.


This does not surprise me as cannibalism is legal in Germany. German law criminalizes only active euthanasia and does not criminalize cannibalism.

An example ...

When Meiwes killed and ate Brandes in 2001, at most, Armin would have been convicted of the misdemeanour offence of desecrating a corpse—the plan called for Bernd to take an overdose of sleeping pills and alcohol.

But when Bernd did not die of what should have been a lethal combination, Armin finished the job by stabbing him through the throat.

This act allowed the German courts to prosecute and finally convict him.

because the white people are superior?

A belief based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality - Wishful thinking in other words.

ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

Wiki tells us...

There is archaeological and written evidence for English settlers' cannibalism in 1609 in the Jamestown Colony under famine conditions, during a period which became known as Starving Time.

Travellers through sparsely inhabited regions and explorers of unknown areas sometimes ate human flesh after running out of other provisions. In a famous example from the 1840s, the members of the Donner Party found themselves stranded by snow in the Donner Pass, a high mountain pass in California, without adequate supplies during the Mexican–American War, leading to several instances of cannibalism, including the murder of two young Native American men for food.

Sir John Franklin's lost polar expedition, which took place at approximately the same time, is another example of cannibalism out of desperation.

In frontier situations where there was no strong authority, some individuals got used to killing and eating others even in situations where other food would have been available. One notorious case was the mountain man Boone Helm, who became known as the "Kentucky Cannibal" for eating several of his fellow travellers from 1850 until his eventual hanging in 1864.

Additionally, there are cases of people engaging in cannibalism for sexual pleasure, such as Albert Fish and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Wiki also lists some of the more famous examples of Americans eating Americans.

This does not surprise me as cannibalism is legal in Germany. German law criminalizes only active euthanasia and does not criminalize cannibalism.

An example ...

When Meiwes killed and ate Brandes in 2001, at most, Armin would have been convicted of the misdemeanour offence of desecrating a corpse—the plan called for Bernd to take an overdose of sleeping pills and alcohol.

But when Bernd did not die of what should have been a lethal combination, Armin finished the job by stabbing him through the throat.

This act allowed the German courts to prosecute and finally convict him.

A belief based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality - Wishful thinking in other words.


The Nazis live in a fantasy world. That is why they are frustrated with the realities. If they hate the globalists and the sellouts in DC they should not be wasting their time killing innocent people minding their own business who are unarmed and worshipping in a church or temple.

They should be going after the ones with funds, and globalist crap ideas that have cost the working class of the USA--mostly white rednecks and white urbanites--their jobs and their livelihoods, and their sense of belonging. Go after them with everything they got. But they do not do it.

Why? Cowards. The Nationalists in Puerto Rico went to Washington DC in 1954 unfurled the Puerto Rican flag and started shooting in Blair House. They knew who the enemy was and they were not pacifists. None of the Nationalists are pacifists in the world except for the nonviolent national liberation movements. Most of the others believe in armed struggle. Albizu Campos' group of nationalists in PR believed in armed struggle against the US government. So they went to the top. Some of them were willing to die for that cause and they did not shoot unarmed women and children at a church or a shopping mall like fucking cowardly pieces of shit.

They shot the Police Chief in the head, and they went after the President of the USA. And US congress and the senate. The ENEMY.

What do these assholes in the White Supremacist movement do in the USA? They do not attack the powerful corporate semi-dirtball liberalistic two-faced liars in charge of the US government. No. They like chicken shits go and kill old Jews in a Temple and even non-Jews bystanders and some shoppers in a Shopping mall or old Black people shopping in a TOPS store in a low-income black neighborhood.

McVeigh killed a bunch of little kids in Oklahoma City in the Murrah building in 1995 and regular unarmed civvies in a building. Big heroes. Stating they hate the government. They are such assholes. Killing innocent people.

They are pathetic idiots who never studied genetics but want to flood random internet political boards with theories that do not hold up to any kind of evidence. They want to spread fucking lies about White Genocides when there are real wars in various nations that are being genocided as we speak. Some of them are white-on-white genocide. The theory that all 'white' (whatever the fuck that means) stick together and you got to rally around some generic fucking color code to be able to found your own nation that is a neat package when human history is about mixing genes and so on....yet they INSIST on LIES. Insist on it.

They do not even know the real history of their own ethnic group. @Potemkin is a top graduate from a top university in the UK one is in a very difficult science category and the other is in art and so on. Both. He is a truly well-balanced educated man with a rare dedication to knowledge. Never had to cough up big bucks for his education either. Did it all through having such a fine mind. And not have to go into debt for 40 years to do so, because the Scottish do invest in their best and their brightest. He is extremely educated with terminal degrees in two different areas. He knows his Scottish and English history like the back of his hand. But the Nazi who lives in the boonies hiding away behind a computer screen wants to think that the history of Albion and Scotland and so on is the version he thinks it is.

He never put in the time. It is obvious.

Who the hell is going to take him seriously? I wouldn't.

I tell you election years the fringe nuts come out of the woodwork Ingliz.
Tainari88 wrote:You mean the famous one called Jeffrey Dahmer? Lol. From Wisconsin. He was a cannibal that is true. But he was European. German background too. Oh, wasn't he supposed to be magically above cannibalism because the white people are superior? :lol:

White people are by capacity superior but fail to reproduce so are the whites according Darwin inferior and will disappear. Even muslim white nations lack of enough children.

The Brits have had the purest European genetics more even as the Scandinavians.

@late I proved the races exist, because different races have different mix of other humanoid species. The term race was always subjugated to the ruling political dogma not to science.
Back on topic , here are my results .

In Group-44
Purity -60

I find it to be noteworthy that not only am I supposedly , according to this , more authoritarian than a stated anarchist , @Rancid , but also more so than even a stated fascist , @Saeko , going by mini bio . I think that the pandemic and some of the negative public responses to measures intended to contain the spread of such an infectious disease , has acted to shape my consciousness in such a way that I have snapped from being a left -libertarian and have swung over to now being more so a social authoritarian . I believe that Socrates might have had some good points regarding the popular will .

Deutschmania wrote:Back on topic , here are my results .

I find it to be noteworthy that not only am I supposedly , according to this , more authoritarian than a stated anarchist , @Rancid , but also more so than even a stated fascist , @Saeko , going by mini bio . I think that the pandemic and some of the negative public responses to measures intended to contain the spread of such an infectious disease , has acted to shape my consciousness in such a way that I have snapped from being a left -libertarian and have swung over to now being more so a social authoritarian . I believe that Socrates might have had some good points regarding the popular will .

I think the way the questionnaire is designed can lead to that.

I also think the real test is not so much whether you think that the government should be allowed to do/penalize this or that, but if a government the respondent agrees with should still limit dissent by those in the opposition.

After all, it is entirely expected and logical for an authoritarian to oppose any sort of repression by a government or political system they want to overthrow.
@Deutschmania, @wat0n

The definition of authority is this:

Values pertaining to Authority include:
Rule of law, respect for elders, trust in experts, discipline, assertive leadership, meritocracy, and industriousness.

Does trusting in experts = authoritarian for example?

Also notice it say's assertive leadership. Not authoritarian leadership, or absolute leadership. I'm not so sure authority should be assumed to mean you want tyranny.

Is meritocracy authoritarian ?
Saeko wrote:You're all a buncha prudes. GET LAID!

Well , not that I should have to try and justify myself to anyone else , but for one thing I am not naturally inclined to copulate with anyone of either sex , being that I am asexual . And even if I were to ever end up resorting to having sexual relations with someone , I would seek for it to be an expression of interpersonal intimacy , more so than merely to satisfy someone's sexual desire . So at the very least there would have to be a handfasting . But I just don't feel that at this point in my life at least I am sufficiently prepared to assume the expected duties of matrimonial life , as I must first become more personally and financially independent from my parents . Yes , unfortunately , and not due to anyone's fault , per se , sometimes stereotypes can end up proving to be true , I actually sort of am what might be described as being the autistic Communist neckbeard , that detractors might tend to assume that someone such as I , as a political radical left male , would be inclined to turn out to be . So , for instance , I partially resemble Max Horowitz , from the film "Mary and Max" , rather than the characters from the film "American Pie" . Such is the state of my life , as it currently stands . But who knows , perhaps somewhere down the line I will find true love , but before that I must find a job . I had spent so many years having to have my life put on hold , mostly in order for me to help take care of others in my family . Which if I were assigned female at birth would have probably been considered perfectly socially acceptable , but we males of the human species are held to a different standard , one in which we must not only provide for our families but also be able to hold down a career , rather than simply be stay at home sons, and later stay at home husbands . But while I sincerely do aspire to advance in my life , including potentially my love life , so much of my future remains up in the air . And getting laid is the farthest thing from my mind , as if any woman , or for even that matter man , would even want to have intercourse with me , no matter how loving I would be , and how much of good comrades they might be . Especially as it relates to patriarchal norms , men are still expected to be the breadwinners . Otherwise we wind up being deemed to be losers in life , and consequently also become losers in love .
Deutschmania wrote:Well , not that I should have to try and justify myself to anyone else , but for one thing I am not naturally inclined to copulate with anyone of either sex , being that I am asexual . And even if I were to ever end up resorting to having sexual relations with someone , I would seek for it to be an expression of interpersonal intimacy , more so than merely to satisfy someone's sexual desire . So at the very least there would have to be a handfasting . But I just don't feel that at this point in my life at least I am sufficiently prepared to assume the expected duties of matrimonial life , as I must first become more personally and financially independent from my parents . Yes , unfortunately , and not due to anyone's fault , per se , sometimes stereotypes can end up proving to be true , I actually sort of am what might be described as being the autistic Communist neckbeard , that detractors might tend to assume that someone such as I , as a political radical left male , would be inclined to turn out to be . So , for instance , I partially resemble Max Horowitz , from the film "Mary and Max" , rather than the characters from the film "American Pie" . Such is the state of my life , as it currently stands . But who knows , perhaps somewhere down the line I will find true love , but before that I must find a job . I had spent so many years having to have my life put on hold , mostly in order for me to help take care of others in my family . Which if I were assigned female at birth would have probably been considered perfectly socially acceptable , but we males of the human species are held to a different standard , one in which we must not only provide for our families but also be able to hold down a career , rather than simply be stay at home sons, and later stay at home husbands . But while I sincerely do aspire to advance in my life , including potentially my love life , so much of my future remains up in the air . And getting laid is the farthest thing from my mind , as if any woman , or for even that matter man , would even want to have intercourse with me , no matter how loving I would be , and how much of good comrades they might be . Especially as it relates to patriarchal norms , men are still expected to be the breadwinners . Otherwise we wind up being deemed to be losers in life , and consequently also become losers in love .

Deustchmania, very few people are truly asexual. And if they are? They should get that checked out and diagnosed.

Lack of a libido is often associated with various factors. Mostly dietary, health or chronic illness or just some kind of psychological issue or hormone imbalances. It can all be rectified easily though.

But, also, you must realize that you are a wonderful person. And have innate worth in everything. Never apologize for being who you are. Perfection is not possible with a human being. We all fail at things and it is normal.

No, intimacy and sexuality is actually about a natural extension of warmth and loving and caring about someone you connect with. If it is a natural attraction it is effortless. It comes naturally and is comfortable and also new and passionate and enduring. An extension of your self expression.

It depends completely on the right person. That is absolutely essential.
Tainari88 wrote:Deustchmania, very few people are truly asexual. And if they are? They should get that checked out and diagnosed.

Lack of a libido is often associated with various factors. Mostly dietary, health or chronic illness or just some kind of psychological issue or hormone imbalances. It can all be rectified easily though.

But, also, you must realize that you are a wonderful person. And have innate worth in everything. Never apologize for being who you are. Perfection is not possible with a human being. We all fail at things and it is normal.

No, intimacy and sexuality is actually about a natural extension of warmth and loving and caring about someone you connect with. If it is a natural attraction it is effortless. It comes naturally and is comfortable and also new and passionate and enduring. An extension of your self expression.

It depends completely on the right person. That is absolutely essential.

Oh , I definitely have a libido , whether or not I appreciate having it . So , for example , in my freakishly unique case , especially pertaining to my autism , I have sensory hypersensitivity , including with my sense of touch , which is easily stimulated . Do you see where this is going ? Therefore , every time that my father cuts my hair with an electric trimmer , it acts as a vibrator . After he's finally at long last finished , I go and get a shower . Although my parents think that it's to rinse out any remaining loose hairs , it's all the more so to clean out my pipe , in order to relieve the stiff swelling of my sausage . So yeah , I am definitely not experiencing an erotic attraction to a man , in this case my own father , I merely am ending up getting sexually aroused , as a purely biological occurrence . This is the difference between the sex drive of libido , and the sexual attraction of ones orientation . And just because I have never felt drawn to have sex with anyone of either gender , it doesn't mean that I have erectile dysfunction . I just don't feel anything other than aesthetic attraction for people . Beyond that it's all the same to me . But yeah , the idea that we don't have a functioning libido , and should get our hormones checked is a common assumption made about asexuals , as these videos address .

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