US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 35 - Politics | PoFo

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noemon wrote:Russia protecting several millions of ethnic Russians and its 300 year old naval headquarters = "idiotic".
US trying to occupy Russia's 300 year old naval headquarters with Ukranian cannon fodder = not idiotic?

The rest of your argument is even more weird to put it mildly.

You are claiming that Biden will "save" Gaza and Ukraine while Trump will throw both Gaza and Ukraine to the dogs.

So if we want Gaza or Ukraine saved we need to support Biden is where you 're getting at.

But the reality is very different.

Gaza is fucked with Biden or Trump so no substantive difference there.

Ukraine will be saved only by Trump of course, since he will put an end to a pointless war that is destroying Ukraine for no reason whatsoever.

In the scales, Trump is a far preferable option for Europe, the World and Global Peace.

Oh, please.

"its 300 year old naval headquarters = "idiotic"."

Given that it was under lease, it's reasonably obvious that the issue of "sovereignty" had long since been settled.

The Ukrainian city of Sevastopol is considered by many to be a de facto part of Russia since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

Drlee wrote:QFT.

Now the terrified Republicans in my state are trying to scramble to stop the law from remaining in effect. They know that they are going to get their pp's beaten flat by the women of the state. They are very much like the dog that finally caught the car.

That is if, and this is a big IF, women really do start acting like they give a shit. It is one thing to talk trash to a survey and quite another to get out and vote. Where are the protests? Where are the demonstrations? Women. Get off your deadasses and hit the streets. You are the only thing of which these idiots are truly afraid.

Sadly my friend Tainari, I am seeing very little real inclination to action on the part of women. This issue places them back to little more than chattel property of the men who own them. If they do not claim their political power soon they may as well just give up the vote entirely. I will say this to them Tainari:

But never fear women. I am a man. I will protect you. I will open doors for you. I will fight wars for you. I will even make your lives virtually stress free by making all of your important decisions for you. All you have to do in return is wear makeup and short skirts. Make love to me on demand. (I am rich you know and I hear you are supposed to let me touch you wherever I like. Cool.) Have kids when I tell you to, cook my meals when you get home from work and when I am tired of you take care of those kids all but two weekends a month while working full time to feed them. That's all. I am a republican. Don't let those woke democrats tell you that you are the equal of men. You are not. But don't fret. We got your backside.

I am smiling with this quote of yours. Mexico is supposedly a very machista nation--yet who do they have as the two leading candidates this year for the presidency? Women. Xochitl, and Claudia. And Claudia has over 60% of the vote and Xochitl has not moved from 33% and the only male candidate is Jorge Alvarez and he is at 7%. The machista nation of Mexico is going to have a woman president that is an intellectual and an academic and also a divorced woman. She is not married right now and divorced. She raised her own child and the child of her ex-husband. So, being into draconian crap against women is not happening anymore. She is going to place women in all the top judge positions and a lot of positions of authority all over every state in Mexico. Most of the governorships are going to be at least one woman running for that position.

The Mexican feminists are very scary over here. They burn everything to the ground, and attack a lot of official offices of men in charge talking crap, then they vote against them in mass numbers.

So, unless US women get with the program and take control of their own state's laws? They are in deep shit.

Now, do not get me wrong. I like men that open doors for me, and give up their seats for me, and stand up when I need to go to the bathroom. I like when they help me with my packages and treat me like a lady. Latin American men that are raised that way are nice men. I do not consider it sexist. Most men really adore their mothers here. This culture the Mexican culture, the Puerto Rican culture, the Cuban culture, and all of the Spanish origin cultures have what is called Marista beliefs. What are they? Marista comes from María. The Virgin Mary who was the mother of the Son of God. Jesus. She is the mother of all humans. And for Latinos including Italians, where Spanish is from by the way, honor the Mother. She is the center of everything good. She is the ultimate authority. And the men are nothing next to the power of her Divine Love.

So the center of Marista nations--are the love of the Mother. That is the end of the authority for Spanish speaking nations. Your mother is the end all authority. You can insult men's fathers and call him a lying bastard, cabrón, etc and you will not get much of a reaction, but you insult a man's mother in such a culture and you are asking for a beatdown. That is why you can have women presidents in nations that are supposedly machista nations. Chile had a woman president, and so did Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, and a few others as well. It is not unheard of Drlee.

But in the USA they talk about women having authority but it has been a concrete ceiling so far. The farthest they have gotten is Kamala Harris as VP with Biden. But no prez of the US that is a woman. Everyone assumed Hillary would be the first woman US president. But I think the Clinton connection of stand by your man regardless of his infidelities hurt her with women voters who saw her as another woman accepting the cheating husband thing.

In the end if the women of Arizona do not get angry and organized enough to beat all those Republicans? It is going to go badly for them in Arizona.
blackvegetable wrote:Oh, please.

"its 300 year old naval headquarters = "idiotic"."

Given that it was under lease, it's reasonably obvious that the issue of "sovereignty" had long since been settled.

Settled indeed as Sevastopol has never been under non-Russian sovereignty. It was founded by Russia and has been under Russian sovereingty since, and even when it was gifted to Ukraine it remained a closed city requiring visas even for Ukrainians.
Tainari88 wrote:But in the USA they talk about women having authority but it has been a concrete ceiling so far. The farthest they have gotten is Kamala Harris as VP with Biden. But no prez of the US that is a woman. Everyone assumed Hillary would be the first woman US president. But I think the Clinton connection of stand by your man regardless of his infidelities hurt her with women voters who saw her as another woman accepting the cheating husband thing.

Neither Harris nor Clinton would do anything for women. Just like Obama never did anything for black people. Or that anyone of these would do anything for either poor or even just regular people.

Which is the core of the problem. Washington doesnt care about regular people. If they can get away with it, they'll lie to you. And identity is just one of these lies, used as a weapon to appease the masses.

I would be extremely enjoyed if Tulsi Gabbard became president, or vice president. Gabbard seems to be a good and strong person, and an extremely skilled politician, and she actually cares about people in general. She seems to be the best bet for someone who can face and archieve victory over the security state which undermines democracy in the USA. Quite frankly Gabbard seems to be the best candidate around, but it doesnt look like she's running this time.

But I would have supported Bernie Sanders as well, just as much, if only he had actually the backbone to stand up to the secret services. He clearly does not. I understand why somebody wouldnt want that, but that doesnt help.

Neither Harris nor Clinton have any advantage except the empty victory of their identity. Bo-ho, so now you have a female POTUS. So - what ? You had a black POTUS before and nothing changed either. The best you can say about Obama is that he's relatively intelligent. A somewhat rare property among recent POTUS. But intelligence is no advantage if the person is evil. In fact I much prefer evil people to be stupid. That way they can do less damage.

So quite frankly politicians can be green threeeyed marsians for all I care, and gender can be hermaphrodite or whatever. Identity means nothing with politicians. What their goals are and how skilled they are at archieving their goals, thats the question.
Negotiator wrote:Neither Harris nor Clinton would do anything for women. Just like Obama never did anything for black people. Or that anyone of these would do anything for either poor or even just regular people.

Which is the core of the problem. Washington doesnt care about regular people. If they can get away with it, they'll lie to you. And identity is just one of these lies, used as a weapon to appease the masses.

I would be extremely enjoyed if Tulsi Gabbard became president, or vice president. Gabbard seems to be a good and strong person, and an extremely skilled politician, and she actually cares about people in general. She seems to be the best bet for someone who can face and archieve victory over the security state which undermines democracy in the USA. Quite frankly Gabbard seems to be the best candidate around, but it doesnt look like she's running this time.

But I would have supported Bernie Sanders as well, just as much, if only he had actually the backbone to stand up to the secret services. He clearly does not. I understand why somebody wouldnt want that, but that doesnt help.

Neither Harris nor Clinton have any advantage except the empty victory of their identity. Bo-ho, so now you have a female POTUS. So - what ? You had a black POTUS before and nothing changed either. The best you can say about Obama is that he's relatively intelligent. A somewhat rare property among recent POTUS. But intelligence is no advantage if the person is evil. In fact I much prefer evil people to be stupid. That way they can do less damage.

So quite frankly politicians can be green threeeyed marsians for all I care, and gender can be hermaphrodite or whatever. Identity means nothing with politicians. What their goals are and how skilled they are at archieving their goals, thats the question.

Well I agree with this post 99%. I do agree with it. The only one percent disagreement I have is that Gabbard is too conservative for my tastes. But everything else I agree with. Lol.

As for who is going to win this year's presidential election? In Mexico it is going to be Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. In the USA? I really do not know. So many people thought Trump was washed up for having too many legal trials and problems. But? The way his cult follows him faithfully and the way Biden is not coping well with student protesting and alienating young people and the lack of real enthusiasm for an establishment candidate? I have my doubts about an automatic win for Biden.

What the US needs is a huge change in leadership. And you are right negotiator about the total lack of respect DC has for ordinary people.
Rancid wrote:Trump appears to realize the RFK Jr is poised to take more votes from him than Biden. He has started going after RFK Jr recently.

Yes, the situation has shifted a bit and now he is taking more from Trump than Biden. Previously it was different in the polls as I wrote. Now they have more or less equalised.
Change needs to happen in DC. It is rotted to the core and unless real change happens the 2020s is going to be a re-run of the 1960s. I would not be surprised of heads being blown off, attempts at coups and government crackdowns on dissenters and so on.

No matter what happens a peaceful transition of power is not likely to happen in 2024.

I am grateful I live in a peaceful and nice city. And have tranquility and am able to not have to cope with a lot of tension in the USA about politics.

It is best not to discuss politics with people whom you are getting to know and want a nice relationship with.

Keep things humane always. That is best.
RealPolitic wrote:I hope Biden is able to win this election. I think he has a chance to win this election. Polls are just a snapshot in time that can quickly change.

Polls are inherently biased against the independents and show support from the most radical/devoted elements usually.
Tainari88 wrote:Change needs to happen in DC. It is rotted to the core and unless real change happens the 2020s is going to be a re-run of the 1960s. I would not be surprised of heads being blown off, attempts at coups and government crackdowns on dissenters and so on.

No matter what happens a peaceful transition of power is not likely to happen in 2024.

I am grateful I live in a peaceful and nice city. And have tranquility and am able to not have to cope with a lot of tension in the USA about politics.

It is best not to discuss politics with people whom you are getting to know and want a nice relationship with.

Keep things humane always. That is best.

And the question you need to ask yourself, whos fault is it?
JohnRawls wrote:And the question you need to ask yourself, whos fault is it?

I am a socialist John Rawls. I think capitalism and greed go hand in hand. If that is your system it is logical that the representatives in the government will eventually not believe in democracy. They will have to choose between making a profit and being comfortable selfishly or serving the public with real integrity.

The US government did not give a shit about democracy in my home nation where I was born.

I never had the illusion that they cared about democracy more than they cared about taking over nations by force through imperialism and imposing rules that only favored them in the long run. Democracy be damned. They did that to themselves John Rawls. No one else.

The USA is full of people who never studied history. Not the Spanish American war or anything. They just believe a crock of shit or they just do not get involved to change things.

Only if it affects them directly do they get involved. It is affecting them right now in many ways. So they are going to get riled up John.

The extreme right is very active. The Left is kind of weak in the USA. So the ones shaking things up the most are going to be the racists. Who are very violent in the USA. Despite the shit they claim to be. They are violent. January 6th were not Communists or Black Panthers. If they were? They would have been shot in the face by the USA military fast and efficiently. They were tolerated and let into the capitol because they were white groups whom are not seen as very threatening by the powers that be.

Now they are seen as threatening. So they are going to be watched very closely. But will it be enough to prevent a blood filled coup or some angry shots in states that they lose by a thin margin?

It is going to be a wait and see until January 2025.
RealPolitic wrote:@JohnRawls

Former President Trump is the worst President the United States has ever had. He is also the first President to face criminal charges in the United States.

If I was facing felony charges. I would not be able to get a job even at my local McDonald's. Yet, a bunch of people in this nation want to give him this job.
Rancid wrote:If I was facing felony charges. I would not be able to get a job even at my local McDonald's. Yet, a bunch of people in this nation want to give him this job.

The rich are different, @Rancid. Mainly because they have more money. :)
Potemkin wrote:The rich are different, @Rancid. Mainly because they have more money. :)

I am pretty sure this is a Trump thing. Most rich also get ruined by criminal charges.
JohnRawls wrote:Polls are inherently biased against the independents and show support from the most radical/devoted elements usually.

Biden admin is not hopeful about White House race. They openly admit it.

Democrat voter base is much more diversified compared to Republicans. Biden admin's choices do not fit well with voter base. For example, most of pro-Gaza protesters in US universities are Democrat voters. They are not happy with what Biden does in Gaza conflict.
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