If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rich wrote:My understanding is that scientific studies have shown significantly higher chance for miscarriage and health threats to the mothers in such scenarios. I haven't spent time investigating it and don't intend to. There's no point in wasting time debating the finer points until we've established the basics, Race is a real biological phenomena. It is not an artifact of Cultural imagination.

Scientists are not to be trusted on these matters, and science communicators are to be trusted even less.

So what are you going to use if not scientific evidence to prove that interracial marriages are infertile or something? That is a slippery slope Rich. Reproductive sciences are complex for all human ethnicities. Nothing out there stating that because you are white your pregnancy is automatically going to go well for you. You can't say that about any pregnancy for any ethnic group. All pregnancies come with an element of risk.

No, stick with the known scientific evidence available. Otherwise, you wind up with laws like Loving vs Virginia. You remember that case don't you? They produced healthy children that the law made bastards even though the couple were legally married and the kids were biologically healthy children. If you go that way then you go into crazy racist territory. Are you for that now?
FiveofSwords wrote:Ok. In fact you will find that there is no trait that alone defines any particular life form.

In order for a life form to be considered a life form it has to meet certain criteria. The one on biology already has been posted. There are many life forms that have particularities that define their species. This is a very badly phrased and weak statement again.

But, you are scrambling to sound like you know what you are talking about when you do not.

In terms of genetics, your arguments are not supported by other authorities in genetics. It is not even supported by the US Census Bureau and their socially constructed racial categories. So what is left? Racialist narratives are backed by people who believe in National Socialism. And racist organizations. Period.

You do not want racial mixing because? Be honest. It is not about that a black man and a white woman can produce fertile, healthy offspring, therefore proving that both are the same genus and same species. No. It is about racial hygiene and keeping yourself pure because you fear losing the unique qualities that make white people superior to other ethnicities or races. It is not about IQ, because you can match a Black person with a high IQ with a white person with a high IQ and they can produce fertile offspring as well. No. It is about racial purity and preserving the white race. Whatever the fuck that means because not even in Stormfront were they able to come up with a measure for what is truly white and what is not meeting the White Nationalist criteria.

They could not deal with that. Even though that is their central concern and rallying cry for White Genocide.

How are we to take such nonsense and lack of intelligence about the central goal of the White Nationalists seriously when the biggest website that deals with White identity can't define whiteness because it becomes an issue? Some of their potential recruits might not meet the criteria and they need every racist they can muster from the nation with a lack of purity in its history. They are in deep shit. :lol:

If your White National Socialist organization comes up with some flimsy white purity test? They are going to be filled with spies from the inside. People that look white on looks and they say they are racists and etc, and all they are? Are some form of FBI agents or some other government infiltration people. Gathering information on the racists. To see if they are violent or not. The government does that to almost all organizations including peaceful ones, religious ones, and political ones of all sorts. That is the nature of the government in DC. Spy on everyone. So you are fucked. Because the truth is if you only go by looks only you get a Scarlett Johanssen in there? She reports on your ass because she is there to bring the whole thing down? You are in trouble. That is reality.

Spike Lee all over again.

Black Klansman...@Potemkin you remember that movie? Hee hee.

It was based on a true story from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Fasces wrote:This is the crux of white nationalism. :lol:

Unfalsifiable beliefs.


Yes, Fasces. They are all into reptilian fear and are tapped into that all the way. Fear of losing their minds too with the thought of lack of purity and dealing with the OTHER out there that does not think like them, look like them, and eat ham sandwiches with wonder bread and mayo. :lol:

Logic has nothing to do with it. It is about FEAR. And they will react like fear-filled people. People living in fear and thinking they are losing the battle for supremacy are not rational. That is why all that white national socialism ideology produces are mountains of dead bodies and angry people who want to just dehumanize the Nazis without any sign of stopping it ever. They caused that reaction.

Can they learn to not shit in their pants with fear about it though? That is the next question Fasces.

Ave Maria la gente que cree esa basura estan bien mal. :D
Tainari88 wrote:If you go that way then you go into crazy racist territory.

Loving v. Virginia

Number 395, Richard Perry Loving, et al., Appellants, versus Virginia.

Oral Argument - April 10, 1967

You can listen to the argument by clicking on the link in the blue panel to the left of the page.
Last edited by ingliz on 03 May 2024 12:14, edited 1 time in total.
Fasces wrote:This is the crux of white nationalism. :lol:

Unfalsifiable beliefs.


So I note you quoted me without quoting me. I'll take that as a sign of respect, that you hoped I wouldn't notice your comments on my statements.

I am not White. I do not identify as White. When asked for my ethnicity I put down "Other". I consider being called White, colourless or a person without colour as racist insults. I am indigenous British. This is a physically based fact, that I am certain could be confirmed by genomic analysis. I am someone of Greater European race. By Greater Europe I mean Europe, the Caucuses, the Middle East and North African. This again is a physically based fact that is a corollary of the fact that I'm indigenous British.

Now were there sharp clean dividing lines on the map between people of Greater European race and those that are not? No of course not. But prior to post WW2 racial mixing, the overwhelming majority of people in the world could have been clearly categorised as someone, who was of European race or someone who wasn't of European race.

Note I have said absolutely nothing here about anyone being superior or inferior. I have said a number of times on the forum that I consider European Christian cultures to be superior to the Muslim cultures to the south. However I have repeatedly said that this is a cultural boundary not a racial one. Its Liberals and Lefties that continually try to racialise this conflict.
.So note what I said above

I am someone of Greater European race

That could be clarified to

I am someone of (Greater-Europe)ean race.

just in case there are any of the sort of leftie morons that think we say Great Britain out of arrogance, rather than out of respect to differentiate it from the preexisting Brittany in France. I did not say the following

I am someone of the Greater European race.

Moving from adjective to noun is just not necessary, serves no great purpose and does potentially move one into the territory of social construction. However i would question whether there is any such thing as pure science. I would suggest that social construction is not a binary and that it could be argued that even something as well grounded in non human reality as the periodic table has some level of social construction in it.
Rancid wrote:I'm trying to figure ot if the opening premise is in bad faith, or this guy is really incapable of applying consistent logic as he claims to be applying.

He is a multi-layered flawed thinker. He has bad faith, and also has incapacity to deal with logic that interferes with his fear based reptilian brain.

Every brownie, blackie, and so on he just short circuits and can't deal with that.

The OTHER takes over. It is FEAR....

The problem with people who are dyed in the wool true blue racists is that it becomes the only real cause in their lives. It becomes reductive. Everything goes back to race. Random events with no real purpose that often happens in life is not acceptable. Studying socioeconomic reasons for differences in IQ or economics or lack of ability to accomplish specific things also are thrown to the wayside Rancid.

It is all reduced to something they never did to earn in the first place. Again, Morrison stated it clearly. What are you? Who are you without being white? Are you any good? Do you like yourself? Have you developed your personhood and achieved something with your own efforts and your own will?

Why spend your life being a color you never chose to be from birth? They do that because it has benefits for them. Once there is no longer any benefit to being white? You dump it. You no longer use it as a device to make money, colonize, make profits or so on.

The liberals changed the language and they changed the rules on the old identity of what it means to be White. They resent that. But the world has changed since the Civil Rights movement happened in the USA.

Being proud of being a race in the USA that is a white generic race was seen as something not very intelligent. They never understood (the white racists), the reasoning behind why African Americans were searching for a sense of history and identity and of belonging. The Whites in the USA very rarely studied the history and thought process of other cultures like the Chinese, the Mexican, the African tribal nations and also nation states in other places in the world. They were ethnocentric. To this day most White Americans know very little about African cultures, languages and peoples. The same with Latin America. After all those continents are unimportant in the mind of a racist person who thinks being white is the only important defining thing in a sense of identity.

They are not good at complexity at all.

That is why Stormfront could not come up with a consistent measure for letting people into the organization. How much is acceptable for mixing? How many people are acceptably white? Who are the desirable whites among the Europeans themselves and who are not? And why?

It gets complex. Something that reductive racist thinking has never been good at figuring out. Because being human is not about a color or a simplistic matrix. It is about who you are as an individual, as a member of a group, as a member of a family, as a person who works for a living, as a person who has many masks and many different roles that you must navigate every single day.

Living a fully human life is not about being a color you never chose when you were born to your first human society. Your family. And who is your family? The woman and man who mated and she gave birth to you and left you at day one at the hospital because it is too tough being responsible for a baby? Or the people who were responsible and raised you when your bio parents FAILED at being parents?

All that shit gets complicated. And difficult. And they want something easy to do. Looks like a white person, walks like a white person, talks like a white person....I guess they are white.

Lol. How many people do we misjudge their character from outward appearances in our lifetimes? Imagine basing an entire government and military ideology on that kind of mentality based on FEAR of differences?

You will be killing billions and billions of human beings. Variation is baked into everything that has a living cell running around on planet Earth. Cloning weakens the ability of a living organism to combat disease and challenges of that kind.

You would think they would be intelligent enough to work alongside of Mother Nature. Not think they can control the world and change the rules of life. But you are dealing with tunnel-visioned people Rancid. The worst.
@Rich stated:

I am not White. I do not identify as White. When asked for my ethnicity I put down "Other". I consider being called White, colourless or a person without colour as racist insults. I am indigenous British. This is a physically based fact, that I am certain could be confirmed by genomic analysis. I am someone of Greater European race. By Greater Europe I mean Europe, the Caucuses, the Middle East and North African. This again is a physically based fact that is a corollary of the fact that I'm indigenous British.

Come on Rich, you have some melanin in your skin or you would be totally pink and look like an Albino. Do you get red in the sunlight in the summer months? Or do you tan a little bit and get some freckles?

Do you naturally get along with all other white people of British ancestry or like @Potemkin you have your political and so on differences and you do not feel a natural unity with every British Tom, Dick and Harry that you run across?

That whole scene of some generic white race is very strange in my opinion.

I have political and so on differences with people from my own ethnic group. I do not fall in love with an entire nationality either. You fall in love with an individual not an entire race of people or nationality of people. That is ridiculous.

Oh, Rich thinks to himself, any old British woman would do for a wife. No. Not any old woman is going to do as long as she is white and British. No.

The entire idea of what makes people work together and feel some kind of unity in a cause can be varied. Not just about what skin color you identity with in some arbitrary and socially constructed paradigm.

You are native British? What would happen if some other ethnicity invented a technology of war that was superior. They invade England and decide to take the land and then kill all of you 'natives' to make money and take over the land? Too bad, so sad. Your side lost. Thems the breaks. Accept it. Do not fight for your rights to be there as being there before the superior pendejos with bigger guns showed up.

The problem with racists is that everything is convenient for them to justify what is just inhumane and immoral and basically also unproductive.

The time of killing people off with impunity and no one noticing when someone is being killed off by the state that is aggressive is over. People see things on cell phones and so on.....everyone has access to real time things. People also can either decide to believe the lies of the state apparatus or not.

It is easy to control information if you only had access to what one government fliters and sanitizes. But when you have other nations doing propaganda wars against many others and every nation has their spin on what went on? it becomes challenging controlling the narrative.

The new dawn of the age of information is going to be who controls information and who does not?

Who has money and who does not?

Who knows how to negotiate and who does not?

Trying to keep the OTHERS away from your neck of the woods if your neck of the woods is one of the few nations not steeped in poverty, high unemployment, high crime and chaos? Is going to be challenging. You want a better world and less foreigners in your midst Rich? Work for a living wage and better conditions for ALL NATIONS. So people can stay put in their home cultures and not have to travel in desperate bids for clean water, decent housing and living wages.
Rich wrote:So I note you quoted me without quoting me. I'll take that as a sign of respect, that you hoped I wouldn't notice your comments on my statements.

I am not White. I do not identify as White. When asked for my ethnicity I put down "Other". I consider being called White, colourless or a person without colour as racist insults. I am indigenous British. This is a physically based fact, that I am certain could be confirmed by genomic analysis. I am someone of Greater European race. By Greater Europe I mean Europe, the Caucuses, the Middle East and North African. This again is a physically based fact that is a corollary of the fact that I'm indigenous British.

Now were there sharp clean dividing lines on the map between people of Greater European race and those that are not? No of course not. But prior to post WW2 racial mixing, the overwhelming majority of people in the world could have been clearly categorised as someone, who was of European race or someone who wasn't of European race.

Note I have said absolutely nothing here about anyone being superior or inferior. I have said a number of times on the forum that I consider European Christian cultures to be superior to the Muslim cultures to the south. However I have repeatedly said that this is a cultural boundary not a racial one. Its Liberals and Lefties that continually try to racialise this conflict.

It doesn't matter if you think you are white or not. Everyone except you will consider you to be white, if you are.

If you are an 'indegenous English' or some awkward construct like that, you are white. You are just a subset of the entire white race.

When people say that you homeland should be minority white, they are talking about you. They are saying YOUR political potential should be diminished in the homeland of your ancestors, because you are white. When corporations say they want to hire more 'people of color'...they mean not you. They basically are suggesting you do not need to apply, because of your race. And again, they will not care if you just consider yourself 'indigenous English' rather than 'white'. You aren't going to trick anyone playing semantic games like that.

"because of your race"


"When people say that you[r] homeland should be minority white"

Name these people.

"They are saying YOUR political potential should be diminished"

Anyone can set up a political party in the UK, and if you can raise the £500 deposit you will be eligible to stand in a parliamentary election.

"they want to hire more 'people of colo[u]r'"

They don't give a shit what colour you are. Any colour will do. In the three months to March 2024, there were approximately 916,000 job vacancies in the UK.

FiveofSwords wrote:It doesn't matter if you think you are white or not. Everyone except you will consider you to be white, if you are.

If you are an 'indegenous English' or some awkward construct like that, you are white. You are just a subset of the entire white race.

When people say that you homeland should be minority white, they are talking about you. They are saying YOUR political potential should be diminished in the homeland of your ancestors, because you are white. When corporations say they want to hire more 'people of color'...they mean not you. They basically are suggesting you do not need to apply, because of your race. And again, they will not care if you just consider yourself 'indigenous English' rather than 'white'. You aren't going to trick anyone playing semantic games like that.

Playing semantic games like that? WTF are you talking about? That is ALL you do Swordy man. Play semantic games.

Again, Stormfront can't agree on what white means and what percentage of white you need to be in order to be a National Socialist who is white. They got in a meeting and the moderators of the fora there in Stormfront said, we are getting a lot of questions about who qualifies as being white and who does not? What do we say?

Listen to Derek Black and read the information about Stormfront's meeting. They can't do a criteria. Tell the truth. It gets difficult. Why? Because you might have a sincere racist asshole wanting to join up but they might have 2% sub saharan African in the DNA. Does he or she qualify? Or someone who has 10% Cherokee or Kiowa or some Indian group in the USA. Or a quarter Japanese and the rest British? Does that qualify?

They could not do it. Why? Because they did not expect it to be so specific. Humanity is specific. You do not have generic people out there. Everyone is specific. When you want to start categorizing people into cubbie holes to fit some cloudy generic White category--it does not work.

Unite under what? That because African Americans were redlined for a long time, and denied higher paying positions long ago and for a long time due to their physically demonstrable looks like having big lips and flat noses and darker skin and kinky hair and even though they fought in WWII an helped out the victory for the US to win that war, and sacrificed and paid taxes and did everything by the book, the system still denied them a mortgage and a loan and the ability to get a better paying job. And so you racists deny that ever happened and to rectify the 'damage' that racist systemic institutionally endorsed laws did for a long time in the USA against equal opportunity you get some bandaid solution via the Civil Rights laws and the white racists with resentment over Black people being able to go to universities that were previously all white, get angry about it.

You racists are really really mean spirited and foolish. No one is killing you off. If you think you did not get into the university becausethe minorities got preferential treatment imagine being an African American who wanted to study and had good grades and had some racist person say....no matter how hard you study and how good your grades are, you are not going to be able to attend the university because you are not white. Period.

Justice is not important for the racists. That is for sure. IT is all about retaining power over the institutions and making sure power is not shared with anyone from a group that is the OUTSIDER. The OTHER.

It is fear. Plan and simple. Of losing power, losing money or being white and NOT BEING SUCCESSFUL. Shit, I am supposed to be the powerful and superior group, but I am not some nuclear physicist or some engineer, doctor or scientist with great research. I am just some Joe Blow no one pays attention to....who can't write to save my own hide. No one respects me. Let me cry. Break out the kleenex. Play the victim song one more time Swordy man.

:violin: :music:
FiveofSwords wrote:If you see any inconsistency to the logic then you are more than welcome to explain it.

Whether races exist or not. Things like slavery, the holocaust, and colonialism happened. You are also asserting that those things happened solely in the name of race. Which, is also not true. Racial stuff was just one of many ways to justify some of that.

You are so singularly focused on race, that you fail to see how stupid what you are saying is.

Unclear if you are trolling, or actually trying to make a weird circular referential argument here. :lol: I hope it's the former.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

"because of your race"


"When people say that you[r] homeland should be minority white"

Name these people.

"They are saying YOUR political potential should be diminished"

Anyone can set up a political party in the UK, and if you can raise the £500 deposit you will be eligible to stand in a parliamentary election.

"they want to hire more 'people of colo[u]r'"

They don't give a shit what colour you are. Any colour will do. In the three months to March 2024, there were approximately 916,000 job vacancies in the UK.


The white people are victims of reverse discrimination because they go to apply for a job and since they are white and British they are turned away and it is given to a recent immigrant from Kenya....or Bangladesh...the British natives do not stand a chance. :lol:

This is the hogwash these pendejos from the National Socialists promote as gospel truth to the let us all unite in generic whiteness... :lol:

That is why the NHS has a bunch of immigrants filling the jobs the Native British people do not want to do. Cleaning up bedpans and wiping butts of old British people in nursing homes. Where are the British white people clamoring to do that job eh?

It is all whining.

Complaining and beating their chests with the minorities get better opportunities due to their black skin and kinky hair. What fucking planet do these assholes come from I wonder?
Evasion. Running. Never admitting a valid point.

That is what is happening Rancid.

Can a Black man from South Africa sing Italian Opera well? Yes. No doubt. Can people understand other human cultures that are not their native culture? Yes, of course.

I guess this means that humans are not that simplistic to categorize. No. Not according to the national socialists.

You are white. Stop trying to be British. White generic is the term. Whatever. Yeah, right. Simpletons.


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