Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 197 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

Forum rules: No one-line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum moderated in English, so please post in English only. Thank you.
skinster wrote:More than 50 tenured journalist professors demand evidence for the NYT rape claims that wat0n was trying to sell over here:

They could reach out to Amit Soussana if they want to talk to a victim.

skinster wrote:Palestinians would not be burying their dead with their hands bound and with bullets to their heads. Stop your incredibly savage lying.

Prove this.

skinster wrote:What is unquestionably true is that Israeli terrorists executed and ran over Palestinian patients with their tanks - patients attached to catheters and other medical equipment - while occupying that and al-Shifa hospital. The UN wrote about it.

You don't even read your sources, heh?

“We are horrified at details emerging from mass graves recently unearthed in the Gaza Strip. Over 390 bodies have been discovered at Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals, including of women and children, with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions, and potential instances of people buried alive,” the experts said.

So even they are responding to reports. They don't know if they are true or not simply because it is not possible to investigate either way.

skinster wrote:The images you created don't prove anything and @Israel deleting the tweet shows even they couldn't argue with the AI images they shared. :lol:

Given the very AI site found two of the 3 photos uploaded by Israel's government account were genuine, maybe you shouldn't trust those tools to begin with? Just saying.

skinster wrote:I called it your right-rightwing source and a government mouthpiece founded by a guy who served as a hasbarist with the Israeli terrorist army.

You then claimed it is funded by the Israeli government. Prove this.

skinster wrote:It was you who claimed the former and nobody who claimed the latter. Why lie so brazenly when people can read you? :lol:

Gaslighting, huh?

skinster wrote:Yes, Aaron Mate reports for The Grayzone as well as a few places and has a show here or there too. He is not an editor as you initially claimed. And you still, to date, have no evidence that The Grayzone get money from the Russian government so either show it or shut up because the if you don't do the latter, I just have to keep showing what a lying bastard you are. :lol:

I never said it was.

I said the Grayzone has evident ties to the Russian government.

Quite evident:

Permanent Russian Mission to the UN wrote:On the UN Security Council meeting on arms supplies to Ukraine

June 29 this year On Russia's initiative, a meeting of the UN Security Council was held on arms supplies to Kyiv. We invited journalists M. Blumenthal (USA) and C. Bowes (Ireland) as speakers from civil society.

skinster wrote:Yes, Norman Finkelstein whose parents, both of them, suffered years in Nazi concentration camps, which he has wrote and spoken on, is a Holocaust denier...

Only wretched Zionists would be this antisemitic towards antizionist Jews. I was reading an interview with a Jewish Columbia student protesting the genocide and she spoke about how Zionist Jews threaten antizionist Jews the most and I can believe it...given the type of shit so casually said by extremist zionists like wat0n..

Well, he rejoices at Holocaust deniers. Take your shot here. ... nkelstein/

skinster wrote:Maybe tell the single policeman who asked the Zionist agitator not to agitate and cause trouble...and then talk to the gazillions of Jews joining our protests against genocide..

Tokenizing won't make your case.

Having Jews be themselves in London will. All of them, not just the tokens.

skinster wrote:I'm not here to defend cops. I'm just calling out your hundredth lie that London is unsafe for Jews.

You just defended that cop :lol:

skinster wrote:Meanwhile on the ground, it is only Zionists on film killing Christians, bombing their oldest churches, their hospitals, attacking clergy and Christian tourists, etc.etc.etc.

The realities of war do not negate the oppression faced by Christians in Gaza at the hands of Hamas.

skinster wrote:No they haven't. Christians have left Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine because of the Israeli occupation. The Zionist fascist government does not discriminate when it comes to Palestinians and cares not at all for Christianity or Christians and that is evident with its bombing of Christian hospitals and churches and the execution and attacks on the funeral of Christian-Palestinian journalists like what we saw happen to Shireen Abu Akleh.

I mean, we saw Zionists attacking Christian Greek Orthodox during their Easter celebrations just this weekend but wat0n and his compulsive and regularly evidence-free lying can't help itself. A pathology indeed..

Half left after Hamas took over Gaza.

You have not disproven the info available from the EU's Parliament either.

skinster wrote:Fatah in the Palestinian Authority is subservient to the Zionist entity and the U.S. and has not had an election in over 15 years because of the aforementioned. Palestinians generally despise the PA. But there are factions within Fatah who the resistance coalition have invited to join them and the socialists and others to form a unity government. I know it makes Zionists mad that Palestinians are overcoming political differences to come together but this is the present and this is the future, so you may as well get used to it.

Yes, the West does not like terrorists. That's a good thing.

skinster wrote:As for the ceasefire, more bollocks from you. Must be weird to be able to casually lie so much...but I guess I am engaging with a Zionist whose entire ideology is based on lies and racism and genocide.

Tell that to CNN... And Hamas itself.
I Oppose Israel’s Atrocities In Gaza Because I’m Not A Psychopath
I don’t oppose the butchery in Gaza because I love Hamas or hate Jews or love Islam or hate America.

I don’t oppose the butchery in Gaza because I’m a lefty or a commie or an anarchist or an anti-imperialist.

I oppose the butchery in Gaza because I’m not a fucking psychopath.

Opposing Israel’s butchery in Gaza is so obvious, so common sense, such a bare-minimum, fundamental-level, Being Human 101 position that if it isn’t immediately self-evident to you after learning the basic facts, your problem is much, much deeper than whatever ideology or bias or prejudice you might happen to have. There’s something wrong with you as a person.

If you support Israel’s butchery in Gaza, you’ve got much bigger problems than merely not having the correct ist or ism belief system. You’re just all fucked up inside. Your conditioning has made you into a generally shitty human being. You have deep and immensely consequential flaws in your character, and you won’t mature as a person until you heal and transcend them.

Opposing Israel’s atrocities in Gaza doesn’t make you a good person, it just makes you a normal person — and supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza makes you a bad person. Nobody gets any points for opposing an active genocide; that’s just the basic, bare-minimum requirement for a normal human being with a functioning empathy center in their brain. If you can’t meet that basic, bare-minimum standard, you deserve to be viewed with suspicion and disdain, and anyone in your personal life who cares about truth, morality and humanity should seriously reassess their relationship with you. ... sychopath/

wat0n wrote:You then claimed it is funded by the Israeli government. Prove this.

I said it was a mouthpiece of the government. Resident hasbara troll, in between lying over and over again, has difficulty reading properly. If ToI was funded by the Israeli government, I would have stated as much and shown how. I said The Times of Israel was founded by an IDF hasbarist settler and is a mouthpiece of the government, someone you're also a mouthpiece of, so it makes sense you use The Times of Israel as a source too.

The bizarre thing about wat0n's MO is he seems to act as though other people can't read this thread for themselves and see he is repeatedly lying. You're doing hasbara wrong, wat0n. Your meant to convince people and repeatedly lying will do the opposite.

Gaslighting, huh?

Nope, that's a Zionist trait. Your entire ideology is built on gaslighting when not straight up lying. Zionism is a pathology and gaslighting is a part of it, alongside the psychopathy, supremacy etc.

I never said it was.

I said the Grayzone has evident ties to the Russian government.

Quite evident:

Journalists speak at the U.N. shock horror! If this is all you have, it does nothing but show the weakness in your argument that "The Grayzone is funded by the Kremlin", although I'll note that you've changed tack to now saying it "has ties" but have not shown any of these ties except for when journalists have spoken at the UN about things they've wrote about and won journalistic awards for. Your smearing has been outed for the nonsense it is and repetition of your lies won't help you, goebbels-wannabe.

Well, he rejoices at Holocaust deniers. Take your shot here.

The link you shared is broken. But another bullshit line from you that changes from the original. Only Zionists would attack Holocaust survivors and their children and you have proven that once again because you can't challenge him calling out the Patten report hoax that you were shilling and that is ignored today for being the hoax it was.

Tokenizing won't make your case.

Having Jews be themselves in London will. All of them, not just the tokens.

London is not unsafe for Jews. I understand Zionists would love that to be the case so they can play victim as is their MO, in-between being genocidal etc., but London and the West in general is safe for Jews. Israel however... :lol:

You just defended that cop :lol:

No I didn't. Anyone reading can once again see how full of shit you are.

The realities of war do not negate the oppression faced by Christians in Gaza at the hands of Hamas.

When Zionist goons attacked the funeral of Christian-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, after executing her while she was reporting, right in the middle of her forehead with a bullet, there was no war happening.

When Zionists spat at pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the steroids part of Israel's genocidal war was not happening. ... 8894292327

More on the not-part of the Israel's genocidal war on steroids attacks on Christians.

Half left after Hamas took over Gaza.

Citation needed!

Yes, the West does not like terrorists. That's a good thing.

The West loves terrorism and is behind it in occupied Palestine. It also hates democracy too since its pets in the Palestinian Authority have not had an election for 15 years even though they were meant to every five years, and of course you love all of this too.

Tell that to CNN... And Hamas itself.

The ceasefire has not been agreed upon by the Zionists yet, as has been reported in the resistance news channels, but lol that you get your news from CNN. That explains a lot..

Forced conversions are not forced cultural assimilation. One can maintain their culture while aping the religious mores of others. And since Spain used many different polices in many different places, it is too vague to simply say “what the Spanish did”.

And again, you misread the article if you did not read the parts where it mentioned bound hands. Your misreading is not my problem. If you continue to say there is no evidence, I will assume you are lying since by that time, you must have read it again more carefully.
skinster wrote:I said it was a mouthpiece of the government. Resident hasbara troll, in between lying over and over again, has difficulty reading properly. If ToI was funded by the Israeli government, I would have stated as much and shown how. I said The Times of Israel was founded by an IDF hasbarist settler and is a mouthpiece of the government, someone you're also a mouthpiece of, so it makes sense you use The Times of Israel as a source too.

The bizarre thing about wat0n's MO is he seems to act as though other people can't read this thread for themselves and see he is repeatedly lying. You're doing hasbara wrong, wat0n. Your meant to convince people and repeatedly lying will do the opposite.

Even that isn't true. ToI is a centrist newspaper in the Israeli context, not a pro-Netanyahu one.

skinster wrote:Nope, that's a Zionist trait. Your entire ideology is built on gaslighting when not straight up lying. Zionism is a pathology and gaslighting is a part of it, alongside the psychopathy, supremacy etc.

Nah, your gaslighting and lies are evident. So is your hypocrisy.

skinster wrote:Journalists speak at the U.N. shock horror! If this is all you have, it does nothing but show the weakness in your argument that "The Grayzone is funded by the Kremlin", although I'll note that you've changed tack to now saying it "has ties" but have not shown any of these ties except for when journalists have spoken at the UN about things they've wrote about and won journalistic awards for. Your smearing has been outed for the nonsense it is and repetition of your lies won't help you, goebbels-wannabe.

Are they attending for free?

Since when do missions invite people who are hostile to them?

skinster wrote:The link you shared is broken. But another bullshit line from you that changes from the original. Only Zionists would attack Holocaust survivors and their children and you have proven that once again because you can't challenge him calling out the Patten report hoax that you were shilling and that is ignored today for being the hoax it was.

You can still see the title, straight from Norman Finkelstein's website.

skinster wrote:London is not unsafe for Jews. I understand Zionists would love that to be the case so they can play victim as is their MO, in-between being genocidal etc., but London and the West in general is safe for Jews. Israel however... :lol:

If that was true, cops would not discourage Jews from walking in London while pro-Palestinians march. The ones making it unsafe are the pro-Palestine leftists.

skinster wrote:No I didn't. Anyone reading can once again see how full of shit you are.

You did.

skinster wrote:When Zionist goons attacked the funeral of Christian-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, after executing her while she was reporting, right in the middle of her forehead with a bullet, there was no war happening.

There were riots happening, however.

skinster wrote:When Zionists spat at pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the steroids part of Israel's genocidal war was not happening. ... 8894292327

The link is broken.

skinster wrote:More on the not-part of the Israel's genocidal war on steroids attacks on Christians.

Do you really think Richard Hanania is making your point?

This also does not deny that Hamas is oppressing Christians.

skinster wrote:Citation needed!

University of Notre Dame wrote:Christian Demographics

Between 2014 and 2021, the population of the Gaza Strip increased from 1.8 million to 2 million, according to U.S. government estimates. However, the population of Christians decreased over the same period due to extremely high levels of emigration and declining birth rates. 1,300 Christians now remain in Gaza, down from an estimated 3,000 prior to 2007. A 2014 survey by the YMCA suggests that eighty-nine percent of the Christian population in Gaza are Greek Orthodox, while 9.3 percent are Roman Catholic, and 1.52 percent belong to Baptist and other Protestant denominations.

skinster wrote:The West loves terrorism and is behind it in occupied Palestine. It also hates democracy too since its pets in the Palestinian Authority have not had an election for 15 years even though they were meant to every five years, and of course you love all of this too.

If this was true, there would also be no sanctions against Israeli far-rightists and particularly settlers.

skinster wrote:The ceasefire has not been agreed upon by the Zionists yet, as has been reported in the resistance news channels, but lol that you get your news from CNN. That explains a lot..

I never said it was. In fact, it seems the ceasefire Hamas agreed to is not the same as the ceasefire Israel agreed to.

Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

Forced conversions are not forced cultural assimilation. One can maintain their culture while aping the religious mores of others. And since Spain used many different polices in many different places, it is too vague to simply say “what the Spanish did”.

And again, you misread the article if you did not read the parts where it mentioned bound hands. Your misreading is not my problem. If you continue to say there is no evidence, I will assume you are lying since by that time, you must have read it again more carefully.

Religion plays a key role in many cultures, including Jewish culture, being forcibly converted into another religion can perfectly destroy an existing culture.

As it in fact happened to the indigenous peoples in the Americas and many in the Levant.

I already addressed the bound hands nonsense, thus far you have yet to provide proof. Even the UN has taken a non-committal position, just being concerned about the reports and demanding an investigation. If they were executed by the IDF this is evidently a war crime and those responsible have to pay, I am not like others who believe executing civilians is anything but a crime.

I guess you never heard of crypto-Jews.

    Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos – κρυπτός, 'hidden').[1]
    The term is especially applied historically to Spanish and Portuguese Jews who outwardly professed Catholicism,[2][3][4][5][6] also known as Conversos, Marranos, or the Anusim. The phenomenon is especially associated with medieval Spain, following the Massacre of 1391 and the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.[7] After 1492 in Spain and 1497 in Portugal, officially they no longer existed. The Spanish Inquisition and the Portuguese Inquisition were established to monitor converted Jews and their descendants for their continued adherence to Christian faith and practice, with severe penalties for those convicted of secretly continuing to practice Judaism. Information about secretly observant Jews largely survives in Inquisition cases against individuals.[8]

Obviously, people can and do simply pretend to change faith and therefore this is not necessarily an example of cultural assimilation. Cultural assimilation in the context of settler colonialism looks more like the residential school system in Canada, which had an explicit goal of cultural genocide.

So there is still no evidence for settler colonialism in Palestine before Zionism.

And if you are not interested in telling the truth about the people who were found in the mass grave with their hands bound, then just ignore me.

It does not matter since there really is no other plausible explanation for that except execution by the IDF.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

I guess you never heard of crypto-Jews.

    Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos – κρυπτός, 'hidden').[1]
    The term is especially applied historically to Spanish and Portuguese Jews who outwardly professed Catholicism,[2][3][4][5][6] also known as Conversos, Marranos, or the Anusim. The phenomenon is especially associated with medieval Spain, following the Massacre of 1391 and the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.[7] After 1492 in Spain and 1497 in Portugal, officially they no longer existed. The Spanish Inquisition and the Portuguese Inquisition were established to monitor converted Jews and their descendants for their continued adherence to Christian faith and practice, with severe penalties for those convicted of secretly continuing to practice Judaism. Information about secretly observant Jews largely survives in Inquisition cases against individuals.[8]

Obviously, people can and do simply pretend to change faith and therefore this is not necessarily an example of cultural assimilation. Cultural assimilation in the context of settler colonialism looks more like the residential school system in Canada, which had an explicit goal of cultural genocide.

So there is still no evidence for settler colonialism in Palestine before Zionism.

And if you are not interested in telling the truth about the people who were found in the mass grave with their hands bound, then just ignore me.

It does not matter since there really is no other plausible explanation for that except execution by the IDF.

Is this your big argument?

Failed conversions, which eventually led to further persecution and aided in the racialization of antisemitism, do not help your case at all. Even in the Americas there were and still are indigenous peoples who still practice their religion and have managed to resist assimilation to the best of their ability. This includes some Mapuche communities.

The spread of Christianity was an explicit goal of the Spanish missionaries just like the spread of Islam was an explicit goal of Muslim conquerors.

If the former is settler colonialism so is the latter.

And I'm still waiting for you to prove people were buried with their hands bound. If you can do it, I'll readily recognize that for what it would be - a war crime. But accusing criminal behavior requires proof, like with any crime.

wat0n wrote:Even that isn't true. ToI is a centrist newspaper in the Israeli context, not a pro-Netanyahu one.

There is no centre or left in Israel. The Zionist state is an anti-democratic and fascistic, apartheid and ethnosupremacist state that has been committing lebensraum since its inception.

Similar states in our parent's generation's history didn't have a long shelf life and we're seeing what could be the same in this case, but more on that below..

Nah, your gaslighting and lies are evident. So is your hypocrisy.

As I said, gaslighting and projection are Zionist traits.

Are they attending for free?

Since when do missions invite people who are hostile to them?

You claimed The Grayzone are paid by the Kremlin and have been unable to prove that, so now it's onto silly questions and thinking I'm meant to prove your lies. :lol:

The reason why Aaron Mate was invited was because he did excellent investigative journalism on the OPCW claims, countering the official Western narrative that claimed the Syrian government gassed its own people right around the time it had invited weapons inspectors to the country. This was all proven correct by workers within the OPCW subsequently whistle-blowing on their institution and saying they were basically forced to lie. Aaron won a bunch of awards for this work too because he's a good journalist, as are the others at The Grayzone, and that upsets you so you smear them and then make up further bullshit about them and to date, have been unable to prove any of it..

You can still see the title, straight from Norman Finkelstein's website.

The title is meaningless when one who reads Finkelstein knows he often will indulge in satire. So you just decided to post a headline of something on a website that doesn't work and considered that an argument? Your weakness is getting weaker. :lol:

If that was true, cops would not discourage Jews from walking in London while pro-Palestinians march. The ones making it unsafe are the pro-Palestine leftists.

A single cop discouraged a single Zionist agitator from causing more trouble and no pro-Palestine activists were involved in this interaction between the cop and the Zionist agitator. If that then turns into, according to you, that = "London is unsafe for Jews" that's a shitload of clutching at straws. But that is typically your MO on most things, when you're not outright lying..

You did.

Usually when people make claims, they share evidence for it. With you, it's all one-liners and barely anything but straws-clutching or websites that don't work or Palestinian Consitutions from their source rather than Western websites. For someone who spends so much time on this discussion forum, you sure have a really poor way of convincing anyone of...anything, except that you're disingenuous at best and a compulsive liar through and through.

There were riots happening, however.

The Israeli army bought a riot to a funeral of a Palestinian Christian journalist they executed with a bullet to her forehead while she was reporting.

The link is broken.

It worked for me.

Here is a news report on it, including reporting of the increasing harassment of Christians in the Holy Land.

Do you really think Richard Hanania is making your point?

The video in the second clip was what I shared, where a Christian woman is harassed by Jews.

This also does not deny that Hamas is oppressing Christians.

So far all we've seen in this thread is you making a claim that Hamas oppresses Christians without showing any evidence for it. But again, that is typically you.

Between 2014 and 2021, the population of the Gaza Strip increased from 1.8 million to 2 million, according to U.S. government estimates. However, the population of Christians decreased over the same period due to extremely high levels of emigration and declining birth rates. 1,300 Christians now remain in Gaza, down from an estimated 3,000 prior to 2007. A 2014 survey by the YMCA suggests that eighty-nine percent of the Christian population in Gaza are Greek Orthodox, while 9.3 percent are Roman Catholic, and 1.52 percent belong to Baptist and other Protestant denominations.

Your claim was "half" of the Christians in Gaza "left after Hamas took over" but your source doesn't explain why they left and said nothing about Hamas. It's very likely they left because of the suffocating blockade on the Gaza Strip that was imposed on them by Israel since 2007, since according to your own source, they left years after "Hamas took over".

Again, maybe before making retard claims, you try to find something that actually supports your views/lies rather than the first thing you find on Google.

If this was true, there would also be no sanctions against Israeli far-rightists and particularly settlers.

7 Zionist extremist and violent settlers from the West Bank had sanctions imposed on them during this genocide-on-steroids point in history over the last six months and that doesn't make your argument for you, particularly since they were basically reversed after extremist settler Smotrich cried about them.

Still, that doesn't change the fact of what you were responding to and trying to distract away from, which is, that he West loves terrorism and is behind it in occupied Palestine. It also hates democracy too since its pets in the Palestinian Authority have not had an election for 15 years even though they were meant to every five years, and of course you love all of this too.

When you try to change the subject and twist the debate like this even though there is a scroll-up button, you continue to show how full of bullshit you are. So I'll just keep pointing that out every time you do this because it seems to be a common thing in your so-called debating skills and I'm pretty sure you try this shit with other people. So to them, I say, be wary, and point it out when it does it so we can show the audience what lying pieces of shit Zionists are. :D

I never said it was. In fact, it seems the ceasefire Hamas agreed to is not the same as the ceasefire Israel agreed to.

Why do you keep going on about the ceasefire then when none has been reached? And then say "Tell that to CNN" :lol:

If you were paying any attention to any of the reports on ceasefires, negotiations and whatever else, you should know that the negotiations keep falling through because of Netanyahu's intransigence, threats within his ruling coalition of making the government fall if the psychos don't invade Rafah and how negotiations have to be agreed by all parties involved, including the mediating countries (which include Israel's daddy, the USA) before they are finalised.

On that note though, Israeli settlers are protesting all over the shop in Tel Aviv tonight, including Netanyahu's residence as they have been protesting regularly, to demand the government agree to the ceasefire negotiations. And the Israeli government's ongoing reluctance shows once again to not only the world, but Israeli settlers themselves that the government doesn't care about its own. A lot of the families of detainees and those within the army have learned this the hard way, including with the army having a number of people refusing to invade Gaza and within the military higher-ups, plenty of resignations. But...I forget my point...but this is all very good and watching Israel implode in real time is enjoyable. I expected it to happen sooner or later, but seeing it happen this swiftly gives a lot of weight to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's predictions that Zionism will be over in the next two or three years. :excited:

So, you should look for another job wat0n, since your hasbara trolling grift looks like it won't be something you can work to retirement on..
wat0n wrote:The spread of Christianity was an explicit goal of the Spanish missionaries just like the spread of Islam was an explicit goal of Muslim conquerors.

If the former is settler colonialism so is the latter.


Settler colonialism is independent of any religious conversion.

It involves the extermination of the native.

Like tying their hands and shooting them and putting them in a mass grave at a hospital.
skinster wrote:There is no centre or left in Israel. The Zionist state is an anti-democratic and fascistic, apartheid and ethnosupremacist state that has been committing lebensraum since its inception.

Similar states in our parent's generation's history didn't have a long shelf life and we're seeing what could be the same in this case, but more on that below..


Israel was founded by socialists, if anything.

skinster wrote:As I said, gaslighting and projection are Zionist traits.

Said by the person who denies the evidence even when laid bare :lol:

skinster wrote:You claimed The Grayzone are paid by the Kremlin and have been unable to prove that, so now it's onto silly questions and thinking I'm meant to prove your lies. :lol:

The reason why Aaron Mate was invited was because he did excellent investigative journalism on the OPCW claims, countering the official Western narrative that claimed the Syrian government gassed its own people right around the time it had invited weapons inspectors to the country. This was all proven correct by workers within the OPCW subsequently whistle-blowing on their institution and saying they were basically forced to lie. Aaron won a bunch of awards for this work too because he's a good journalist, as are the others at The Grayzone, and that upsets you so you smear them and then make up further bullshit about them and to date, have been unable to prove any of it..

No, it was not.

And this still doesn't mean Russian briefers work for free.

skinster wrote:The title is meaningless when one who reads Finkelstein knows he often will indulge in satire. So you just decided to post a headline of something on a website that doesn't work and considered that an argument? Your weakness is getting weaker. :lol:

Finkelstein is a joke himself, but no, he wasn't being satirical.

skinster wrote:A single cop discouraged a single Zionist agitator from causing more trouble and no pro-Palestine activists were involved in this interaction between the cop and the Zionist agitator. If that then turns into, according to you, that = "London is unsafe for Jews" that's a shitload of clutching at straws. But that is typically your MO on most things, when you're not outright lying..

The fact that the cop even had to do that, telling a Jew to stop being Jewish, should tell you enough. Also:

The Guardian wrote:Antisemitic hate crimes in London up 1,350%, Met police say

Israel-Hamas war sees hate crimes increase across UK, with Islamophobic offences in capital rising by 140%

Israel-Hamas war: latest updates
Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent
Fri 20 Oct 2023 12.27 EDT
There has been a 1,350% increase in hate crimes against Jewish people as the Middle East crisis erupted, the Metropolitan police have said, with no arrests so far in nine out of 10 alleged offences.

Figures from the Met covering London show that 218 antisemitic offences were recorded from 1 October to 18 October this year, compared with 15 in the same period last year.

skinster wrote:Usually when people make claims, they share evidence for it. With you, it's all one-liners and barely anything but straws-clutching or websites that don't work or Palestinian Consitutions from their source rather than Western websites. For someone who spends so much time on this discussion forum, you sure have a really poor way of convincing anyone of...anything, except that you're disingenuous at best and a compulsive liar through and through.

I already did. And just like with the Palestinian Constitution, you will just shrug it off for no reason.

It is not necessary to be overly verbose when you will just deny everything. I would also think you'd be fine with it since your brain is rotten by Twitter.

skinster wrote:The Israeli army bought a riot to a funeral of a Palestinian Christian journalist they executed with a bullet to her forehead while she was reporting.

She was killed in crossfire.


skinster wrote:It worked for me.

Since it doesn't work for me, maybe a screenshot will work?

skinster wrote:Here is a news report on it, including reporting of the increasing harassment of Christians in the Holy Land.

skinster wrote:The video in the second clip was what I shared, where a Christian woman is harassed by Jews.

I recall one such incident, then a longer clip surfaced and it turned out those Haredi Jews - who are not necessarily even Zionist - had been insulted first. Are we talking about the same thing?

skinster wrote:So far all we've seen in this thread is you making a claim that Hamas oppresses Christians without showing any evidence for it. But again, that is typically you.

And this is why I say you're gaslighting.

skinster wrote:Your claim was "half" of the Christians in Gaza "left after Hamas took over" but your source doesn't explain why they left and said nothing about Hamas. It's very likely they left because of the suffocating blockade on the Gaza Strip that was imposed on them by Israel since 2007, since according to your own source, they left years after "Hamas took over".

Again, maybe before making retard claims, you try to find something that actually supports your views/lies rather than the first thing you find on Google.

Oh so it's Israel fault that for example (from the same source):

In 2007, shortly after Hamas gained control of the Gaza Strip, extremists firebombed the last Christian bookstore in Gaza City on two occasions and abducted and killed the bookstore’s owner, who had maintained the store for years despite receiving numerous death threats. Although this level of violence against Gazan Christians has fortunately not continued, Christians in Gaza today are targeted on the basis of their religious faith in ways even more acute and systematic than Christians in the West Bank and Israel. Christians feel coercion to convert to Islam, while Christian women experience harassment and pressure to cover their hair and adopt Islamic forms of attire. In general, Christians are made to feel like second-class citizens, despite their Palestinian patriotism and historical affinity to the land.

skinster wrote:7 Zionist extremist and violent settlers from the West Bank had sanctions imposed on them during this genocide-on-steroids point in history over the last six months and that doesn't make your argument for you, particularly since they were basically reversed after extremist settler Smotrich cried about them.

If anything, sanctions are expanding. ... 901c81c752

skinster wrote:Still, that doesn't change the fact of what you were responding to and trying to distract away from, which is, that he West loves terrorism and is behind it in occupied Palestine. It also hates democracy too since its pets in the Palestinian Authority have not had an election for 15 years even though they were meant to every five years, and of course you love all of this too.

When you try to change the subject and twist the debate like this even though there is a scroll-up button, you continue to show how full of bullshit you are. So I'll just keep pointing that out every time you do this because it seems to be a common thing in your so-called debating skills and I'm pretty sure you try this shit with other people. So to them, I say, be wary, and point it out when it does it so we can show the audience what lying pieces of shit Zionists are. :D

Weird, you were saying any Palestinian leadership would be shunned. That is manifestly not true.

And you have examples of going after Israeli settlers engaging in terrorism too.

skinster wrote:Why do you keep going on about the ceasefire then when none has been reached? And then say "Tell that to CNN" :lol:

If you were paying any attention to any of the reports on ceasefires, negotiations and whatever else, you should know that the negotiations keep falling through because of Netanyahu's intransigence, threats within his ruling coalition of making the government fall if the psychos don't invade Rafah and how negotiations have to be agreed by all parties involved, including the mediating countries (which include Israel's daddy, the USA) before they are finalised.

On that note though, Israeli settlers are protesting all over the shop in Tel Aviv tonight, including Netanyahu's residence as they have been protesting regularly, to demand the government agree to the ceasefire negotiations. And the Israeli government's ongoing reluctance shows once again to not only the world, but Israeli settlers themselves that the government doesn't care about its own. A lot of the families of detainees and those within the army have learned this the hard way, including with the army having a number of people refusing to invade Gaza and within the military higher-ups, plenty of resignations. But...I forget my point...but this is all very good and watching Israel implode in real time is enjoyable. I expected it to happen sooner or later, but seeing it happen this swiftly gives a lot of weight to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's predictions that Zionism will be over in the next two or three years. :excited:

So, you should look for another job wat0n, since your hasbara trolling grift looks like it won't be something you can work to retirement on..

It is too early to know exactly what is it that Hamas agreed to and if it's the same thing Israel agreed to. I never said there was a cessation of fire, by the way, only that Hamas said it agreed to one coincidentally just as Israel is making a move on Rafah and specifically the border with Egypt.

The fact Israelis are protesting also contradicts your narrative that there is no center or anything to the left of it in Israel. In reality, Israelis are really pissed at Netanyahu and his ilk, and rightly so. Netanyahu understands this and is trying to lengthen the war as much as possible, indeed I think we can both agree about this. Yet he can only go so far, and he can certainly not keep it up until the next scheduled election in 2026...

...But, I think there is also a consensus in Israel that Hamas should not remain ruling Gaza after this. Whether Biden agrees or not is another matter, as things stand Netanyahu is actually Hamas' best hope since committing to two states would lead to the deployment of an international peacekeeping force in Gaza as has been offered to his government since the early phases of the war, and that means Hamas would be toppled with Western and Sunni Arab blessing. So you should be rooting for Netanyahu if anything, since his goal is to neither win nor lose and that means Hamas gets to remain in government. Few things will make me happier than seeing him in jail.

Pants-of-Dog wrote:No.

Settler colonialism is independent of any religious conversion.

It involves the extermination of the native.

Not under the definition you agreed is accurate, forced assimilation and the ensuing destruction of the culture is also settler colonialism. Some scholars also consider the latter cultural genocide.

It seems it is you who doesn't understand what settler colonialism is.

Pants-of-Dog wrote:Like tying their hands and shooting them and putting them in a mass grave at a hospital.

I'm still waiting for you to prove this.
Forced conversion is not cultural assimilation in the context of settler colonialism.

I even provided an example of how cultural assimilation works ina settler colonialism context and it was ignored.

At this point, the settler colonialism argument is piintless, since @wat0n does not know what it is.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Forced conversion is not cultural assimilation in the context of settler colonialism.

"Cultural assimilation is not cultural assimilation when it suits me".

Again, it's not about "what" but about "who".

Pants-of-dog wrote:I even provided an example of how cultural assimilation works ina settler colonialism context and it was ignored.

Even your example actually featured the christianization of the indigenous students since residential schools were managed by Christian churches.

Pants-of-dog wrote:At this point, the settler colonialism argument is piintless, since @wat0n does not know what it is.

If anything, this exchange has shown it is you who doesn't understand settler colonialism :lol:

I bet the same holds for Marxism.
skinster wrote:There is no centre or left in Israel.

Oh do please stop with this nonsense. The centre and left exist by definition.
The Zionist state is an anti-democratic and fascistic, apartheid and ethnosupremacist state that has been committing lebensraum since its inception.

Israel is not in the slightest bit anti democratic. Just because its an apartheid state doesn't in any way tarnish its democratic credentials. If Israel were to allow the Arabs of Gaza and the West bank to vote it would destroy the democracy.
There is no evidence of settler colonialism in Palestine prior to Zionism. And even if it did exist in the past, it would have no impact on the current war since the structure of Zionist settler colonialism would have replaced it entirely.

And since there are no other plausible explanations for the dead bodies found with t(eir hands bound, the logical presumption is that these folks were executed and buried by the IDF.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is no evidence of settler colonialism in Palestine prior to Zionism. And even if it did exist in the past, it would have no impact on the current war since the structure of Zionist settler colonialism would have replaced it entirely.

It seems you're butthurt that it turns out you don't even know what settler colonialism is.

And this claim of yours is even worse, the Ottoman Empire also practiced settler colonialism in the Levant and Palestine/Israel in particular. Even the Arabs would agree with this and indeed certainly do not want to go back to Ottomanism.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And since there are no other plausible explanations for the dead bodies found with t(eir hands bound, the logical presumption is that these folks were executed and buried by the IDF.

I am still waiting for you to prove the bodies were found with their hands bound. I have asked several times over, and you have not come even close to it.

You even lied about what the UN had said about this.
And now, the IDF and Israeli government have not only cornered about half of Gaza in Rafah prior to bombing and invading the city, they have also seized the Rafah border crossing, which will almost certainly cut off the tiny trickle of humanitarian aid.

With most of Gaza suffering from the two highest levels of famine (as measured by international aid agencies), this will probably tip the rest of Gaza into the same territory.
This should have no impact at all on anyone misappropriating aid since the border crossing was already the most tightly controlled part of the route fro humanitarian aid, with both the IDF and Egypt supervising, and the presence of several international humanitarian aid agencies.
The IDF was only allowing a few trucks to trickle onto the Gaza side of the border, thus the famine.

The strong IDF presence in the area would definitely make it a poor choice for anyone misappropriating aid.

So, as previously mentioned, this will have no impact on misappropriation.
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