PNL, PUC/PUC-L, CA, SLD Grand Coallition - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By OldMajor
Since you subscribe to the utter sham that is neoclassical macroeconomics, that's not likely. And it's empirically wrong anyway. Out of all of us Dave is the most knowledgeable in economics (and almost anything else, really).

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By Dr House
Wiam, I'm not a neoliberal in case you haven't noticed. I'm a producerist and so is my party.
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By Dr House
Dan disallowed it, so for now a minority government can't form.
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By dilpill
Dr House wrote:Dan disallowed it, so for now a minority government can't form.

For this election, but it could still be passed during this session so that it affects the next election.

Cheesecake_Marmalade wrote:Rest assured, my party will oppose this non-democratic BS.

A minority government is better than no government, right?
Last edited by dilpill on 15 Apr 2009 22:05, edited 1 time in total.
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By Gnote
I would certainly support the allowance of minority governments.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
A minority government is better than no government, right?

Not at all. Consensus should be reached at all costs. If we're going to do this little parliamentary experiment we should at least do it right. They voted us in to represent the will of the majority of people, not the will of a good portion of the population.
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By Oxymoron
Come enough with this already lets just form the goverment, and vote for who will be PM and who will have what ministry positions.
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By Dave
wiam wrote:You dont have enough votes to form a government.

Election results:
SLD 16
SN 15
PNL 13
PUC 13
THP 13
RF 8
CA 7
LC 7

Total votes: 96

Votes need to form a government: 49

Votes held by SLD, PNL, PUC, and CA: 49
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By Ombrageux
On the platform:
The basic government platform should be that of the SLD. Amendments to that platform should be made in proportion to the electoral weight of the other parties. In all likelihood on economic policy, the SLD/PNL's combined weight should lead to a fairly progressive result. On social policy, things will have to be more mixed given the conservatism of the right-wing parties and PUC (except PUC-L).

On the ministers:
The importance of the job will be proportional to that of the party's success. The Prime Minister will be issued from the SLD's ranks, probably Paradigm. The PUC and PNL will have to get roughly co-equal posts, probably the foreign and interior ministries. And so forth.
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By Ombrageux
Economic negotiations thus far.

Pre-election discussions.

I suggest that the SLD platform should be the basis of negotiations.

We need to identify keys areas of disagreement. Each coalition member must:
* Identify parts of their own platform that are not negotiable (IE: a point so important they would willing to abandon a democratic coalition and force negotiations with Communists and Fascists to form a government). These should be within reason!
* Identify those points that non-SLD parties have substantial agreement upon, usually mandating some sort of amendment to the SLD platform.
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By peter_co
I suggest that the SLD platform should be the basis of negotiations.

The SLD is the member of the coalition that lies farthest to the left, so I can't say that I see the wisdom of such a starting point. I would find it much more reasonable to start with the platform of the PUC-L, which appears to be closest to the middle ground.
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By Dr House
If we start with the PUC-L platform the first thing we need to do is throw out their corporate tax rate. It's much too high.
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By Donna
A liberal wing within a centrist party is probably not the best place to look for a negotiated platform, House.
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By Dr House
1. I said if. I'd prefer we start with my own party's platform, for several reasons (other than it being my own).
2. the PUC-L and the PUC are the same party on economic issues. Saying PUC-L was a riposte.
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By Dr House
C'mon people it's been almost a week since the election and we're no closer to forming a government.
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By Dr House
duh, it's 3 in the fucking morning.

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