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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Demosthenes
Actually, we clarified that. It takes 100 posts, and the user must have been a member for one month.
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By Demosthenes
Failing any replies, I'm going to use the above posted documents as guidelines for the sim until/unless a ruling governement takes power and makes changes.

I'll allow a certain amount of time for users to review and make objections known, but we must have this in place PRIOR to voting.

I'd like to schedule voting for Friday, May 8th, beginning 12 noon CDT (GMT-5).

Dan, if you'd still like to act as clerk your services would be much appreciated, if not, I'll see if one of the other GM council members will take the responsibility.

In the voting thread, (In case the clerk posts it instead of me) We need to label it voting only (as you probably can guess by now), AND in the opening post it would probably be a good idea to post a link to the above documents I have posted along with something like "By voting in this thread you agree to the rules as laid out in the GM thread posted here" Something like that. That should help resolve some of the issues we've dealt with since the last election.
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By Demosthenes
It's "On hiatus"
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By HoniSoit
Now that the poll is closed, we need an official result from either Dan or Demo so that a new government could propose a piece of legislation for a confidence vote.
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By Demosthenes
Yeah, sorry...working on that now once I catch up.

Also, in the interim, while Dave is on Red Card Dr. House will be acting in his steed on the council.
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By Demosthenes
#1904366 how do we handle it if parties get more seats than they can fill?
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By HoniSoit
I think this time around party leadership should be able to decide how they use the votes of missing MPs - since most seats are filled by active members anyway there shouldn't be too much a problem.

However, if people insist that the votes of missing MPs are not to be counted I'm fine with that as well.
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By Gnote
In my opinion, the votes of missing MPs should not be counted. In a real parliament, if an MP doesn't show up to vote, he doesn't get one. You have to show up to be counted.
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By Dr House
If it's oneman one vote, discounting missing MPs is probably a good pilicy

I probably won't be of much more help tonight, as I'm absolutely trashed. I'm surprised I can type straight.
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By HoniSoit
Gnote and House - I agree. However, we need to get all party leaders agree on this so that we won't have someone complaining when their MPs are missing in action and thus their votes discounted.
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By Gnote
It should be up to the party leaders to rally their MPs to vote.

If we're giving 72 hours for voting on each bill, that should be ample time to turn out the vote.
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By Dr House
Why is Gnote posting here? Did Demos give him permission to post again?

Anyway, regarding the initial confidence motion: I believe the legislation which forms a government should consist of a very brief statement of purpose (50 words or less maybe) and a government. This would allow the rest of the parliament a general idea of just how good for its own interests would the party requesting the confidence of parliament be.
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By Demosthenes
Keep in mind I'm not asking about seated MPs not voting, our consitution has already been writting to accomodate that, what I'm asking about is, what if a party cannot seat as many MPs as they have received...since they are required to assign them now?
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By HoniSoit
Demo wrote:Keep in mind I'm not asking about seated MPs not voting, our consitution has already been writting to accomodate that, what I'm asking about is, what if a party cannot seat as many MPs as they have received...since they are required to assign them now?

Which party are you speaking of? It doesn't seem any party has such problem so far. But if there is, in the extreme case we may re-assign the seat but I hope that it wouldn't happen.

Also, Demo - we need a ruling from GM on the requirement of the confidence vote. I think we could definitely reach a compromise here - I think the concern of House of others is reasonable namely that the legislation put up for confidence vote should not be trivial however simply for practical reasons it would take too long to iron out a list of legislations. I actually like the idea of a very brief statement of purpose and a cabinet. However, I don't disagree with Gnote on the need of a 'budget' either.

In any case, we need a clear opinion as to what is required so the SN-RF can go on to prepare it.
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By Dr House
Demosthenes wrote:Keep in mind I'm not asking about seated MPs not voting, our consitution has already been writting to accomodate that, what I'm asking about is, what if a party cannot seat as many MPs as they have received...since they are required to assign them now?

That doesn't seem to be a problem. My main concern is what happens if an MP becomes inactive after being seated. I would say the party leader should be allowed to kick an MP out of his seat if he fails to show up for two consecutive votes.
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By Dr House
Sorry for the double post, but my last post was several hours ago.

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