Offical PoP Party Thread (Members Only) - Politics | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
This thread is for internal PoP discussion only. All other posts shall be deleted. Please respect this party's personal privacy.


The People of PoFo remains strongly supportive of the continuance of democratic tradition in the Republic, and condemns the tyranny of the past. We strongly support the experiments of our ancestors, who were pioneers of modern democratic tradition. We will continue their legacy.

However, parliamentary democracy has proven itself a pathetic waste of time and effort, and ultimately an exercise in futility. We strongly believe that if democracy is to thrive in this young Republic, several reforms are needed.

First and foremost, we believe in a strong executive leader, to oversee legislature. This central figure will be head of the government, and will assign citizens of his choosing to the various governmental ministries. This will create stability in our government, doing away with the wasted inefficiency of coalition politics. Parliamentary democracy in this nation has failed.

The legislature will remain unicameral. We believe that there should be no more than fifty seats, to allow the legislature to work quickly and efficiently on all pieces of legislation. Parties that run in elections will be awarded seats proportional to their vote. We believe that all legislature, to pass, should receive either 40% support and the presidential signature, or 60% support from the legislature. This will prevent a minority from blocking bills they disagree with, while also controlling the executive.

We believe that these reforms are paramount to a successful democracy in PoFo, and that failure to pass these reforms will lead to tyrannical rule by a single man in a matter of months, as the people become more and more alienated.

Mission Statement
The People of Pofo exists to secure a future for the native peoples of these forums, which have been our home for years.

Our rich legacy is one of PoFo's richest treasures; a treasure only a fool would discard. The men and women of the People of PoFo are motivated by love and admiration of the outpouring of culture, art, literature and the pattern of living through the ages that has left its mark on our very landscape. We value the traditions and customs which have been passed down through countless contributors. We enthuse with pride at the marvels of philosophy and art that have been completed on these forums since the its beginning.

This is an English-speaking forum, and we fully intend to keep it that way.

We call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, until a better system can be put in place to control it, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants. We will abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes. We will also clamp down on the flood of ‘asylum seekers’, all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries.

Law and Order
The People of PoFo will crack down on crime and restore public safety and confidence. We will free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket that is stopping them from doing their job properly.

The liberal fixation with the ‘rights’ of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims.

We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.

Globalisation, with its export of jobs to the Third World, is bringing ruin and unemployment to our industries and the communities that depend on them. Accordingly, we call for the selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from PoFo markets and the reduction of all foreign imports. We will ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in native factories, employing native workers.

When this is done, unemployment in this country will be brought to an end, and secure, well-paid employment will flourish, at last getting our people back to work. We further believe that native industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to our nation and people.

To that end we will restore our economy and land to native ownership. We also call for preference in the job market to be given to native citizens. We will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants.

Finally we will seek to give workers a stake in the success and prosperity of the enterprises whose profits their labour creates by encouraging worker shareholder and co-operative schemes. We will endorse the creation of several national unions to oversee every industry.

In addition, we will abolish the income tax, allowing all workers to keep the fruits of their own labor. To account for lost income, we will establish a land tax, and increase taxes on corporate income and shareholder dividends. At minimum, 20% of all corporate profit will be forced to be reinvested into the community and company. Key industries will be nationalized, and excess profit be used for the good of the nation.

We are wholly committed to a free, fully funded National Health Service for all citizens.

We will revitalise the Health Service by boosting staff and bed numbers, slashing unnecessary bureaucracy and by addressing the root cause of low recruitment and retention - low pay.

We will see to it that no money is given in foreign aid while our own hospitals are short of beds and the staff to run them. More emphasis must be placed on healthy living with greater understanding of sickness prevention through physical exercise, a healthier environment and improved diets.

In addition, we will make mandatory blood donations and organ donation as a pre-requisite to participation in the NHS, in an effort to end shortages among citizens who do need these things desperately.

We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world.

We will also seek to instill in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native people, through an increase in civics courses. We will make an understanding of our political system a requirement for graduation.

We will also make completion of National Service a pre-requisite to a free higher education.

We see a strong, healthy agriculture sector as vital to the country. PoFo’s farming industry will be encouraged to produce a much greater part of the nation’s need in food products. Priority will be switched from quantity to quality, as we move from competing in a global economy to maximum self-sufficiency.

We will ensure a major shift to healthier and more sustainable organic farming. We are pledged to ensure the restoration of PoFo’s once great fishing industry with the reimposition of the former exclusion zones around our coast.

The People of PoFo is committed to a beautiful, clean, and healthy nation. Our grand landscapes are a natural asset to our heritage. We are happy to fulfill our obligation to future generations, handing over to them an environment in a state better than which it was received. We are proud to honor generations past by tending to the land they once toiled and fought for.

We want our national landscape to be as pristine as possible and relatively free of pollution. We will enforce laws designed to protect our environment from both businesses and individuals. We truly believe that it is the duty of everyone to protect what belongs to us all. We will not simply go through the motions, only making it appear as if we care. We do care, and we will restore our environment to a state of pristine beauty.

Foreign Affairs
Our foreign relations should be determined by the protection of our own national interest and not by our like or dislike of other nations’ internal politics. We would have no quarrel with any nation that does not threaten our interests.

We will maintain an independent foreign policy of our own, and not a spineless subservience to the ‘international community’, or any other country.

We reject the idea that we must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid. We will link foreign aid with our voluntary resettlement policy, whereby those nations taking significant numbers of people back to their homelands will need cash to help absorb those returning. The billions saved every year by this policy will also be reallocated to vital services.

Successive cuts in defence spending have left our armed forces perilously weak. We will boost PoFo's armed forces to ensure that they are able to deal with any emergency, and defend our homeland and our independence. We will bring our troops back from abroad and withdraw from all international organizations such as NATO, since recent political developments make both commitments obsolete.

We will close all foreign military bases on our soil, and refuse to risk our people's lives in meddling ‘peace-keeping’ missions in parts of the world where no PoFo interests are at stake - a position of armed neutrality.

Social Issues
The spirit of the people is precious, and unique, and must be recognized. We will do our best to preserve the morality and the spiritual nature of the people.
Abortion: The sanctity of life is important. For this reason, we must oppose all abortions where the mother's life is not in danger, after the first trimester.
Drug Use: We take a strong stand against the legalization of all narcotics, except for medicinal purposes.
Marriage: Marriage is a matter of religion, not the state.
Prostitution: No woman should be forced to sell her body to make ends meet.

Citizenship is not a right, but rather an agreement between the state and an individual. It comes with privileges, and responsibilities. Rather than bestow citizenship upon every infant, it must be pursued by youth and adults alike, as a worthy choice. To this end, we will restrict citizenship to those who have demonstrated a desire, and an ability, to use it wisely. Citizenship will be bestowed only to those individuals who pass a civic exam, and perform a term of duty in the National Service Program, advocated by ourselves. The right to vote shall be restricted to citizens, and citizens only.

National Service
We believe strongly in the creation of a National Service Program, which may be voluntarily completed by any legal resident of our nation in exchange for citizenship and other privileges. This program will have both civil and military components, and will help instill a sense of duty and responsibility in all participants. Activities will include a variety, depending on the capabilities of the candidate, and will be designed to help better not only the spiritual well being of the candidate, but the strength of the entire nation.

Participation in the National Service will extend eighteen months, during which any candidate may voluntarily leave. Completion of the National Service requirement will open up the candidate to several privileges, including free access to any national university, access to citizenship, and a much more. We believe strongly that through the performance of our duty we can become responsible residents in our nation.

Thanks to the BNP. Edited where disagreements existed.

Member Roster
Cuban Pride
Figlio de gli moros

Seats in Parliament:
Four Seats Available to distribute.
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By Fasces
Active Business 26 April, 2009

[1]The Election of a New Leader to replace Comrade Manuel
[2]The Partition of Seats Among Members
[3]Votes of Confidence For Grand Coalition Government
[4]Votes of Confidence For SN-RF-THP Government
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By Fasces
At this time, I would like to nominate myself to officially replace Comrade Manuel as Leader of this honorable organization. I have been operating as such de facto, and feel I have the most experience with the position. If there are any among us who do not feel the same way, please make this known.

Moving on, we have to decide how to distribute our seats. Due to levels of activity, I suggest giving two seats to Comrade Fasces, and two seats to Comrade Figlio. This is open to debate, of course, but feel that this will allow us to retain our voice in all parliamentary proceedings.

In addition, we must discuss the votes of confidence. At this time, I have voted to abstain from supporting the Grand Coalition, the reason being that there is no reason to support any government but our own, should the time come. We can and will support individual legislation, but it should be known that we do not consider ourselves in favor of the current government.

We should reject the SN-RF-THP coalition government, without question. The last thing we need are Marxists with the power of the state. They will see our nation destroyed.
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By Il Duce
I concur to all suggestions made by Fasces. This will ensure the very survival of our party and our ideals.

Also, due to current things happening, i can not fully participate in party activities. Despite this, i will try to keep up to date with the parliamentary proceedings.
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By Figlio di Moros
1) Fasces has my full support as party leader
2) I support two seats for fasces, and will accept two seats for myself if the rest of the party supports the decision.
3) While I respect Fasces argument, I believe we should aid the Grand Coalition if they agree to supporting a number of bills which we may become inclined to prepose.
4) I doubt any member of the party would be inclined to disagree with Comrade Fasces.

For my own point, I believe we need to begin discussing legislative bills to be proposed after a vote of confidence passes.
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By Fasces
With 3/5 support, I accept the position as Party Leader. Thank you for the honor.

Since little harm is done voting in the affirmative for the GC, and at the current moment the alternative may be the leftists in power, then I have no problem doing so, if it is the wishes of the party.

Since there seems to be no opposition, I will go ahead and award two seats to myself and two seats to Comrade Figlio. Please make a point of voting in the Vote of Confidence thread, Figlio as soon as possible.
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By Donna
My support and membership is now with the People of PoFo.
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By Fasces
Comrade Fasces would like to ratify the following modification to our platform.


The People of PoFo remains strongly supportive of the continuance of democratic tradition in the Republic, and condemns the tyranny of the past. We strongly support the experiments of our ancestors, who were pioneers of modern democratic tradition. We will continue their legacy.

However, parliamentary democracy has proven itself a pathetic waste of time and effort, and ultimately an exercise in futility. We strongly believe that if democracy is to thrive in this young Republic, several reforms are needed.

First and foremost, we believe in a strong executive leader, to oversee legislature. This central figure will be head of the government, and will assign citizens of his choosing to the various governmental ministries. This will create stability in our government, doing away with the wasted inefficiency of coalition politics. Parliamentary democracy in this nation has failed.

The legislature will remain unicameral. We believe that there should be no more than fifty seats, to allow the legislature to work quickly and efficiently on all pieces of legislation. Parties that run in elections will be awarded seats proportional to their vote. We believe that all legislature, to pass, should receive either 40% support and the presidential signature, or 60% support from the legislature. This will prevent a minority from blocking bills they disagree with, while also controlling the executive.

We believe that these reforms are paramount to a successful democracy in PoFo, and that failure to pass these reforms will lead to tyrannical rule by a single man in a matter of months, as the people become more and more alienated.
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By Il Duce
This sounds awfully familiar to Israel's parliamentary system. I endorse this suggestion for the greatness of our nation. Parliamentary Democracy has failed us continuously throughout its existence.
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By Figlio di Moros
I see no problems with the ratification, Comrade Fasces.
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By Donna
I fully support Comrade Fasces' modifications.
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By Figlio di Moros
I would recommend amending our economic position to replace corporate and investment taxes with consumption taxes, a position on nationalization of the financial sector/extent, position on FRB & inflation, and setting an industrial policy for PoFo.

I would also suggest amending our educational policy to include universal pre-k & universal higher education, nationalizing all schools, establishing a charter school system, a year-round school schedule, and elimination of PE during school hours to be replaced with mandatory athletic involvement, starting in first grade.
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By Fasces
A universal higher education would be prohibitively expensive, and should thus be restricted to citizens who have demonstrated a strong desire to contribute to our society. Our platform is by no means advocating restricting higher education to those who have completed a program of National Service, merely restricting who receives state subsidies to study.

Establishing a charter school system and nationalizing all schools seems a somewhat contradictory position to me. Can you elaborate?

I am in favor of placing more frequent, and shorter breaks throughout the year, and thus having a year-round school year, to allow for constant academic stimulus, while still respecting the need of the human mind to take a break every so often.

I am in favor of your proposal over athletic education.

I feel you need to elaborate on exactly what sort of economic reforms you seek, particularly on what positions you feel we should adopt on FRB, inflation, and industrial policy.

Corporate taxation is a necessity, if we are to continue to advocate allowing the workers of this nation to keep the fruits of their own labor. The nationalization of the financial sector is, of course, a very sensible position, to prevent speculative banking that would ruin us, as it has the world.
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By Figlio di Moros
Fasces wrote:A universal higher education would be prohibitively expensive, and should thus be restricted to citizens who have demonstrated a strong desire to contribute to our society. Our platform is by no means advocating restricting higher education to those who have completed a program of National Service, merely restricting who receives state subsidies to study.

I don't believe it would be if we replaced AP courses with college-credit courses and merge high school and college, as well as promoting apprenticeship and vocational training at the high school level. The other reforms, leading to a higher educated populace, would mean a lower grade student, say tenth grade, would have the education of a current 12th grader, allowing for college to be taken at a high-school age.

Establishing a charter school system and nationalizing all schools seems a somewhat contradictory position to me. Can you elaborate?

All schools would be state run, but on a charter system so that if a group desires to establish an alternative school in an area with an alternative education style, emphasis on different course(strongly math, strongly arts, civics, etc), or catered for different students(a school for trouble-makers vs. a school to be more stimulating to grade A+ students), it'll be granted a charter based upon it's merits and can fail if it does not provide adequate education.

I feel you need to elaborate on exactly what sort of economic reforms you seek, particularly on what positions you feel we should adopt on FRB, inflation, and industrial policy.

I was hoping to leave them open to suggestion and debate.

I'd propse allowing FRB as a means of prompting foreign investors to bank in PoFo, providing more capital flow, while setting a conservative reserve level. I would consider setting the level between 50% reserve level and 2/3 reserves; the prior requiring 10% interest on loans to secure a 5% interest to deposit holders, the latter 15%.

Inflation- Set inflation at three percent a year, with fresh dollars being used for investment and infrastructure.

Industrial policy- Basically, encouraging future-based technology and commodities. I'm not to familiar with the resource limitations and current market structure of PoFo; however, I do have some suggestions-

-Utilizing alternative energy for electricity
-Improve our roadways
-Improve our mass-transit systems in inner cities
-Utilize Land Value Tax to reduce urban sprawl
-Switch to Natural Gas to power our automobile's
-Create a union-owned automobile company:
-Have them produce flex fuel hybrids
-more aerodynamic design to increase mpg
-Union-owned airline/airplane producer
-Institute blended wing designs
-Institute a plastics company to produce low-weight materials for our trasportation designs.
-Restore our railroads with MagLev systems
-Nationalize the track & stations
-Allow companies to run trains w/ user fees for upkeep of the track
-Improve our shipping
-Improve our ports
-Improve ship design
-Create an institute for R&D

Corporate taxation is a necessity, if we are to continue to advocate allowing the workers of this nation to keep the fruits of their own labor. The nationalization of the financial sector is, of course, a very sensible position, to prevent speculative banking that would ruin us, as it has the world.

I believe a better source for promoting workers rights is to legislate that the majority of any publicly traded company stock must be sold to the unions which measure it's employment, granting workers controlling stock of their company. I also agree with the current position we hold of forcing 20% of the profits to be reinvested.
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By Figlio di Moros
With Fasces temporarily suspended, I'd like to nominate myself as interim leader of the party until his return. Any members disagree?
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By Il Duce
I will nominate emergency powers to Figlio. We must continue the fight while our leader is incarcerated by pofo authorities.
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By Donna
For now, I'm out of the picture guys.

I'm currently boycotting the game's design until a 100 seat parliament is instituted.

My vote is now sitting with PNL because of this outstanding issue, but it's not certain whether it will count because of my recent activities outside the election. Under the present system, for smaller parties like PoP or LC, it doesn't even matter if I vote because between the three of you one of us will be sitting in parliament as one vote anyway.

I urge the PoP to work very closely with the PNL on the matter of parliamentary reform.
User avatar
By Figlio di Moros
Donald wrote:For now, I'm out of the picture guys.

I'm currently boycotting the game's design until a 100 seat parliament is instituted.

My vote is now sitting with PNL because of this outstanding issue, but it's not certain whether it will count because of my recent activities outside the election. Under the present system, for smaller parties like PoP or LC, it doesn't even matter if I vote because between the three of you one of us will be sitting in parliament as one vote anyway.

I urge the PoP to work very closely with the PNL on the matter of parliamentary reform.

We respect your decision; however, we'll continue to vote our concious in the best interest of the people.
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By Rojik of the Arctic
I understand this is breaking the members only rule and will be deleted but I can't find the rules. However, I wish to join this enlightened and intelligent party. I'm not sure what I can offer apart from blind loyalty and unthinking devotion but I hope you will consider me. Please PM me to advise if I am / aren't out of line for asking this.

Demo-Edit: If you are joining this party, you may post here. No rule violation.
I suggest reading the sticky thread first, then read the opening post on the latest voting thread which should give some ideas, plus provides the interim constitution.

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