" Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response" - Page 62 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Your uncle was no loser annatar. He was an honorable man who served his country during a time of war. If he didn't go, somebody else would have had to go in his place. You are correct, a lot of those people who were protesting the Vietnam War simply lacked the courage to go themselves and all they thought or cared about were themselves. They were too afraid to go. They didn't want to accept the responsibilities that comes with being a citizen of this country which sometimes might mean being drafted to serve during a time of war.

Your uncle shielded many Americans from the trauma of war by going. Plus, on top of that, even though South Vietnam fell, if we didn't take a stand in Vietnam; Thailand, which was also fighting a communist insurgency in it's own country (and they helped us in Vietnam) would have probably fell to a communist dictatorship itself. That is probably the case of other countries too like the Philippines for example.

In places like Thailand where there was a real possibility they would have became a communist dictatorship, they regard American soldiers as heroes. Even the Russians themselves acknowledge that other countries would have fell to communism had the US not intervened in Vietnam as part of our policy of containment. Your uncle is a hero and never forget that. It is never acceptable to disrespect any of our war veterans. He was an honorable and great man. Be tremendously proud of your uncle. He was a brave man.

These people here are clueless man and don't let them bother you. I think if we really wanted to, we could have won in Vietnam. We certainly had the military might and means to do so. The leaders at the time didn't want to risk creating a wider war with China and maybe the Soviet Union that could have possibly turned nuclear by actually using our full military might to essentially invade and occupy North Vietnam.

We never invaded and occupied North Vietnam even though we could have if we wanted. We didn't lose any major battles over in Vietnam. We just basically left without being defeated on the battlefield. North Vietnam might have won the war, but they can't legitimately claim for the most part to have militarily defeated us on the battlefield by winning any major battles against our forces on the battlefield like they did with the French. Your uncle is part of the reason why some of those countries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia aren't a communist dictatorship today. Always be proud and stand proud for your uncle. Never let anybody take that away from you.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:It's the FDA and CDC together that messed up. The US always insists on creating its own test (not unusual, many countries do), so the CDC was naturally the first in the US who produced a testing protocol.

At the start of Feb, the FDA gave the CDC exclusive authorisation, meaning that other labs could now use its protocol with the CDC providing kits to the labs, but the CDC sent out dysfunctional tests at first, one of the ingredients (reagents) was apparently faulty. The next EUA approval only happened at the end of Feb. See FDA website.

Single point of failure...

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Trump was wrong and no help, although he has been far from alone in denying the problem and downplaying the situation.

Let's not forget that China lied to the US and the rest of the world about it, that they did identify one person entering the US with the disease and were thus under the mistaken impression that they had the situation under control following a travel ban, the Democrats freaked out about that too as they were busy impeaching the president.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:However, the lack of testing was predominantly an institutional cock-up of epic proportions.

Yes, and it's an excellent example of why government monopolies on this sort of thing is a bad idea.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Just want to clarify and repeat that it's important that Trump was no help, because it's very likely that political leadership would have impacted the actions of the FDA.

Yes, but @late's lame point is to try to assert that Trump--who is supposedly utterly stupid beyond comprehension--decided for no particular reason to bypass his national security adviser and "fire" an entire team of pandemic counselors. The reality is that it was downsized by John Bolton among many other staffs that had grown obscenely bloated under Obama, as he had a lot of patronage jobs on his staff.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Furthermore, the States could have risen to the challenge individually as well and some, e.g. Illinois, seem to have done so much sooner than others, e.g. New York.

Which some did. Again, underscoring the point that a single point of failure is a bad system design.

Sivad wrote:His March 24, 2020, article in the Wall Street Journal questions the premise that “coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines.” In the article he suggests that “there’s little evidence to confirm that premise—and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high.”

Well there's good reason to suggest that there is some overreaction to the virus. However, it's also important to point out that a lot of people simply would not heed any advice if they didn't think it was a risk to themselves personally, or if they were doing things to oppose Trump out of some misplaced sense of virtue signaling. For example, spring breakers and Mardi Gras attendees simply couldn't give a fuck about anyone else and disregarded the virus. Since many of them come from far and wide to New Orleans or South Florida, they end up seeding the virus all over the place. Similarly, places like Italy, Spain, and New York City were simply defiant for political reasons--Italians having a "hug a Chinese" week, Spain holding a feminist rally asserting that misogyny kills more people than Coronavirus, and New York pols telling people it was perfectly fine to go to a Chinese parade and take public transit and carry on as normal. Now that we have enough young people dying and huge numbers of people sick in New York City, some of the mindless reactionary activity is subsiding and self-preservation is taking over.

There are cultural problems to a looser system in some places. For example, many Hispanic and Italian folks live with multiple generations of their family in one house or compound. It's common, whereas it's not in the US. So if you let young people with no obvious health conditions go to work and still practice social distancing, it probably would be fine in some places but not in others.

What is certain is that China has fucked up massively and cost the world trillions of dollars. It's amazing that Xi Jinping still has a job.
Finfinder wrote:What is your point liberals don't own stock they don't work for corporations they don't own companies and they hate wealth and money? Are your trying to blame conservatives or you are happy that conservatives are being damaged or both? What is the point of this?

Conservative presidents tend to focus on the stock market and economy. And as we all know, Trump is a greedy, fat cat at heart and always will be. Bush Jr seemed to be an exception...he was focused on killing terrorists and trying to annihilate terrorism.

I like to laugh at stupid conservatives. Valuing money over human lives will not get them far.
annatar1914 wrote:Ah, but for one thing, the anti-war protestors were not protesting the war out of concern for the Indochinese in the slightest, but a feigned hypocritical concern masking cowardice at the prospect of being drafted into the war. This was born out by the results of the fall of South Vietnam, the boat people, etc... And the Cambodian genocide instigated by the Khmer Rouge. Nobody cared about the Indochinese after the end of the war and the draft for America, least of all the Anti-War people, and you yourself now, using them to score political points against your eternal enemy.

I lived for two years with a Vietnamese student whose wife had a baby while he was finishing his PhD. His baby, like most in the part of Vietnam where he was from, had to undergo a number of tests to ensure that not too much genetic damage from the poisons that are still present in the soil and water supply.

Your idea that "no one cares about the Vietnamese" must be part of your military education. Or maybe it's just capitalism's damage to your soul.

MistyTiger wrote:Conservative presidents tend to focus on the stock market and economy. And as we all know, Trump is a greedy, fat cat at heart and always will be. Bush Jr seemed to be an exception...he was focused on killing terrorists and trying to annihilate terrorism.

I like to laugh at stupid conservatives. Valuing money over human lives will not get them far.

Bush is a good man but he did under-estimate what war really was and the costs of war initially in his Presidency. I also believe he was focused on Iraq rather than where it needed to be in Afghanistan to kill or capture Bin Laden and other Al-queda members as well as ensure that Afghanistan doesn't become a safe haven for terrorists again. He took his eye off he ball by adventuring off into left field somewhere in Iraq for god only knows why.

I certainly never brought the premise of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and I think this was used as a pre-text to invade Iraq. In addition, the US Army War College categorized the invasion of Iraq as a "strategic error" which I agree with. In my opinion, Bush made the wrong decision to invade Iraq as it took focus off where it needed to be which was the war in Afghanistan. I do think Bush cares about our soldiers and has tremendous respect for our soldiers. He just made some mistakes as one of our past Presidents. I think Bush learned a very hard lesson.

Unfortunately, it costed the lives of American troops whose duty was to do as they were told as professional soldiers who swore an oath. I don't think Bush is a bad person, but I think he thought our occupation of Iraq was going to be easier than it turned out to be. Fortunately for Bush, he had General David Petraeus who saved our asses from the mistakes of the politicians in Iraq. America owes a huge debt of gratitude to General Petraeus for his leadership during our occupation of Iraq. It would have been a lot more worse without his leadership.

The bright side of the whole mess is that at least Saddam is no longer in power. I do think Iraq is better off without Saddam but I question the wisdom and the premise of the costly invasion to begin with.
Drlee wrote:TESTIFY! :rockon:

The thread is not about IQ or intelligence. I only mentioned IQ and the concept that a man can be a woman if he chooses to do so as examples where the left does not get simple basic science.
Politics_Observer wrote:@annatar1914

Your uncle was no loser annatar. He was an honorable man who served his country during a time of war. If he didn't go, somebody else would have had to go in his place. You are correct, a lot of those people who were protesting the Vietnam War simply lacked the courage to go themselves and all they thought or cared about were themselves. They were too afraid to go. They didn't want to accept the responsibilities that comes with being a citizen of this country which sometimes might mean being drafted to serve during a time of war.

Your uncle shielded many Americans from the trauma of war by going. Plus, on top of that, even though South Vietnam fell, if we didn't take a stand in Vietnam; Thailand, which was also fighting a communist insurgency in it's own country (and they helped us in Vietnam) would have probably fell to a communist dictatorship itself. That is probably the case of other countries too like the Philippines for example.

In places like Thailand where there was a real possibility they would have became a communist dictatorship, they regard American soldiers as heroes. Even the Russians themselves acknowledge that other countries would have fell to communism had the US not intervened in Vietnam as part of our policy of containment. Your uncle is a hero and never forget that. It is never acceptable to disrespect any of our war veterans. He was an honorable and great man. Be tremendously proud of your uncle. He was a brave man.

These people here are clueless man and don't let them bother you. I think if we really wanted to, we could have won in Vietnam. We certainly had the military might and means to do so. The leaders at the time didn't want to risk creating a wider war with China and maybe the Soviet Union that could have possibly turned nuclear by actually using our full military might to essentially invade and occupy North Vietnam.

We never invaded and occupied North Vietnam even though we could have if we wanted. We didn't lose any major battles over in Vietnam. We just basically left without being defeated on the battlefield. North Vietnam might have won the war, but they can't legitimately claim for the most part to have militarily defeated us on the battlefield by winning any major battles against our forces on the battlefield like they did with the French. Your uncle is part of the reason why some of those countries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia aren't a communist dictatorship today. Always be proud and stand proud for your uncle. Never let anybody take that away from you.

I'm proud of my Uncle and his service, these clowns who attack Soldiers and Veterans are scum and more to be pitied and prayed for than anything else. They lack the moral material to volunteer for anything greater and better than themselves, because they don't believe in anything greater or better than themselves. They don't have a real Ideology, they are Nihilists. You though I can respect even if I disagree with you from time to time. You did your part, and I did mine, and looking at it from the inside out you and I have a different and even superior view of things then people who get their ideas on the military from a movie or tv show.

I wish there was still a draft, a lot of things would be different in today's society if guys did a few years of military service with few exceptions. They would come out of it a hell of a lot better prepared for life and have their mind more right too.
QatzelOk wrote:I lived for two years with a Vietnamese student whose wife had a baby while he was finishing his PhD. His baby, like most in the part of Vietnam where he was from, had to undergo a number of tests to ensure that not too much genetic damage from the poisons that are still present in the soil and water supply.

Your idea that "no one cares about the Vietnamese" must be part of your military education. Or maybe it's just capitalism's damage to your soul.

I didn't say I didn't care, that was a rhetorical remark aimed at all the cowards who were anti-war because they'd rather have some other guy take their place on the draft rolls, some poor guy without a college deferment to get their head blown off. Those same people who pretended to care so much for the Vietnamese slaughtered in the war between the US forces and the NVA/Viet Cong couldn't have cared less about what happened to the Indochinese region of the world once the danger of their being drafted was over.

But I suspect you knew that, you just had to get in some more commentary about the ''American Evil Empire'' .
Politics_Observer wrote:You are correct, a lot of those people who were protesting the Vietnam War simply lacked the courage to go themselves and all they thought or cared about were themselves.

Lol I stopped reading here.

Vietnam was a disaster that gained us nothing. It was a war waged on the concept that Communism is a superior ideology and that, unlike Capitalism, if it spread to one country it would spread to others. We forced American citizens through a machine that crippled or killed them psychologically or physically and we gained nothing from it, because we lost.

What we did in Vietnam was monstrous and it is amazing that we have friendly relations with them now and can visit their country without being pelted with rocks.

Annatar's talking about "lacking the will to win" is monstrous and should be shunned and shamed because what the fuck were we going to win? What were we going to gain? We were literally the society from 1984 at that point, dropping bombs on jungles because we'd rather spend money blowing shit up and shoveling cash into the pockets of the Military Industrial Complex than spend it on our own citizens.

I feel genuinely sad for Annatar's uncle regardless of whether he was conscripted through the draft or if he was so filled up with propaganda that he volunteered. His best human efforts were wasted on a moronic endeavor to wage a war in a country our best intelligence analysts failed to understand in any way. Just as we're fucking up in the Middle East now and waiting for a chance to exit, But With Dignity.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 01 Apr 2020 05:03, edited 1 time in total.
The thread is not about IQ or intelligence. I only mentioned IQ and the concept that a man can be a woman if he chooses to do so as examples where the left does not get simple basic science.

You wrote it. Can't walk it back. Who do you think you are....Trump?
Politics_Observer wrote:I don't think Bush is a bad person, but I think he thought our occupation of Iraq was going to be easier than it turned out to be.

Bush is and was a bad person and he is directly responsible for at least six figures worth of Iraqi lives.

The bright side of the whole mess is that at least Saddam is no longer in power. I do think Iraq is better off without Saddam but I question the wisdom and the premise of the costly invasion to begin with.

They are not. Under Saddam they had authoritarian peace. We literally sent our dumbest Liberty University graduates to run Iraq post-invasion and here is what they did:

-De-Ba'athification, which ensured nobody who knew how to do anything was appointed to any meaningful position. You literally had to join the Ba'ath party to even teach grade school.

-Lowered tax rates on the richest Iraqis, which the guy who did de-Ba'athification was taught was a good thing at Liberty U.

-Created an immense power vacuum that continues to destroy lives to this day.

George Bush is and was a bad man. The Iraq war is and was a bad and stupid idea. George Bush Sr. also killed many Iraqis for no reason, so it is not surprising that his less able son tried to outdo him by being an even bigger fuckup who gained us nothing through military intervention.

It's nice that we as Americans live in such isolation and in such material splendor that we can muse about how well our wars are turning out, and how much people are benefiting from them. I don't know about you, but I've never felt like my freedoms had to be defended in Iraq.

Like lol just imagine if Annatar was talking about his younger cousin who was born after 9/11 serving in Afghanistan. His whole "Will to win" shit would sound pretty insane, right? Oh yeah, just a reminder, we have soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq who weren't even alive when 9/11 happened. I'm sure they would like to hear lectures from old Vietnam war losers/veterans about the "will to win."
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite OK... I guess you, with your near genius, don't get the gist of what I am saying.

The CDC makes recommendations for treatments, and that includes which drugs should be used.

Making recommendations is not the same as approval, which is done by the FDA.
Praise the Lord.
Vietnam was stupid and pointless and cruel to both Americans and the Vietnamese. The only way to address this is not through mindless praise of the military, but by deep introspection into why we send young men to kill and die for no reason and how we can prevent that from ever happening again. And once we understand that we can make restitution to every veteran and their families who suffered because our government desperately wanted a proxy war with communism.

I would also like to note that no matter what @annatar1914 has said about the protestors who called his uncle a babykiller, Annatar has never positively asserted that his uncle never killed a baby. He just assumes you will come to that conclusion if he describes the protestors negatively enough.

I will say this: No SpecialOlympian has ever been fooled into dying for his chieftan, king, or president. If a SpecialOlympian ever killed a baby it wasn't in service to some false ideal, it was because that baby had it coming.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The only thing that Trump did early was institute a travel ban from China. Since that date, undocumented migrants from China continue to arrive.

Trump is a long way from perfect in stopping illegal immigration, but he's the only politician with a major following that takes the issue seriously. I haven't seen it demonstrated, however, that illegal immigrants from China are spreading the infection. Perhaps that may be established at some point. I'll take a wait-and-see approach.

Godstud wrote:Just because they are using some anti-malarial drugs to fight the disease does not mean people should start stocking up on these things when the information regarding treatment is anecdotal, and not clinical.

It's not purely anecdotal. They do seem to have a solid theory on why people develop SARS. An overactive immune response seems to be at the root of a lot of the deaths. That's why hydroxychloroquine is used for other types of auto-immune responses like rheumatoid arthritis. So a reasonable emergency protocol would be to at least test someone for coronavirus first if time is permitting before administering an off-label dose, because a drug that affects the immune system could inadvertently make it worse for other diseases even though it does the job for coronavirus.

Godstud wrote:If Trump handles things even slightly OK, it will help him immensely in Nov.

I agree. I think the Cuomo thing is a bit of a bubble in New York. The non-Republican who comes out of this looking good in my opinion is "hair boy", Gavin Newsom.

Cuomo Is a Coronavirus Star, but Newsom Is Quietly Bending the Curve
Newsom is kind of a knuckle-head (dyslexic), but he nailed it with his Coronavirus response in terms of early actions on shelter-at-home. Like Trump, he may have looked to be overreacting initially, but compared to the dilly dallying in New York, California has handled it surprisingly well.

Finfinder wrote:Wait where is John Bolton?

He's hiding from @late.

late wrote:PBS did a big show on Vietnam recently, you should watch it.

PBS has done a lot of documentaries on Vietnam. Are you talking about the Ken Burns one?

jimjam wrote:Epidemiologists trying to get a handle on the coronavirus threat appear to have been caught off guard by the immediate politicization of their work, the claims that they were perpetrating a hoax designed to hurt Trump, or promote socialism, or something. But they should have expected that reaction, since climate scientists have faced the same accusations for years. And while climate-change denial is a worldwide phenomenon, its epicenter is clearly here in America: Republicans are the world’s only major climate-denialist party.

People should generally be skeptical of government claims. In his farewell address, Eisenhower specifically warned about a scientific-technological elite who would try to make policy over the will of the people. There are people rightly wondering if shutting down the global economy is an appropriate response--meaning it severely adversely affects far more people than coronavirus.

jimjam wrote:What lies behind Republican science denial?

A scientific-technological elite that tries to make policy over the will of the American people. It's much like scientists can get on a witness stand as experts witnesses for tobacco companies and testify that there is no proof that cigarettes cause cancer. Scientists will do anything for money just like senators or prostitutes. Yet, for some reason, prostitutes are the only ones who get a really bad wrap.

jimjam wrote:Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr., who dismissed the coronavirus as a plot against Trump, then reopened his university despite health officials’ warnings, and seems to have created his own personal viral hot spot.

Yes. That's an excellent example of idiocy. Would you at least admit that New York City's Dr. Oxiris Barbot is an even less excusable idiot? We can reasonably agree that Jerry Falwell, Jr. has little to no scientific training.

Three days before Trump's travel ban on China we got this from New York's health commissioner.
Coronavirus No Match For NYC, Health Commissioner Says
NEW YORK CITY — None of the nine New York cases tested for coronavirus originated in New York City, but Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot hopes the deadly virus will appear in the city "sooner rather than later."

"Having that person diagnosed can help New Yorkers breath a sigh of relief,"
said Barbot said at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. "The unknown is what drives people's fears."

Idiot. Major idiot. Dying is not a problem, but fear of dying is a problem?

Barbot took the opportunity to dispel what she called "misinformation" circulating on social media: that Chinatown should be avoided and that there was scientific evidence proving the virus could be contracted from a person not exhibiting symptoms.


"There is no reason to avoid subways or restaurants or to change your daily routine," Barbot said.

See? This is why Democrats aren't trusted. She still has a job for no other reason than that she is a woman. Cuomo is every bit the fuck up she is, and he gets lionized. Gavin Newsom got it right by acting early, and since we don't have enough cases to warrant daily press conferences everyone wants to watch, even the competent response of an otherwise dipshit Democrat goes unpraised (probably because he's a non-ethnic white man).

By the way, "There is no reason..." is a phrase that always catches my attention, wherein I immediately assume I'm being lied to.

Only New Yorkers with flu-like symptoms who have traveled within the past two weeks to the Wuhan area of China, where coronavirus first began its spread earlier this month, should contact their doctors, Barbot said.

Yeah, because being exposed to someone who has been to Wuhan is no big deal, since there is no statistical evidence that it can be spread from human to human. It's just all happening magically. :roll:

late wrote:I am drawing an analogy about killing Americans. This will kill more Americans than the Vietnam conflict.

The flu has already killed more Americans than the Vietnam conflict this season.

late wrote:The one time I saw that personally, the person doing it was Republican.

Let me guess: Ronald Reagan!

late wrote:2) Are dragging up that old racist meme from a couple decades ago, the Bell Curve?

The Bell Curve was about the problem of eliminating skills training in high schools and assuming everyone was cut out for college. It had nothing to do with racist memes. Maybe you should read the book instead of reading pointless reviews in newspapers by people who haven't read the book.

late wrote:Truman, Ike, LBJ, and Nixon were not liberals.

Just because LBJ would whip out his cock in the oval office doesn't mean he wasn't a liberal. He did pass the Great Society and Medicare after all.

Julian658 wrote:All I said is that the left does not believe in the idea that some people are way smarter than others.

Sure they do. Their IQ test is whether or not you are a member of the Democratic party. That's why that stupid bitch Barbot is the NYC health commissioner to this day.

Politics_Observer wrote:Bush is a good man but he did under-estimate what war really was and the costs of war initially in his Presidency. I also believe he was focused on Iraq rather than where it needed to be in Afghanistan to kill or capture Bin Laden and other Al-queda members as well as ensure that Afghanistan doesn't become a safe haven for terrorists again. He took his eye off he ball by adventuring off into left field somewhere in Iraq for god only knows why.

The military judges leaders by their capabilities and their past. Iraq had a WMD program and had invaded Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (see the Battle of Khafji). The Saudis wanted US forces out of Saudi Arabia. The US didn't want to leave without dealing with Hussein first. However, they never came clean with why they went to war in Iraq. One of the big fallouts of that action is that nobody trusts the establishment now. Hence, Trump.

SpecialOlympian wrote:What we did in Vietnam was monstrous and it is amazing that we have friendly relations with them now and can visit their country without being pelted with rocks.

That's because life under Americans is way better than under the French or the communists.

SpecialOlympian wrote:We literally sent our dumbest Liberty University graduates to run Iraq post-invasion and here is what they did:

-De-Ba'athification, which ensured nobody who knew how to do anything was appointed to any meaningful position. You literally had to join the Ba'ath party to even teach grade school.

That was L. Paul Bremer. He was educated at Philips Andover Academy where George H.W. Bush went to school. Bremer went to Yale for his BA, and Harvard for his MBA. I'm not saying this to defend Liberty University. I'm trying to underscore why I do not hold the establishment in high regard, nor their disdain for places like Liberty University when they have such a deplorable track record. For the record, banning the Ba'ath Party was Coalition Provisional Autority Order #1--L. Paul Bremer's first official action. Trying to lay this at the feet of Libery University graduates is libelous.

SpecialOlypian wrote:The only way to address this is not through mindless praise of the military, but by deep introspection into why we send young men to kill and die for no reason and how we can prevent that from ever happening again.

It's done for a reason. It's a reason you don't understand, and if you did understand it you would not agree with it. So it is materially obfuscated to make your opinions hysterical and irrelevant to others.

SpecialOlypian wrote:I would also like to note that no matter what @annatar1914 has said about the protestors who called his uncle a babykiller, Annatar has never positively asserted that his uncle never killed a baby.

The irony of the political left is that they decided to raise baby killing to a fundamental human right by bribing Supreme Court justices in Roe v. Wade to violate their own rules or review spelled out under Ashwander v. TVA, not unlike their recent bribery of Justice Kennedy et. al. re Obergefell.
Last edited by blackjack21 on 01 Apr 2020 06:16, edited 2 times in total.
@blackjack21 There have been no clinical studies and Fauci has been telling people it's anecdotal. People self-medicating is a very bad idea. Doctors online are saying the same thing.

There is no evidence that they are effective and some people got quite sick despite the medications.

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which is often sold as Plaquenil, have been hailed as a potential "gamechangers" by Trump, but US government experts are as yet unconvinced, with Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, calling the results so far "anecdotal".

The French doctor(Raoult) has no clinical study done, and using only 20 people, isn't a thorough study, by any metric. It's wishful thinking.
blackjack21 wrote:

Scientists will do anything for money just like senators or prostitutes.

While I like fiction, most of yours isn't worth bothering with. You really love the Distraction part of the Moscow Rules...

For the sane among us, try to imagine what drives a person to get to the top in infectious diseases. It's not about money, kid.

Docs have been arguing for better pandemic readiness since the 90s. Guys like you ignored them.

You need to drag them down to your level because Trump is also down there.
annatar1914 wrote:
Facts are so stubborn that we should wait for them to actually exist. Oh wait... You can't, or won't.

"As states across the country have pleaded for critical medical equipment from a key national stockpile, Florida has promptly received 100 percent of its first two requests — with President Trump and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis both touting their close relationship.

States including Oklahoma and Kentucky have received more of some equipment than they requested, while others such as Illinois, Massachusetts and Maine have secured only a fraction of their requests.

Governors and state officials have become increasingly frustrated by what they describe as a byzantine and unsteady process for distributing medical supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile... according to interviews and documents from officials in more than a dozen states.

“All I want them to do — very simple — I want them to be appreciative”

He doesn't even try to hide it.

Another part of the crazy is that without the protocol, what you have is a bidding war. You have fifty states and FEMA bidding against each other. Which is nuts.

This crisis will go down as a textbook case of how not to respond to a pandemic.

Last edited by late on 01 Apr 2020 10:47, edited 1 time in total.
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